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Application to join the Regiment

Started by Rethmeier, February 25, 2011, 04:39:00 PM

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Welcome to our forums Tobasco.  Azrooh will be along in the morning to review your application.  Thanks for your patience.  :)


why thank you! I am looking forward to killing in the name of 1stEPI!


Hey Tabasco, thanks for joining up.
I'll put you down as Tabasco, seeing as that's your forum name.


In game name is Valt

Yes I have teamspeak, and a mic.

I can most likely attend all events listed.

I'm joining with a number of other ATS guys from crpg, see you out there.


Hey Valt, thanks for joining us.

I'd suggest cutting down the events you attend, attending all of them can burn you out quick. I'd suggest attending one training and one or both linebattles per week.


Quote from: Azrooh on May 13, 2011, 10:49:35 PM
Hey, welcome to the regiment!
Could you post one training and one or both linebattles that you can attend regularly?

Event Times:

Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT

Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT

Tuesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday


In-game Name: Prox

Steam Username: Steam ID Kokanee64; Prox

Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? I has team speak 3

Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend.  If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts.  Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)

Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT

Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT

I will attend all that my fluctuating work shifts permit, so most likely both lines battles and thursday saturday trainings.


Hey Prox, we've got an event starting soon, go ahead and get in teamspeak - it's in the Rekrut subforum.
I'll add you to the steam group and rosters after the event.


yes i have TS3 and microphone

ingame and teamspeak and STEAM username same: Dwarden
but my friendlist is full for like year or so

i can try attend but no warranty on the time
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST

i can try attend with higher change than above
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT

i can attend the Line Battles one most of time
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT

i'm quite busy so it's sort of uncertain
if someone want my skype, then that's possible i'm on it nearly all the time


Gutten tag. Here is my application:

In-game Name: Kingly

Steam Username: Kingly

Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?: I do.

Do you have a microphone?: I do.

Which events can you attend on a regular basis?: The thursday training and friday battle line events for sure, though I will make it a point to attend every event that I can.

I hope you decide to take me, it would be an honor to serve.


Welcome to the regiment, both of you. Hope to see you tomorrow, instead of our normal training we have a scrim with the 51st. Afterwards we'll be having an AoFI event, you can download the mod here:

E: Also, Kingly, according to Avoric's stats, you're now our 100th active member. Congrats.


In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Brett

Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised.  We use steam for organization and communication.  Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it.  Steam is free and easy to download.):

Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.)Yes

Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend.  If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts.  Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.) Saturday, Sunday, and Most Likely Monday LB's, as well as all trainings.

Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yep, might be 10 min. late, but yes I will be there
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST Yes.
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes.


Quote from: Brett on May 21, 2011, 04:50:48 PM
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Brett

Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised.  We use steam for organization and communication.  Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it.  Steam is free and easy to download.):sgt_taco351

Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.)Yes

Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend.  If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts.  Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.) Saturday, Sunday, and Most Likely Monday LB's, as well as all trainings.

Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yep, might be 10 min. late, but yes I will be there
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST Yes.
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes.

P.S- I do believe I applied some time ago, under the same name, but left due to family issues.


Hey Brett, good to have you back. Welcome aboard.
I'll get you set up in a couple minutes.


Also forgot to mention, my brother plays for the 23rd, just trying to prevent any unhappy incidents to happen.

Edit- Steam ID uploaded to my application.