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Application to join the Regiment

Started by Rethmeier, February 25, 2011, 04:39:00 PM

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Quote from: Uhlaf on October 30, 2011, 10:27:16 PM
No longer my problem, report to your leutnant. And congrats.

I told him to post here, because he didn't have acess to post in kompanie A


[In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):RED_BLITZ

Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised.  We use steam for organization and communication.  Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it.  Steam is free and easy to download.):VON_KAISER

Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.)Not yet but i will get it very soon.

Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend.  If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts.  Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)

Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT No
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST  No
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT yes

Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST  Yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT Yes

I am a part of a clan in mount and blade warband native called KoIF. I hope that won't be a bad.


Welcome Von_Kaiser,

Throw on your tags, and I'll see you at training! Don't forget to join the steam group!


ingame name:carlthung
No Steam Accoutn SORRY
I have Teamspeak 3 and a mic
i can attend these on a regular basis: thursday weekday training, Friday lineBattle


Fill out this application with your information and post it here by clicking the reply button. We will add you to the roster once we have recieved your completed application.  If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

In-game Name: Baker

Steam Username: xXW4RFR3AKXx(Sorry for the dumb name :/ its my XBL gamertag so its easy to remember)

Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? : I already have it. I also have a mic

Which events can you attend on a regular basis? : I can attend the Thursday and Saturday trainings. I can also attend the Friday Linebattle , and occasionally Sunday's(Depends on what time I'm out of church.)

Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT

Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT


Carlhung and Baker, welcome to the 1stEPI. Throw on your tags and I will see you both on the field.


In-game Name: Ahjushi

Steam Username: keengoyang

Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?: Yes.

Which events can you attend on a regular basis?

Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT

I will try to attend all of the above. I can't pick specific days but the majority of the time I will be attending.



In-game name: 1stEPI_Rkt_WhiteOps231.
Steam user name: 1stEPI_Rkt_WhiteOps231.
do you have TS3 on your computer?: yes.
I am not sure as to which events i can attend on a regular basis, depending on my schedule, but i will be able to join at least one line battle and/or 1-2 practices per week. varying on my computer usage.



In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): 1stEPI_A4_Sdt_Brogie

Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised.  We use steam for organization and communication.  Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it.  Steam is free and easy to download.): Mr_Schnebly

Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) Yes I have it installed.

Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend.  If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts.  Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)

Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Sometimes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST Yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes

Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST Yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT Sometimes



In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):Tantheman

Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised.  We use steam for organization and communication.  Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it.  Steam is free and easy to download.): Tantheman, or Bigdylman

Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.)yes, but no microphone as of yet but will get one soon

Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend.  If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts.  Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)I will be able to attend all of the events except for the Friday Linebattle until football playoffs are over.

If so, i would like to be apart of the A4.

