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A1 NCO Cadre Exams Starting 12/18/2014

Started by Ormand, December 11, 2014, 09:28:09 PM

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Hello all aspiring NCOs. With the promotion of Spatulot as A2 leutnant, I need a dependable individual to help me run A1 platoon. Anyone is eligible to participate and the first step is to sign up here and answer the following questions.

1. Why do you want to be a Korporal?
2. From 1 to 10 how well do you think you'll do the job?
3. How do you personally feel the rest of the regiment views you?

On Thursday December 18th during training, I will observe your knowledge of the left guide position so please show up if you can. I look forward to seeing who signs up and I insist that even if your not confident you can handle the position, you give it a shot anyway to try something new. Good luck!       


1.  I want to be A1 Korporal, because i want to give back to the regiment, i've been in this regiment for nearly two years and through the ups and downs i still look forward to every event I can make it to, and I believe I am fit for the position again.
2. 8-10
3.  Earlier on, I personally felt many people didn't like me (thus my TS description..) but in the past month i've started friendships with people I never really talked to, and in general I feel the regiment is positive towards me.
"There is only the Emperor, he is our shield and protector"

"I have resolved never to start an unjust war but never to end a legitimate one except by defeating my enemies."
-King Charles XII of Sweden


1. I want to be a Korporal because I feel like I would be quite capable of handling the duties of a Korporal having already done it before and I have plenty of experience on and off the battlefield. I also wish to give back to the regiment for allowing me to rejoin and I want to try and set an example of what it takes to be a Korporal for the newer members joining in.
2. About 9
3. I feel that the regiment has a pretty positive view towards me. I have never had anyone say anything rude or disrespectful to me and I have never done the same to anyone else.


1. Why do you want to be a Korporal?: Because I want to help this regiment grow and flurish. I also want to be promoted because i believe i want to lead and help and implicate myself in this regiment.

2. From 1 to 10 how well do you think you'll do the job? 10

3. How do you personally feel the rest of the regiment views you? Some people love me some people hate me, so that is the way of life. But i do believe a majority likes me exept Ormando and Hopper because they both hate very deeply. But maybe down in they hearth they love me.... Or hate me even more!
Gefreiter Moose 420 yolo swag Young money


1. I would like to be a Korporal because I would try my best to do all duties accompanying this rank as best as possible. If I do fail I would only hold myself responsible and that is a what if scenario.
2. 7-8
3. I feel that the regiment has mixed views on me, but generally positive. I know there are some that I am well acquainted with, and I know that I can get a bit annoying at times, which causes me to think there are some that dislike me, but other wise I think I am mostly liked.


1. Why do you want to be a Korporal?
I wish to help the platoon do well on the field of battle, and generally perform in the field of battle to the best of my ability. While I have only been here for six months, I feel I have the ability to serve as a Koroporal in the EPI. I hope I will make a fine leader, either naturally, or molded into one which brings desirable skills to the battlefield.

2. From 1 to 10 how well do you think you'll do the job?
I feel I would start at an 8 or 9, but hopefully will improve to a 10.

3. How do you personally feel the rest of the regiment views you?
I feel the rest of the EPI has mostly positive opinions of me. While sometimes I feel they give me a hard time, I believe they do it to help me improve my abilities, or just for fun.
"Gotta juice Roose the Caboose so we can set him loose on the moose and the goose as well as tie a noose around Bruce".


1. I want to be a Korporal because I enjoy being a leader
2. I feel I would do about 8 to 9 with some practice
3. Personally I feel the regiment and I are good friends, I feel at home with the regiment


-I want to be a korporal because I'm terrible and shooting and melee but really good at yelling at rekruts and forming an OCD line with perfect spacing. I can still recite the old handbook sleeping. I also have most credentials available to officers and infantry, pre-forum wipe I had a chest full of medals (melee proficiency, marksmanship, conduct, longevity, colours, attendance, battle awards..etc) and and I'm pretty sure I even have my Dragoon license. Most of you remember me gloriously leading line after line, volley after volley, tasteless comment after tasteless comment over the top and into the enemy. But really, look at my forum title, look at my avatar, look at my signature. Lets be real people.

-4-6 (est), with the same dedication that I was a Rkt, Sdt, Kpl, Uffz, Lt. I'd like to make it very clear that I do not do paper work, at all.

-Who cares what the rabble thinks about me, I'm going to be a korporal. Silly plebs.



Give me my own platoon; B1
Bastard Company 1


1. Why do you want to be a Korporal?
2. From 1 to 10 how well do you think you'll do the job?
3. How do you personally feel the rest of the regiment views you?

1) I would like to become a Korporal because NCOs are the backbone of every functional army. These guys can handle themselves in a fight, in addition to issuing orders and straightening up their unit when the commanding officer is otherwise unable to do so. I have been in several other regiments, one of which specifically utilized the Zug and guide formations which I've become acquainted with (This was the 1stEPG and I was a Korporal there as well). Other than that, I can comfortably say that I've had my fair share of ranker experience in addition to following orders, and a step up the ladder once more would be a breath of fresh air.

2) Without sounding conceited, I would rate my ability as a NCO with a 8.5. As previously stated, I've had experience as a NCO in one of my former regiments, and being more active with being a leader in the Zug was fun. In addition to this experience, I've also had further management and leadership experience in other aspects of life as well as other Warband mods.

3) As I've only been in the regiment for a short period of time, it is unclear as to how the rest of the regiment feels about me. Some of them have expressed their positive feelings towards me, and for all I know, there are still many others whom I haven't met.


1. Why do you want to be a Korporal?
2. From 1 to 10 how well do you think you'll do the job?
3. How do you personally feel the rest of the regiment views you?

1) I want to be Korporal because I want to better serve the entirety of the 1st EPI while, at the same time, making sure that the Regiment is run both more efficiently and more effectively. I also feel that my talents, while I feel that I am an effective soldier when in the rank, are better used while assisting the command carry out its orders from a more elevated position of power; I'm able to make decisions, quick ones at that, while under pressure and I think I am able to maintain order despite the fact that we may be having cannonballs lobbied at our ranks.Granted, I don't think I'm the most experienced member of this platoon nor am I the most fit for this position right now but, dammit, I will strive to become so in a short period of time. I can learn all the necessary commands and all of the proper etiquette quickly, if I'm just given the chance. And I can assure you that I will serve the regiment with the utmost amount of passion and dedication that is expected of me; I will not let you down and I will strive to better myself.

2) Honestly, at first start, I would not be the best choice for this position. At best, I would rate myself a four or a five, maybe even a little bit less than that. But I am extraordinarily driven and I am fully ready to undertake whatever training and take in whatever experience is necessary to make sure that I can confidently say that I am one of the best Korporals this regiment has ever seen. Within a week's, maybe even a month's time, I think I'll be able to say that I am fully capable of handling this position. Because in all honestly, I really want an opportunity to better serve the 1st EPI; I think this is the best opening to do so.

3) I've only been in the regiment for short time, so I really haven't formed any lasting connections with any of its members, but the view of me seems to be rather positive and favorable. I think the fact that I am rather detached, if that's really the right word (as I can't find the right word as I write this), can better serve my position as corporal because it will allow me to stay focused and fixated on the decisions I have to make during the battle rather than the side conversations going on between the ranks.


"What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight - it's the size of the fight in the dog."

- Dwight D. Eisenhower


Quote from: SirSnuggles on December 14, 2014, 09:05:19 PM
Good luck everyone!  & remember...

We'll take you down with our superior attendance.
"Retreat, hell! We're not retreating, we're just advancing in a different direction." - Oliver P. Smith

"Men, I am not ordering you to attack. I am ordering you to die." - Mustafa Kemal


"What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight - it's the size of the fight in the dog."

- Dwight D. Eisenhower
