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A Stroll through 1st East Prussian History...

Started by Heinrich, December 17, 2013, 06:25:19 PM

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--- 2010 ---
Age of False Innocence

A 7th Prussian Foot Training - Oct 2010
     Prior to the official founding of the 1st East Prussian Infantry in December of 2010, the regiment held a different name in Age of False Innocence. This mod took place during the seven years war, and was one of the first to set up an atmosphere for a new kind of battle that had never been seen before in Mount&Blade: Warband.

     At the time, there was no such thing as "Linebattles." At least, not in the sense that we would think of today.  There was no structure or organization in battle, and players would run at one another discharging their firearms and waving their swords around in a very unsophisticated manor.

     This changed with the 7th Prussian Foot. The small line regiment challenged the norms of battle, working to prove that marching in line was possible and beneficial. They began training and practicing adapting field manuals to work within the of Mount&Blade: Warband in hopes of one day seeing the dream of historically accurate "line-battles."  While not combat effective at the time, this was the first major step in the community toward the common close order drill seen today. 

The Founding Fathers

    On December 11, 2010, a group of members from the 7th Prussian Foot decided that a transition into the new Mount&Musket:Battalion mod would be beneficial and provide an environment where a disciplined and structured unit could thrive.

     And so became the 1. Ostpreussische Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry) (Infantry Regiment Nr. 1). Led by Hauptmann Argus, the new 1st East Prussian Infantry immediately drew interest from the already growing community in Mount&Musket. Majority of the players in the Mount&Musket Community were from Europe, so the appearance of a mostly North American force was talked about. For awhile, the 1stEPI was unable to attend any of the existing European linebattles, and instead spent more time training and drilling the growing regiment in the accurate line tactics that had been perfected from the time spent in Age of False Innocence.   

A 1st EPI Training - Dec 2010

--- 2011 ---
Mount&Musket: Battalion

     It was in early 2011 that the 1st East Prussian Infantry entered into its first Linebattle, and the European regiments in attendance were immediately shocked by the precision of the double rank line drill that was displayed by this new regiment of North Americans.  The existing regiments in the community hadn't seen any form of well executed drill, and were used to simply following one another around in a single column snake.  This earned the 1st EPI a lot of respect for their measure of military bearing on and off of the field.

1st EPI in linebattle - Apr 2011

A New Kind of Battle Experience

1st EPI in North American Public Linebattle - Apr 2011

    The 1st East Prussian Infantry continued on perfecting their drill, growing their ranks, and expanding their influence over the Mount&Musket:Battalion community. In February of 2011, the Feldwebel at the time, 5arge, began hosting the first ever North American Linebattle on friday evenings, and this forever changed not only the 1st EPI's linebattle experience, but also the North American community for Mount&Musket:Battalion. Up until this point, only European Linebattles had existed, which really didn't provide the North American players an opportunity to participate.
      This vastly improved the combat effectiveness of the 1st East Prussian Infantry, and the 1stEPI became a name of fear on the battlefield.  During these North American Linebattles, Feldwebel 5arge created the "Public Regiment," which was a line open to any member of the community to come and participate in these new North American Public Linebattles. The public players were drilled by 5arge in the 1st East Prussian Infantry's double rank manual, and this began to expose the Public to era accurate drill. Many of those public players, who participated in these North American Public Linebattles would go on to create their own regiments and structure/organize them much like the 1st East Prussian Infantry.

Litauische Dragoner

     In June of 2011, Under the order of Major Rethmeier, the 1st East Prussian Infantry Expanded from a singular Infantry Company, to include a squadron of elite Mounted infantry known as the Litauische Dragoner. This new Dragoon squadron was headed by Leutnant Element, and trained in elite skirmish tactics, artillery use, mounted warfare, and was also capable of falling into the Line when called upon. The Litauishe Dragoner (shortened "Lith") became the elite of the regiment, and was only available to the most active and disciplined of 1st East Prussian Infantry Soldiers.

Litauishe Dragoner - Jun 2011

The Prussian Army

     In November 2011, under Major Avoric the Prussian Army was formed. The 1st EPI, the 19te, and the FK were of the original regiments, and used the Prussian army as a way to train with one another, and develop a sense of cooperation on the field of battle during Linebattle events.  The Prussian Army still exists today, and many of the founding regiments are still participating.

Prussian Army Line Infantry Battalion - Nov 2011

--- 2012 ---
Mount&Musket: Napoleonic Wars

1st EPI in Linebattle - Apr 2012

    In April of 2012 came the release of Mount&Blade: Napoleonic Wars, and much like the rest of the Mount&Musket: Battalion community, the 1st East Prussian Infantry elected to make the transition. Under the new Major Azrooh, the 1stEPI took this opportunity to reform its lines and reorganize in order to prep itself for the New Mod.  The Litauishe Dragoner was reformed and given its own set of calvary ranks, the "Oberleutnant" rank was replaced with "PremierLeutnant," the "Hauptmann" was replaced with "Kapitän," and other small changes were made to ensure that the 1st East Prussian Infantry was operating as professionally as possible.

A Year of Consistancy

     Following the release of Napoleonic Wars in April, and the initial chaos which came as a result of the new game and transition, things calmed down within the 1stEPI, and not many changes took place.  By this time, the 1st East Prussian's dream of seeing a community that embraces a historically minded style of game-play, coupled with organization and discipline was starting to be seen in many new regiments who were basing themselves off of the previous EPI example. For the first time since its founding, the 1st East Prussian Infantry began to have a more casual and laid back style of leadership and participation in the community.

1st EPI Training - Summer 2012

--- 2013 ---

1st EPI Linebattle - Spring 2013

     A new year brings new changes, and in February of 2013 came the appointment of the 1st East Prussian Infantry's 5th commanding officer since its founding.  Major Deofuta assumed command of the regiment, and helped carry the 1st EPI through the year. Much like 2012, 2013 didn't bring many changes in the regimental structure.  at this point, the Regiment had a complete understanding of how to run itsself, and new members were being most efficiently trained to become the next generation of 1st EPI leaders. The need for any structural changes or expansion had diminished, and the 1st East Prussian Infantry continued to educate members in a military atmosphere about leadership, discipline, and teamwork needed in order to be successful. The 1st East Prussian Infantry continued to heavily emphasize a mastery in accurate line drill, while also portraying the mature environment that everyone has come to love.

A Birthday to Remember

Under the leadership of the newly appointed Major Gunny, the 1st East Prussian Infantry planned and executed a birthday festival in celebration of 3 years of being a regiment. On December 11, 2013, The 1st East Prussian Infantry, along with previous serving members of the regiment gathered for a night full of activities including a highly competitive melee tournament, won by none other than the founder of the 1st EPI himself OberstLeutnant Argus. The night also included a Horse race in honor of the Litauische Dragoner.

1st EPI's 3rd Birthday Festival - Dec 2013

--- 2014 ---
Mount&Musket: Battalion Nostalgia

1st EPI in Linebattle at  the MM Nostalgic event - Summer 2014

The 1st East Prussian Infantry, along with some of the other veteran regiments that were first established in Mount&Musket, returned to the field for a linebattle event in the original Mod. For some newer members, this was their first look at how the regiment operated back in its early days.  For others, it served as a reminder of how things used to be, and brought back some great memories.  The event was a terrific success, and the 1st East Prussian Infantry operated in the most professional atmosphere while performing fantastically.  It was an exciting change of pace for the regiment, and provided all members with a better understanding of our regiment, as well as a new found appreciation for Mount & Blade: Napoleonic Wars!

Battalion Level Training

  Having mastered the art of drill at the company level, the 1st East Prussian Infantry sought to challenge itself, and expand its knowledge of drill to include that of the battalion.  Coupled with some other regiments, who have equally expressed an interest in historical line drill, The 1st East Prussian Infantry began to train and work toward fighting in a properly formed battalion line, consisting of multiple companies.  While this requires meticulous attention to detail, and a clear understanding of everyone's job in the line, The 1st East Prussian Infantry actively participated in and helped to educate others on proper battalion drill. The Culmination of this hard-work took place in the "87th Realism Event," graciously organized by the 87th Regiment of Foot. In the event, participating regiments were expected to follow a strict chain of command while operating in an accurately formed battalion line. 

87th Realism Event - Fall 2014

"Grandfather of the Community"

1st East Prussian Infantry Four Year Anniversary
4 Year Anniversary Video - December 2014

The 1st East Prussian Infantry Celebrated its 4th Anniversary on December 10, 2014.  Officially labeled as the Oldest North American Regiment still in existence, the 1st East Prussian Infantry set its sights toward the new year.  2014 was a progressive year for the regiment. Expansion and activity were at an all time high among regimental members, and the 1st East Prussian Infantry sought to challenge itself, writing a new School of the Battalion drill manual for use in the Prussian Army.  Attempting to master new drill movements and standardize the way linebattles are fought throughout the Prussian Army regiments only strengthened unit cohesion, and The 1st East Prussian Infantry entered into 2015 as a force to be reckoned with.

--- 2015 ---

A Year of Commitment

2015 brought back plenty of events to the 1stEPI. The regiment continued its weekly tradition of linebattle events as well as trainings. The Monday recruit training was introduced. Many new faces came to join the ranks of the EPI. The 1stEPI continued the tradition of disciplined drill and double rank lines. 

A Fun Year

Once again with nostalgia on the minds of many, and others expressing interest in mount and musket. The 1stEPI participated in another MM Russia throwback event. For many it was a reminder of old times, and others a fun offset to the routine of NW linebattles. The 1stEPI went on to participate in battle against the Gaurde Imperial on the 7th of March,2015. And later followed the Prussian Army against the 7th Coalition in a army battle. 

The Prussian Army

For the first time, the Prussian Army celebrated its 4th anniversary with Battalion Screenshots, Horse races, and a melee tournament. The PA community stays strong inside of napoleonic wars, as well as outside. Participating in army battles, as well as war thunder events, and many more games. 

5 Years!

The 1st East Prussian Infantry Celebrated its 5th Anniversary on December 10, 2015.  2015 was a productive year for the regiment. Many new members joined the regiment and have benefited from the organization and drill. As likewise the regiment has benefited from their efforts and participation. Through the work of these members, the 1stEPI was more then ready to take on 2016!

--- 2017 ---

The May 06 Reforms

In May of the East Prussian Infantry's 7th year, it was announced that a series of reforms and policy changes would be implemented over the course of several weeks to transition the famed Prussian Line-company from its role as a Line Infantry unit in Mount & Blade:Warband Napoleonic wars to ARMA III.  The changes came after a long period of searching for a replacement for the now 5 year old, stagnant NW community.  The changes hoped to breathe new life into the EPI, and initiated a new sense of pride and motivation as members swapped their musket for a K98 Rifle.