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[APPROVED] Rkt.  Frogheit

Started by Froggy, September 05, 2018, 05:11:39 PM

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Basic Information

Name of Rekrut:        Rkt. Frogheit        

Rekrut's Steam Username:        

The Rekrut has read and understands the Code of Conduct of The East Prussian Infantry:     YES

This Rekrut can Regularly Attend:

Thursday Unit Training - 8pm EST      No
Saturday Platoon Operation - 5:30pm EST        Yes

Additional Information

This Rekrut's Age Is:    

This Rekrut's Timezone Location:    

This Rekrut has a Functioning Microphone:

How This Rekrut Heard about The East Prussian Infantry:    
Online Forums    

This Rekrut was suggested by:  

This Rekrut Has Prior Experience in:  
Two smaller divsions, one more casual (509th parachute infantry) and a more serious one (Royal Australian expeditionary force)

Additional Comments

Always been a history geek, especially when coming to WW2 vehicles. I am not sure of your use of Armour but i would love to operate with tanks. i noticed your current campaign was the AFrika Corps, a time when the use of Armour was very prevalent. If not however, in both my previous units i served as an auto rifleman and also had medical training and some engineering training, although i never served as either in the field. The Australian regiment i was in used armored vehicles regularly, and i served there as an LAV and MBT driver, and did an OP commanding a tank, in which i was given an award for 'outstanding effectiveness' on the field. WW2 has always been my favorite period of war however i never found a regiment with the appropriate time schedule. my availability over the next week may be somewhat lackluster due to exams, however im sure i could find time for a couple of training missions or even an operation.



1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, 1. Kompanie

Thank you for applying to enlist with the Ostpreussische Infanterie (The East Prussian Infantry)! You have now begun your trial period as rekrut. Please complete the following steps:

1. Keeping Up-to-Date:
Join the The East Prussian Infantry Steam group for important updates and reminders about Operations and training events.

2. TeamSpeak:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Frogheit

There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI server tag.

3. Attendance:
You are required to attend at least one training and one main operation. These are held weekly on Thursday at 8pm EST and Saturday at 5:30pm EST respectively.

If for any reason you are unable to attend the Thursday training, contact an NCO to schedule a separate training time.

After the steps listed above have been completed, your enlisment will then be accepted. You will be given the rank of schütze and assigned to one of the three gruppe.

Feel free to contact me on Steam if you have any questions:

Welcome aboard,

  Unteroffizier Stoß 
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie