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Lithuanian Dragoon - Tryouts (Test Results in!)

Started by Element, June 21, 2011, 01:35:28 PM

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Hello 1stEPI soldiers!

This is an announcement in regards to trying out our new detachment "The Lithuanian Dragoons" led by me, Lt Element, Uffz Pilawa, and Kpl Bauer. This detachment will not only focus on working with cavalry and dragoons, but skirmishing and lines as well.

As far as when tryouts will be held I plan on doing them during all the trainings this week.
For Tuesday and Thursday they will be held during proficiency tests. So you will have to make a choice, skip proficiency tests for tryouts or skip tryouts for proficiency tests. It's your choice. On Saturday I still have not worked out a time for when to hold them or if we will at all. But this training on Tuesday and Thursday will give both our EU members an NA members a fair chance at those very few spots in the Dragoons. If you do the tryouts at both trainings I will take the best of your scores and use that to judge you on. If you can not make any of the tryouts I will set aside some time for you to take one and only one tryout.

How you will be judged:
I will focus on 4 main criteria for these tryouts.

1) First and foremost you MUST be a soldaten or higher.

2) Horsemanship (how well you can ride your horse) - This will be done in an obstacle course and in order to move on in the tryouts you must beat the set time for the course. You will get 2 attempts per tryout. This criteria MUST be met in order to even advance in tryouts.

3) Swordsmanship (how well you can slice your foes down) - You will face me or an NCO in 2 head to head fights with me as cavalry and you. And then you will face me in 2 head to head fights with me or an NCO as infantry and you as cavalry.

4) Teamwork (how well you work as a team) - You will be paired up and sent into battle against one other lone Dragoon Officer and NCO. You must work with your team mate to cut them down as efficiently and quickly as possible while remaining alive yourself.


Remember, at training tomorrow during proficiency tests you may perform your tryout to get into the Lithuanian Dragoons. You must be a soldat and up and you will miss your proficiency test and can not make it up. I am going to try and fit in a tryout on Saturday and decisions should be made by Sunday after the Line Battle. I know this crunch of tryouts during trainings in a bit much but this allows everyone to have an even opportunity to show themselves and gives me Pilawa and Bauer a wider selection to choose the best of the best.


This is the list of people who are accepted into the Dragoons based on the Teusday (6/21/2011) and Thursday (6/23/2011) tryouts.




I just realized that xD Prolly because 1zug never shows up >:( . Expect a lot of Rkts heading your way India


Quote from: Element on June 24, 2011, 10:05:46 AM
I just realized that xD Prolly because 1zug never shows up >:( . Expect a lot of Rkts heading your way India


Don't worry India! Az and I will get you restocked with cannon fodder ASAP!


Good luck all goons! :)

And nope, im not bitter... Not a single bit bitter... No, I am perfectly fine... What do you mean "childish"? BAH! :P
Jk, I like 2nd plaTOOOOOOON, one of the best platoons in the 1stEPI!



Quote from: Haresus on June 24, 2011, 03:54:51 PM
Jk, I like 2nd plaTOOOOOOON, one of the best platoons in the 1stEPI!
Indeed, 2nd is one of the best, top 5 at least I dare say:P

looking forward to see the dragoons in action!
I'll stick to line infantry for now, but maybe, someday in the future, when I have more time for gaming... at the time being, 1 or 2 1stEPI events per week is all gaming I do, which is about 5% of my usual gaming time :(


I tried to answer that, Raegen... It ended up in a too obvious post about the 2nd Platoon being the best... Damn, I did it again.


Come on guys, there is a reason why the 1. Zug is named first  :P


Doesn't the 1 represent the fact that only 1 of them generally shows up to events?


Quote from: Sven on June 24, 2011, 03:22:27 PM
Don't worry India! Az and I will get you restocked with cannon fodder ASAP!

Excellent! We'll make them in hardened veterans.

Quote from: Sven on June 25, 2011, 03:47:43 AM
Doesn't the 1 represent the fact that only 1 of them generally shows up to events?

Wow. Game, Set, Match, I would say.


What was that saying we all said when we were little? Ah.

First the worst, second the best.