Fill out this application with your information and post it here by clicking the reply button. We will add you to the roster once we have recieved your completed application. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer. For the sake of organization it is preferred that you choose a realistic name.
How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name:
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.):
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.)
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
[b]In-game Name:[/b]
[b]How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who?[/b]
[b]Steam username:[/b]
[b]Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?[/b]
[b]Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Furthermore, all applicants are invited to join the Regiments main steam group. It is a public group so you may join before acceptance into the regiment.
1stEPI Steam group (
i have steam pvt.kuhl or kuhl0001 or kuhl0101
dont have microphone
i do have teamspeak 3
in-game names is derrick
i can attend Thursday weekly EST training
Friday line battles
Saturday training EST
and most likely Sunday private line battles
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):Nikolidas
Steam Username (If you do not have Steam, say so here, It's not a requirement):jblueson191490
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join.)yes
Do you have a functioning microphone? (A microphone is not required to join)yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two.)saturday and sometimes on sunday
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Wulfburk
Steam Username (If you do not have Steam, say so here, It's not a requirement): [FIH]Wulfburk
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join.) Yep
Do you have a functioning microphone? (A microphone is not required to join) Yep
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST / 8PM GMT No
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST No
Friday NA Line Battle - 8PM EST (8PM EST is 1am GMT right? if so) Yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST / 8PM GMT Yes
Sunday Private Line Battle - 2PM EST / 7PM GMT Yes
I am also part of Forgotten Honor, which holds several tournaments for mods like Forgotten Hope 2 and etc, i am also in their current FH2 campaign so i also need to be part of training and battles for FH2, Will that be a problem?
Hope you guys accept me!
Hello I would like to join
In-game Name- ManOfWar_Takeda
Steam Username- Hellskey
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? already installed
Do you have a functioning microphone? (A microphone is not required to join) Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two.) I can for the most part attend the line battles on Friday and the practices on Thursday, probably the weekends as well
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Manzuk
Steam Username (If you do not have Steam, say so here, It's not a requirement): Manzuk
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join.) Yes
Do you have a functioning microphone? (A microphone is not required to join) Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two.)
All events unless real life interferes
In-game Name: Sykes
Steam Username : Sykes
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join.) Yes
Do you have a functioning microphone? (A microphone is not required to join) Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? Friday and weekends most times.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Sven
Steam Username (If you do not have Steam, say so here, It's not a requirement): Imori_Akari
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes I have it.
Do you have a functioning microphone? Yes I have one.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST / 8PM GMT
Friday NA Line Battle - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST / 8PM GMT
Sunday Private Line Battle - 2PM EST / 7PM GMT
I think I need to give the information that I am banned from the 22nds Official Battle Server at the moment due to what seems to be a misunderstanding, which I admittedly went wrongly about fixing and TK'd a guy. If that server is used, then I will get ahold of Vince and attempt to get unbanned. Apart from that, I'm good for all servers.
Looking forward to working with you guys!
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):Radi
Steam Username (If you do not have Steam, say so here, It's not a requirement):Don't own the game throught Steam, but my Steam username is radi_bomb
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join):Yes
Do you have a functioning microphone?:No
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two.):
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST / 8PM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST / 8PM GMT
Sunday Private Line Battle - 2PM EST / 7PM GMT
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Oric (plus tag?)
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): Sutler
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) Yes I do, and I can buy a microphone if necessary.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two.) The Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday events with varying regularity. Hopefully quite often, but it really depends on my schedule.
In-Game Name: Veraxus
Steam ID: Salieri325
TS3: Yes
Mic: Yes
Edit: As per the scheduled events. I can make all of them unless I make plans for something durring those times, in which case I would inform you.
Ready for active duty!
In-game Name:
Cockadoodledo, My regiment (41st) just fell apart and I was looking around for a good regiment...
Steam Username: kthxspai[RK]
I have Teamspeak and I have a Mic.
I can attend both LB's, but only Thursday trainings since I'm on the West Coast.
Hey Cockadoodledo, go ahead and post here:
Please know that we're much different from the 41st, don't treat this as if you are just switching tags. We take discipline much more seriously than the 41st did.
In-Game Name: Osty (Known to all of you Osty_The_Ostwind)
Steam Username: Gas_Mask_Man_182
Teamspeak: I own teamspeak 3 and a Microphone.
I can attend all events unless my work scheldue prevents me from it.
In-game Name : Bardaga
Steam Username : Mankan911
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? Tuesday training and sunday line battle
In-game Name : Nekobebis
Steam Username : darkpaladin112
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer or can you install it soon? Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? Tuesday training and sunday line battle
Avoric invited me to join from another game. I'm relatively new to the game but interested in trying this out.
In-Game: Kilgore Trout 89
Steam: Natch
TS3: Installed
In-game Name: Socks
Steam Username: sockslogic
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? No, I will install it should I be accepted.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? Tuesday training, Friday LB, almost certainly the Saturday, Thursday and Sunday events but no guarantees.
hey i used to be with 1st EPI a wile ago but i moved and i became inactive.
IGN: dusty122
i have team speak
no microphone
Apologies if I'm reposting this, but I looked through the thread and couldn't find the reply I put up earlier today.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): syncswim
Steam Username: sync_swim
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer: Yep
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?: Tuesday training, Friday LB and Saturday training.
I would like to use the name Danigisback
Steam username is: sgt_F_A_K_E
I have teamspeak and a microphone
i can make all weekend line battles and any line battles past 3:00pm p.c. time
Both LBs and Thursday training i believe
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Jhawk
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): coolbeans1013
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.)
i have Teamspeak :)
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two.) I can make all weekend line battles and any line battles past 3:00pm p.c. time
Both line battles and Thursday training :)
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Perkins
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): FaRrElL494
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) i have TS and the 22nd server
Do you have a functioning microphone? Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two.) both official line battles (i may have to miss a few now and again) and training as long as it is after 7 GMT
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): River_Raider
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): Lerxstwannabe
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) Reinstalled Windows, downloading Teamspeak as I speak. No mic however.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two.) Most any weekend events including Friday.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):Lcuk/Cowboy
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.):Lcuk_Inc
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) Installed and on the 22nd, no mic
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two.) Tuesdays, and Saturdays
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):Duc_Volpe
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.):Duc_Volpe
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) Installed and on the 22nd, have mic
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two.) Thursdays, and Saturdays
In-game Name : Noneleft
Steam Username : noneleft13
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? I have teamspeak and a Mic
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? I can attend Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Biclero.
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): Maestro Biclero.
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) yes i have TS and a microphone.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two.) Sunday and Friday LB's and Training.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Kurt
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): DoubleTimeZ
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.): I have TS3 installed but I do not have a mic.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two.): Most on Friday, Saturday and Sunday
In Game Name: Chortles
Steam: CowGoesMoo
TeamSpeak: Will download it and I do have a microphone
Attendance: I may be able to attend all of them, but Thursday and Friday is guaranteed
Hello guys, I would like to join the regiment.
In-game Name: Alexander_von_Brennenburg (I know its too long so I would use von_Brennenburg)
Steam Username : Should be Style25 or Alexander_von_Brennenburg
Teamspeak3: Yes
Microphone: Yes, but only on weekends.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST / 8PM GMT Yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST No
Friday NA Line Battle - 8PM EST Possibly
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST / 8PM GMT Yes
Sunday Private Line Battle - 2PM EST / 7PM GMT Yes
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):Whiteguy
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): Whiteguy115
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.): Yes I have it.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two.): Every event.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Rrast
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): Rrast
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) Yes, I have TS and use a mic.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two.) I'm up for any event... as many as I can. The more the better.
I've currently been in IFA_6e for 3 days. It's going ok, but their time (British) is much diffrent than mine (cst) so I rarely can meet their practice times. I'm looking for a mature group of gamers who are organized and get the job done. I was on your server today and you present yourselves in that manner. I can answer any other questions you may have. Please le me know. Thanks!
In-game Name: Brakka
Steam Username : Sleepychewer
Do you have teamspeak3 Client/ Mic? Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? Fri- Sun isn't a problem. Others should be ok off and on.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):Luko
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.):
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) I have a mic and TS3.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two.) Every event except for the Tuesday training. I am also in a native clan so I have events with them that may interfere.
In-game Name?- Darhinroth
Steam Username?- Darhinroth
Do you have teamspeak3?- Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?-
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST / 8PM GMT: No
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST: Yes
Friday NA Line Battle - 8PM EST: Yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST / 8PM GMT: Yes
Sunday Private Line Battle - 2PM EST / 7PM GMT: Yes
Thread cleaned for archiving purposes. Everything but accepted applications of active members have been removed.
In-game Name: Duncdar
Steam Username: UserID: Duncdar Display Name: [BONG]☭The Orphanator☭
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes, I do.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? Friday and Sunday Line Battles, and all the training cept Tuesday. (I get home at 3:30 PM EST)
Hey, Duncdar, great to have you with us.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Rheal
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): DoomsDayDD
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.): Yes, have it.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two.): Thursday practice and Friday line battle.
Quote from: Rethmeier on February 25, 2011, 04:39:00 PM
Fill out this application with your information and post it here by clicking the reply button. We will add you to the roster once we have recieved your completed application. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):Pacman
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): Cahill22509
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) i have teamspeak 3 but no mic
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two.)
Most likely yes
Welcome to the regiment, both of you!
Pacman, I'll need a list of days you can regularly attend. I'd suggest only taking one training and one or both linebattles, of course you're free to come to trainings/events you are not scheduled for.
Event Times:
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Quote from: Azrooh on April 30, 2011, 06:29:38 PM
Welcome to the regiment, both of you!
Pacman, I'll need a list of days you can regularly attend. I'd suggest only taking one training and one or both linebattles, of course you're free to come to trainings/events you are not scheduled for.
Event Times:
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT 8 pm GMT yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT yes 8pm GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT YES
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Rhuarc
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): LogicaLinsanity
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two.) I can attend the Thursday weekday training, and one or both of the Friday night/Saturday Night line battles, provided that there isn't a conflicting PRT event. (PRT comes first for me. :) )
Good to see we're getting some more PRT members :P
In-game Name: Popete
Steam Username: Eldictatoro (if not that TK-421)
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? Thursday training, Saturday primary, Sunday linebattle
Hey, Popete, glad to have you with us!
You forgot to change his membergroup. *mentally slaps Azrooh upside the head*
Quote from: Rethmeier on May 01, 2011, 11:19:51 PM
You forgot to change his membergroup. *mentally slaps Azrooh upside the head*
Bah! I've been fairly good about that :P
Yes you have. I just wanted to make sure you were continuing to be good about that. *retracts mental slap*
Quote from: Rethmeier on May 02, 2011, 09:45:09 AM
Yes you have. I just wanted to make sure you were continuing to be good about that. *retracts mental slap*
Fair enough.
I have TS
I hope to be able to go to trainings on Thursday and Saturday and the Friday line battle but I can make no promises that's why I want to be a RSV until later notice
In-game Name : De Lormen
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.):Not yet
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? Every day after 15:00 AM Europe time (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two.)
Hey Salo, thanks for joining us. If you could leave an exact list of events you can attend here, that'd be great.
Event Times:
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
I take 'not yet' to mean you're getting steam. I'd highly suggest it, please PM me once you do with your account name.
Name: LargeMargin
Steam Username: LargeMargin
TS3: Yes!
Mic: Some more yes!
My work schedule is pretty variable, but I should usually be able to make these:
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Hey, welcome to the regiment, LargeMargine!
In-game Name: Hatumex
Steam Username : Hagenshelton
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join.) Yes
Do you have a functioning microphone? (A microphone is not required to join) Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?: All events unless something urgent comes up.
Welcome to the regiment, Hatumex!
You may want to reconsider your event schedule, it's very easy to get burnt out attending 3 trainings per week. I'd suggest taking one training and one or both linebattles per week, and of course you are free to come to events you are not scheduled for.
If you decide to keep your current scheduling, then be sure to let me know if you are going to miss a training, before or after, and I'll mark you as excused.
Name: Uhlaf
Steam Username: Uhlaf (
Do you have teamspeak3: Yes, I also have a functioning mic
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two.)
I am available for all events on weekends (including fridays), and events on week days starting May 14th
Looking forward to your response.
Welcome. Azrooh will be along to get you situated soon.
Hey, Uhlaf, thanks for joining us!
I'd suggest sticking to only weekend events, it's very easy to get burnt out attending every event, but that is entirely up to you.
I'll see what I can manage, I'd like to get caught up with everyone else as soon as possible, and learn how to properly integrate myself into the regiment.
In-game Name : Kristofferson
Steam Username : Dr. Atom
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? : All of them at the time being.
Welcome to the regiment, Kristofferson! I'd suggest taking only one training and one or both linebattles per week, it's very easy to get burnt out attending all events. You're free to come to trainings you are not scheduled for, of course.
Quote from: Uhlaf on May 04, 2011, 10:06:29 PM
I'll see what I can manage, I'd like to get caught up with everyone else as soon as possible, and learn how to properly integrate myself into the regiment.
Fair enough :)
In-game Name : Leedizzle
Steam Username : Leedizzle
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? : Most of them
Hey Leedizzle, welcome to the regiment!
Could I have a list of events you can attend regularly?
Event Times:
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Pretty much all those dates can be met but I can be gone for weeks at a time depending on my job, but it is pretty much clear for awhile.
We need to know specifically which dates, I'd suggest one training and one or both linebattles.
Being gone is fine, just be sure to let Azrooh, Element, Indiaquinn, or Sven know - before or after the event.
Leedizzle, let me explain why we want this so you can understand how to answer Azrooh. We understand that this is just a game, something to be done in your free time so we don't really enforce a strict you-must-be-there policy. Instead, we ask you to give us a couple of events per week (usually 1-2 trainings and any linebattles) that you can make on a fairly regular basis and that we should come to "expect" you to be there. We do this so we can get a general headcount for each event. Now, if you cannot attend one of your "regular events", ie the ones you signed up for, then you just need to post on the attendence board, shoot your PL a PM, or just catch him on steam. You can even just let him know after the fact why you were gone. If we don't hear from you and you don't show, it goes down as unexcused.
The reason we do this is so we know that you're still an active player. Guys who don't show up and don't tell us for an extended period of time tend to get moved to inactive. Also, if you can't be bothered to let us know when you are going to miss one of your regular trainings, we can't be bothered to promote you. Basically, just put in a little bit of effort and you'll be fine. I hope this helps.
We don't even need to know why you were gone, we just need to hear from you.
In-game Name : Otnorot
Steam Username : Otnorot
Do you have teamspeak3: yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?: should be able to attend Tuesday and Saturday and Sunday line battles.
edited as per Azrooh's recommendation.
Hey Otnorot, welcome to the regiment!
I'd suggest cutting down the days you're scheduled for, one training and one or both linebattles is ideal to prevent burnouts. You're free to come to events that you're not signed up for.
Thank you.
And I edited my post to specify which events I can attend
Quote from: Rethmeier on May 05, 2011, 09:47:30 PM
It'll get drilled into my head eventually.
In game Name (BKB)
steam user (Its a conspiracy)
i have teamspeack3
i do not have a mic
i can attend the following events:
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Friday NA Line Battle - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST / 8PM GMT
Sunday Private Line Battle - 2PM EST / 7PM GMT
Hey, BKB, welcome to the regiment!
I can't find your name on Steam, so could you please post a link to your profile here?
I think he mean he doesn't use it...
He doesn't want to be "on the grid"
try "dan2dan2"
if not then then steam is being stupid
Yep, that did it, thanks!
Hey guys. I just started playing MM tonight, and it is AWESOME. In my first match I met up with 1EPI_Serrow, who brought me over to an empty server and showed me the ropes. He mentioned that if I was interested in joining up I should apply here, so here goes!
In-game Name: Delro
Steam Username: Delro (there's a theme here...)
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer? Yep!
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two.) Friday and possibly Sunday line battles. Thursday practice.
In-game Name: Swift
Steam Username: r_mustang
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?: Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - No/Occasionally
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST No/Occasionally
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST Yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT Yes
Hey, welcome aboard, both of you! Thanks for joining us.
Quote from: Delro on May 10, 2011, 12:52:54 AM
In my first match I met up with 1EPI_Serrow, who brought me over to an empty server and showed me the ropes.
Mh... of course us EPI guys are trustworthy, but still... you shouldn't follow strangers to emtpy servers - you could get mugged or raped...
By the way, did Serrow show you how to use the fellatio glitch ( :P
Raegen, don't corrupt the new rekruten.
Nah, I figured that one out on my own :D
Thanks guys! Can't wait to do my part in some line battles!
Hello All!
In-game Name: Slyph (pronounced slif)
Steam Username: Slyph0x
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?: Installing it right now
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - Occasionally
Thursday Weekday Training - Occasionally
Saturday Primary Training - Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST Occasionally
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT Yes
Hey, thanks for joining us! Hoping to see you next thursday.
Greetings Herr Rekrutierer,
Mein name is miscreant. Enclosed is my humble request to join the ranks of the 1st East Prussian Infantry. Native to the CST I can be sent letters via courier through the Steahm Kompanie under the name "alistila". Already in my possession is the an old teamsprechen left to me by my father.
While this poor humble Prussian must work the fields for a living, I can assure you that I will not shirk from the regiment's training days during the middle of the week.
Your humble servant,
Well that was fun. Here is the application in an easier to understand format.
Online name: miscreant (call me misk)
Steam ID: alistila
I have Teamspeak
I do shift work so it is never set in stone the days I have off or not. However the weekday trainings I will most likely be able to make. Pending on how this works out between the 1st and I, my availability at work can always be changed.
Hey, Miscreant, thanks for joining us!
There's no need to adjust your work schedule for us, we can work around it. Scheduling for days isn't a big deal - if you're not going to make it, just let your platoon leader (me for your duration as a rekrut - you can also let Element, Indiaquinn, or Sven know), and you'll be put on the excused list for that day and nothing will be counted against you. If you forget about an event or something, then talk to us anyway, and we'll move you to the excused list - the system is just to make sure that you're still alive.
points for creativity miscreant :P
My name is Oneah.
Steam account name Oneah.
I'm 21 years old and so far I've been in the pub regiment in one of the Weekly LineBattles (was a lot of fun!).
Welcome Oneah! Azrooh will come by and let you know what to do next.
Thanks for joining us, Onea! Glad to see you enjoyed it, you'll be doing a lot of it here :)
If you could post a list of the events you can regularly attend, that'd be great:
Event Times:
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
I'd suggest signing up for one training and one or both linebattles per week. If you can't attend a training/lb you're scheduled for, that's fine, just let your platoon leader (me for your duration as a rekrut) know that you're still alive and kicking and you'll be put onto excused. You can come to events you're not scheduled for, of course.
Reth, I don't do the 'post here' thing anymore :P
Hey there, I just recently got back into MM and my ATS buddy Delro told me you all are a good group! I'd love to take part in linebattles and such, so here's my application.
In-game Name: Mr_Pibb
Steam Username:doc_barber
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer? yeppers
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two.) Erm, any I suppose if I'm not working!
Thanks for accepting me :)
Event Times i can participate:
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
(Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST) i don't remember Friday Linebattle to be this late but i was able to participate in the last one so i guess i'm pretty ok with this schedule.
Hey, Duster, thanks for joining us!
I've gone ahead and changed your name to match your in-game name, hope you don't mind. Feel free to change it back if you wish.
Could we get a list of events we can expect you at? I'd reccomend one training and one or both linebattles per week. You're free to come to events you're not expected at, of course.
If you can't make one of the events you sign up for, just let your platoon leader (me until your promotion to soldat) know, and you'll be put on the 'excused' list for that day. You can tell me before or after, being gone isn't a problem at all, we just need to know that you're still alive and kicking.
Well I'm a server, and my schedule is done weekly. Do I need to message someone every night I won't be at an event?
No, you don't. So you are saying that you can attend any event, but it's a wildcard?
If so then we should just put you down for saturdays and fridays. If you can't make one of em, then throw Azrooh, Sven, IndiaQuinn, or Element a message through steam or this forum - you can also just post in one of the threads saying you won't be there. Again, before or after the event is fine.
You'll be able to come to any event, not just ones you're scheduled for, so if you have time and are in an MM mood then you can hop in on Tuesdays, Thursdays, or Sundays and kick some ass with us - but if you can't make them then you don't need to send us a message, we won't be expecting you for that day. The system is just to make sure you're still alive and with us, as well as a way to give us an average estimate on how many we can expect at an event.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): King_Warhammer
Steam Username (If you do not have Steam, say so here, It's not a requirement): 2nd Lt Blankenship
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join.) i can install it
Do you have a functioning microphone? (A microphone is not required to join) Yep
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two.)
I can make these, but im in Central time so i need to figure out when i have to be there
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST / 8PM GMT Yes
Sunday Private Line Battle - 2PM EST / 7PM GMT Yes
Central time is EST-1.
So Saturday is 2 central, Sunday is 1 central.
For sunday, try to get there a half hour early.
Welcome to the regiment!
*Herr Werner walks in the recruiment tent and clicks his heels
Guten Abend Kamaraden! I am Gash from ATS over on CRPG. I come to serve under your banner. Für das Vaterland!
In-game Name: Stefan Werner:
Steam Username : bkgash
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Check & Check for the mic.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? I can attend mostly all of them if I know in advance - the only exception being if there's a strategus battle as I have to command ATS troops over in CRPG.
Looking forward to a new experience.
Raises his hand in salute, clicking his heels simultaneously.
"Guten Abend Kamaraden! 451 of ATS from cRPG reporting for duty and assignment!"
[Steam Username: _451_
In-game name: Erich_Zoller
Teamspeak3 is installed.
I can attend any event or training so long as it does not come before 3pm PST on weekdays, or between 6 to 7pm on Sunday.]
Stands at attention.
Welcome to the regiment, both of you!
I'd suggest signing up for one training and one or both linebattles per week. Any more and it's easy to get burnt out. You're free to come to events you're not signed up for, of course.
Event Times:
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
451, I can't find your steam name. Could you provide me with a link? (Steam - Community - View my Profile at the right)
In-game Name: Silentspy
Steam Username: kings169
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? yep!
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? im available most of the time
Hey, welcome to the regiment!
Could you post one training and one or both linebattles that you can attend regularly?
Event Times:
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Hello! I am Dasty of ATS in cRPG. I have been playing MM for only a little while and recently took a large break. I enjoy the game and would enjoy it more with some nice people to play with!
In-game Name: Elritze_Macht
Steam Username: Dastyruck
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer? Yes!
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
I am pretty sure I can attend most of these, the Saturday and Sunday ones are fairly early for me(PST), but I think I can make these.
Hey, Elritze, thanks for joining us!
Tomorrow we've got our conquest event instead of our training, hope to see you there.
In-game Name:
Steam Username:
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?
Do you have a functioning microphone?
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two.)
Friday through Sunday
Hey Posslington, thanks for joining us!
Hoping to see you tomorrow.
It was midnight, I blame lack of sleep ;P
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):Ecko
Steam Username (If you do not have Steam, say so here, It's not a requirement):alphab3ta(never use it)
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join.)yes
Do you have a functioning microphone? (A microphone is not required to join)yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two.)All however I run the NA servers for CRPG and a guild...all CRPG events will have to come first. However most of my clannies are already in 1st EPI
In-game Name :Bernie
Steam Username:Bernie45
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT YES
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST YES
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Ususlly yes
I also can attend lbs on friday and sunday.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Noobie, SuperNewb, Titi, Solanus and many more
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): Karsnak, MrBox42
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? Anything
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): AntiBlitz
Steam Username; AntiBlitz
Do you have teamspeak3? Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? I work quite often and schedule changes thru out the year, But im quite a active player
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): arisaka92
Steam Username; fharisaka99
Do you have teamspeak3? Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? Thursday training and Friday Line Battle (always), Saturday training and Sunday Line Battle (usually)
Everybody has been accepted.
I will get you all in the steam groups sometime today, after the event.
Okay. You're all on the roster with invites to the steam groups.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): FireHolder
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes, and have a working mic.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - No
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST - Yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST - Maybe
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT - Yes
Hey, Fireholder, thanks for joining us! We've got a linebattle tomorrow that I see you're signed up for. Be sure to come a half hour earlier - we do our pre-lb training then, and you'll recieve your basics there.
If you can't come a half hour early, that's fine, but you'll have a bit of a trial by fire.
In-game Name: Ironcross
Steam Username: Varomint
Do you have teamspeak3? Yep
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? Saturday Primary Training, Friday and Sunday linebattles.
Thanks for taking the time to read my application, this regiment looks awesome and I hope I get accepted.
Hey Ironcross, your application is indeed accepted, thanks for joining us!
As I said to FireHolder, try to show up to the linebattle a half hour early to get the basics.
Oh my god Azrooh. Go into the member list and assign membergroups.
In-game name: Daily
Steam Name: Dageek92
I have Teamspeak 3 with working mic and english is in decent condition.
I can attend all the dates stated but might sometimes be busy.
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - Yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST - Maybe to no
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST - Greater chance than Thursday Training but still small chance.
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT - Yes
A friend recommended you guys and I hope you will accept me to your ranks.
Hey, Daily, thanks for joining us.
Who's your friend? We try to get friends in the same platoon together when they are promoted to soldat.
I do not know what name he uses for you guys but his nickname around the web is Silentspy.
Thank you a lot for the invite.
Yep, he is Silentspy here as well.
in game username joker
steam name stig37
have teamspeak 3 no mic though
can do most events
Hey, Joker, welcome to the regiment.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):Tabasco or CloundNin9
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): no
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) Yes :)
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.) yes most
Welcome to our forums Tobasco. Azrooh will be along in the morning to review your application. Thanks for your patience. :)
why thank you! I am looking forward to killing in the name of 1stEPI!
Hey Tabasco, thanks for joining up.
I'll put you down as Tabasco, seeing as that's your forum name.
In game name is Valt
Yes I have teamspeak, and a mic.
I can most likely attend all events listed.
I'm joining with a number of other ATS guys from crpg, see you out there.
Hey Valt, thanks for joining us.
I'd suggest cutting down the events you attend, attending all of them can burn you out quick. I'd suggest attending one training and one or both linebattles per week.
Quote from: Azrooh on May 13, 2011, 10:49:35 PM
Hey, welcome to the regiment!
Could you post one training and one or both linebattles that you can attend regularly?
Event Times:
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Tuesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday
In-game Name: Prox
Steam Username: Steam ID Kokanee64; Prox
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? I has team speak 3
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
I will attend all that my fluctuating work shifts permit, so most likely both lines battles and thursday saturday trainings.
Hey Prox, we've got an event starting soon, go ahead and get in teamspeak - it's in the Rekrut subforum.
I'll add you to the steam group and rosters after the event.
yes i have TS3 and microphone
ingame and teamspeak and STEAM username same: Dwarden
but my friendlist is full for like year or so
i can try attend but no warranty on the time
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
i can try attend with higher change than above
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
i can attend the Line Battles one most of time
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
i'm quite busy so it's sort of uncertain
if someone want my skype, then that's possible i'm on it nearly all the time
Gutten tag. Here is my application:
In-game Name: Kingly
Steam Username: Kingly
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?: I do.
Do you have a microphone?: I do.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?: The thursday training and friday battle line events for sure, though I will make it a point to attend every event that I can.
I hope you decide to take me, it would be an honor to serve.
Welcome to the regiment, both of you. Hope to see you tomorrow, instead of our normal training we have a scrim with the 51st. Afterwards we'll be having an AoFI event, you can download the mod here:
( (
E: Also, Kingly, according to Avoric's stats, you're now our 100th active member. Congrats.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Brett
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.):
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.)Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.) Saturday, Sunday, and Most Likely Monday LB's, as well as all trainings.
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yep, might be 10 min. late, but yes I will be there
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST Yes.
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes.
Quote from: Brett on May 21, 2011, 04:50:48 PM
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Brett
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.):sgt_taco351
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.)Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.) Saturday, Sunday, and Most Likely Monday LB's, as well as all trainings.
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yep, might be 10 min. late, but yes I will be there
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST Yes.
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes.
P.S- I do believe I applied some time ago, under the same name, but left due to family issues.
Hey Brett, good to have you back. Welcome aboard.
I'll get you set up in a couple minutes.
Also forgot to mention, my brother plays for the 23rd, just trying to prevent any unhappy incidents to happen.
Edit- Steam ID uploaded to my application.
In game Ropin
Steam Ropinfool/ I also have xfire and that is reiningfool
I have teamspkeak and I have a mic
I can attend practices on thursdays on most days although I might be a little late.
I can attend most Linebattles
I am a member of the GK clan in Native. I was also a Lt. in the 71st Highlanders Regiment
Hey, Ropin, thanks for joining us. Hope to see you on thursday.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Dr_Spaceman
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): Floating_Blizzard
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer: Yes.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
I've played MM mod for quite a long time, and I know the basic strategy behind line formations and movements as well as shooting and mele.
Steam Username: jorgesi101
will immediately get team speak
i can attend all events.
i would gladly join your regiment
Good to see you post here Spaceman. You swing a mean bayonet. Looking forward to playing along side you.
You are both accepted.
I'll get you into the roster later today.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Assassinator
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): Assassinator1097
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?: Already do.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? All except Sunday and Thursday.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Braun
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): dj_joyride
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) Yes, as well as I have a microphone.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - No
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST - Yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST - Yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT - Yes
Hey, welcome to the regiment Braun, and welcome back Assassin. Glad you got your issues sorted out.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Picton
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): nater389
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) No, I do have a mic but can install teamspeak3(never used it though).
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - No
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST - Yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - No
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST - No
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT - Yes
I was sent here by Col_Lowlander of the 18e
Hey Picton, thanks for joining up with us. Hope to see you next thursday.
(Nice musket!)
Quote from: Azrooh on May 23, 2011, 05:00:55 PM
Hey Picton, thanks for joining up with us. Hope to see you next thursday.
(Nice musket!)
Can we do that? How did you get the avatar on a scroll bar? heh
Quote from: Azrooh on May 23, 2011, 05:00:55 PM
Hey Picton, thanks for joining up with us. Hope to see you next thursday.
(Nice musket!)
Thanks Azrooh!
Quote from: Avoric on May 23, 2011, 05:51:11 PM
Can we do that? How did you get the avatar on a scroll bar? heh
Avoric...All I did was upload the pic and it automatically added the scroll bar...and thanks for the welcome.
Automatically added them? That's fancy.
Tis a sexy website I suppose. You know what I mean though...I didn't have to do anything.
It's an awesome website, created by our very own Brookmanz.
In-game Name: Arminius
Steam Username: jimprovit
Do you have teamspeak3 [...]? Yes, with microphone.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
This depends on my RL-job, so its not every week the same, but i have time for 2 times a week.
This week:
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST (?)
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
That's fine Arminius, we've got a few guys in the same situation. What we have you do is put down one training and maybe a linebattle that you think you can show up for on a semi-regular basis. Then, if you can't make it just let your platoon leader (azrooh for now) know. This way you're on our lists so we won't forget about you.
My apologies for not formally accepting you, Arminius. Welcome!
In-game name: What1320
Steam: What1320
Teamspeak: I have it
Events: Friday Linebattle and Saturday Training
Hello, What, welcome to the regiment.
What should i change my name too?
Quote from: What1320 on May 28, 2011, 05:38:08 PM
What should i change my name too?
In-game Name: Chubz
Steam Username: deathisamongus (stupid, i know..)
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
thursday and most saturday trainings, along with friday and most sunday line battles
Figured that I would re-app since I can be more active now that it's summer, hope to play with you guys again soon 1st.
Hey Chubz, welcome back.
You'll be a rekrut for a quick refresher, but you'll likely get your soldat rank back quickly.
Sounds good, glad to be back Az ;D
-In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Maestro
-Steam Username (If you do not have Steam, say so here, It's not a requirement): Lord Norla
-Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join.): YES
-Do you have a functioning microphone? (A microphone is not required to join): YES
-Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two.) Friday and Saturday for sure.
Hey Maestro, I've changed your forum name to your in-game name to prevent confusion, I hope you don't mind.
Welcome to the regiment!
In-game Name: Gomer
Steam Username: CharacterName
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? :Yes!
Do you have a functioning microphone? (A microphone is not required to join):YES!
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST / 8PM GMT No
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST Maybe
Friday NA Line Battle - 8PM EST (8PM EST is 1am GMT right? if so) Yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST / 8PM GMT Yes
Sunday Private Line Battle - 2PM EST / 7PM GMT Yes
I'm in 3rd atm but I have been passed up on rank for 3months and Im tired of it....
Hey Gomer, welcome to the regiment.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.):
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.)
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Hello i would love to join.
Ingame name: Jasper
Steam: jesper1045, but somehow i cant add freinds?
I have no teamspeak function, but i can do it asap. I just need to know which one to download. Ohh i have a microphone to btw :)
I can a attend to saturday primary training. Im a little unclear about thursday.
I can attend to both line battles.
Hey Jasper, welcome to the regiment.
I changed your forum name to match your in-game name, I hope you don't mind.
Hey I would love to join you guys
In game name: Jakedasnake
Steam: Yes
Which events can I attend: Well since summer is here all of them pretty much unless therer is an emergency.
TeamSpeak: Yes I have it
Hey Jakedasnake, welcome aboard!
It's really easy to get burnt out attending every event. Would you mind if we just put you down for Saturday and Friday?
You can join other events, of course, but you would just be expected on saturdays and fridays.
In game : Scotsman
TS yes, mike yes.
Can attend all
In-Game Name: SirBubbles
Steam Username: SirBubbles
I have Teamspeak
No microphone
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
(Probably all 3 unless my schedule changes :)
Welcome to the regiment, both of you!
SirBubbles, I wasn't able to find your steam account. If you post a link to your profile, I'll invite you to the steam groups.
Quote from: Azrooh on June 05, 2011, 04:27:44 PM
Welcome to the regiment, both of you!
SirBubbles, I wasn't able to find your steam account. If you post a link to your profile, I'll invite you to the steam groups.
Quote from: Azrooh on June 05, 2011, 12:48:00 PM
Hey Jakedasnake, welcome aboard!
It's really easy to get burnt out attending every event. Would you mind if we just put you down for Saturday and Friday?
You can join other events, of course, but you would just be expected on saturdays and fridays.
Well actually saturday is the one day I cant make, just found out. So put me down for everything except saturday and anything really later on Friday. Everything else is fine.
Quote from: SirBubbles on June 05, 2011, 04:33:41 PM
Quote from: Azrooh on June 05, 2011, 04:27:44 PM
Welcome to the regiment, both of you!
SirBubbles, I wasn't able to find your steam account. If you post a link to your profile, I'll invite you to the steam groups.
He means a link to your profile like this
That is my profile
Log in from HERE ( click view profile under (your steam account name) profile. Then copy the address.
Heh, we got it sorted out over PM, Avoric.
Oh well, for the next guy then. ...until you delete the non application posts, drat!
I havn't done that for awhile :P
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): backstrap
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): Stonewall
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) yes i have it installed
depends on work schedule what i will be able to make buy i will just put the thursday training and the friday line battle
Finally!!! A recruit that understands the fourth question!!! This is a historic occasion!
Hey Backstrap, welcome to the regiment.
I couldn't find your steam name, would you mind getting me a link to your steam profile?
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Xwiv
team Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): N/A
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) yes i have it installed
I have acess to pretty much all events right now
Hey Xwiv, welcome to the regiment. We've got a training tonight at 8 EST, hope to see you there.
In-game Name: alf.
Steam Username: alf2142.
Teamspeak3: Yes, with mic.
Attendance: Tuesday Weekday Training.
Saturday Primary Training.
Sunday Linebattle.
in game name: Caesarsalad
Steam name: Caesarsalad
Teamspeak: yes, no mic yet but may get one
tuesday training: during summer
thursday training: during summer and most likely the rest of the year
Saturday training: yes
Friday battle: Yes
Sunday battle: during summer and most likely the rest of the year
Hello both of you, welcome to the regiment.
I'm dead tired, I'll get you two on the roster/steam groups tomorrow.
In-game Name: Davos
Steam Username: Bladethegreat
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?: Yes, installing it now. Also ordered a headset the other day so I should have a mic by saturday
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?:
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - Yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST - Yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST - Yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
I'll probably be able to attend the others more often as not as well, but those 3 I should be able to definitely attend regularly
Welcome to the 1stEPI Davos!
Lt. Azrooh will get your account situated to see the rekrut forums here soon.
In-game Name: Delatombe
Steam Username: Kapitän
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?: I am installing it at the very second.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?:
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
I may attend the others upon occasion, but I will be able to attend these three for certain.
Welcome Dela! Will you have a mic by chance? Also, my steam won't accept the a with an umlaut. Could you add imori_akari so I can get you into the steam group?
Lt. Azrooh will get you set up soon to see the rest of the forums. See you on the field!
Thank you for the welcoming, Sven. I do indeed have a mic, though it is not of the best quality. I may upgrade in the future, however.
Hey both of you,
Glad you decided to join us. I hope to see you in the future.
In-game Name: Storm (if available)
Steam Username: BendegitBran
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Installed and ready to receive orders.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? Depending on my work schedule I could make a combination of training sessions and line battles. When I'm off, barring any other issues, I should be able to make any of them, but most likely I'd be there for one training session and one or more line battles.
Welcome Storm! Your name is available ;)
Are there any particular events you'd like for us to put you down for? It helps us keep track of things. If you are listed for one and can't make it, just let either myself or Lt. Azrooh know and you'll be excused for it.
Azrooh will change your forum account soon so you can access the rest of our forums.
See you on the field!
If I had to guess (which I am), it would be the Thursday training session and the Friday and Sunday battle sessions.
That works. Just gives us an idea when to expect you. You're welcome at any of the events, just let us know if you can't make it to those three whenever you can.
Will do!
In game name: Chewypanic or chewy
Steam username: chewypanic
I have team speak installed and I have a mic
I'm on vacation right now but when I get back I can do the tuesday training, thursday training and friday line battle.
Hey, cheweypanic, glad you decided to join us.
Any idea when you get back from vacation? We'll excuse you from all events until you get back.
yes in about three days, but i will also be going to other places a week later
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Drewpee
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): Drewpee
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) - yes and yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST - no
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST - yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT - yes
Hey Drewpee, welcome to the regiment. Hope to see you next tuesday.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Thoomasi
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): Thmaz
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) - yes and yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST - no
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - no
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST - no
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT - yes
Hey, Thoomasi, thanks for joining us. We've got a training tuesday that I see you're signed up for, hope to see you there.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):Henkeswe
Steam Username (If you do not have Steam, say so here, It's not a requirement):henrikswe
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join.)yes
Do you have a functioning microphone? (A microphone is not required to join)no
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - yes
Hey Henkeswe, glad you decided to join up with us. Hope to see you today.
However, can you not make any linebattles?
In-game Name: Jon
Steam Username: avicenna007
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?: yes
Do you have a functioning microphone?: no
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT no
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT yes
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Sgt_Slaughter (This is my current name, if I need to take out the SGT it wont be a problem. Or I could remove the _)
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): Symbolicicon
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) I don't have it, but can get it, and I have a mic.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Sunday - definately
Thursday/Friday- Most likely
tuesday, saturday - Won't know whether im available until the day before that training, due to work.
Welcome to the regiment, both of you.
The 'sgt' in your name won't be a problem, we use German ranks, so there is no Sgt.
In-game Name : Johann
Steam Username : genius17
Do you have Teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or cvan you install it soon? I have Teamspeak3 on my cmputer.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? -Tuesday Weekday Training
- Thursday Weekday Training
-Friday Linebattle
-Sunday Linebattle
Hey, Johann, glad you decided to join us. We've got a training tomorrow, hope to see you there.
In-game Name: Craqmac
Steam Username: Craqzy
I have Teamspeak and your channel. ( have a working mic )
I can attend on Tuseday / training, Sunday / linebattle, and some Thursdays.
Welcome Craq! Thanks for joining us in training today.
In-Game Name: MockedBird
Steam Username: MockedBird
I have Teamspeak 3 installed on my computer.
I can attend, at least until September, the Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday training days, and the Friday and Sunday Line Battles. Once September comes, it is likely to be shortened to the Thursday and Saturday training events.
Welcome Mocked! Glad to have you with us. Hope you had fun at the training today. You might want to cut your trainings down to 1 or 2. It can get easy to get burnt out when attending all 3.
Hey Mocked and Craq, welcome to the regiment!
Craq, I've changed your forum name to your in-game name. Hope you don't mind.
Alrighty, then, I'll probably go for just the Saturday one, then.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Atcman1
Steam Username (If you do not have Steam, say so here, It's not a requirement): Napoleonatc or General John Gibbbon (Iron)
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes I can install it
Do you have a functioning microphone? No
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two.)
Friday NA Line Battle - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST / 8PM GMT
Sunday Private Line Battle - 2PM EST / 7PM GMT
Welcome ATC! Lt Azrooh will get your forum account set up soon so you can see the rest of the forums. Looking forward to seeing you on the field.
(Although I may have to teamkill you once for your forum tagline about the rebels. I did Civil War reenacting with a southern unit. ;)
Dirty Rebel!
thats a true officer right there ends his sentences in "sir" even when making a death threat
Hi I'd like to join
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Osram
Steam Username (If you do not have Steam, say so here, It's not a requirement): Ownkruidnl
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes I can install it
Do you have a functioning microphone? : Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two.)
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST / 8PM GMT
Sunday Private Line Battle - 2PM EST / 7PM GMT
Hey Osram! Welcome to the regiment! Lt. Azrooh will likely change your forum name to your in game name here soon, just so its easier to know it is you posting in the future. Hope to see you next weekend!
Hey, I added both of you to the roster and the steam group. Welcome to the battalion.
In-game Name: Orobas
Steam Username: Orobas210
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computern?: yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - perhaps,if not at work
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Hey Orobas! Welcome to the 1stEPI.
Do you have a microphone?
Also, if you can't make it to tuesday, just let myself, Kpl. von_Brennenburg, or Lt. Azrooh know.
You could also remove tuesday from your list and attend it if you feel like it, it's up to you.
Welcome to the regiment.
hey thanks for giving me a chance in your regiment..yes, i have a microphone but i'm afraid that my english is a bit rusty :-[ german is way better ;D
Quote from: Orobas on July 01, 2011, 01:42:27 PM
hey thanks for giving me a chance in your regiment..yes, i have a microphone but i'm afraid that my english is a bit rusty :-[ german is way better ;D
Kpl Brennenburg is german, and Olt Fritz is Austrian, so if you need any help with anything, you can talk to them.
thanks..after a while i should be able to talk english as years ago in school..reading is no problem
Alright, that's good to hear. We don't mind if you speak German in teamspeak, though it'd be polite if you'd move down a channel beforehand.
Brennenburg's a Kpl with the recruits, so if you have a question during a training, you can ask him questions in German as well.
alright..and it's never wrong improving personal english skills ^^ i'm happy to be here
In-game Name: Malkara
Steam Username: (
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon: Yep.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? I should be able to attend everything, barring deciding to go do something IRL- I'm a bum of a college student and out until the very end of August. At that point, I will definitely be able to still make the Saturday training, not sure about the rest yet.
In-game Name : Harperz
Steam Username : golarian
Do you have Teamspeak3 Client installed? Yes, I have Teamspeak3 installed. My microphone is integrated though so it may not work well.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST, Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST.
Hey both of you, welcome to the regiment. I see you've both put down fridays as days you can attend, so I hope to see you tonight. We've got a training at 8:30 EST for Fridays, so attend that to get the basics down if you can.
In-game Name: Percussor
Steam Username: BoxPercussor
Teamspeak 3 Installed: Yes (no microphone though)
Events I can attend to: All of them for now (however once my school starts again this will undoubtedly change)
Edit: Typo
Welcome to the 1stEPI, Percussor! We have a LB today that you're welcome to attend at 3PM EST. If you'd rather have a training first, we'll see you Tuesday at 3 EST. Leutnant Azrooh will get your account set up to see the rest of the forums soon.
We know it's easy to get burned out doing everything, so if you ever want to drop a couple days, let us know and we'll get you set up. Don't forget to notify myself or Lt Azrooh if you needs to be excused from a training :)
Just one question. I probably wont attend to today's linebattle, could you please mark me as excused, if I'm not already?
I had the time wrong anyways, its at 2PM EST ;p But yeah, we'll get you marked as excused.
In-Game Name: Sofa
Steam Username: Csp499/ Twelve Different Types of Soup! (The latter is my display name)
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer? Yes.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? Clear for all events (unless otherwise noted), though I may need reminders on the nights prior to Tuesdays, Saturdays and Sundays; I'm on Pacific time and if it's an idle day, I tend to sleep in.
Please bear in mind that I'm a new player, so I probably might not attend the first few linebattles of my career if I'm accepted.
I'm on Pacific too. Most events are late enough that you should be alright though. As far as linebattles go, it's a lot more fun to just jump right in and give it a try. You may not do extremely well, but you will have a lot of fun!
Quote from: Rethmeier on July 04, 2011, 12:21:42 AM
I'm on Pacific too. Most events are late enough that you should be alright though. As far as linebattles go, it's a lot more fun to just jump right in and give it a try. You may not do extremely well, but you will have a lot of fun!
Alright then.
Thing is, I'm unsure what this group's "doctrine" is; I'm not sure if the group's more competitive, or socially oriented, so I didn't want to spoil anything with any newbie blunders were it the former. But either way, it'd be great if I could provide an extra pair of hands (or an extra helping of organic mass to absorb oncoming fire) to a group.
I'd say we're somewhere in the middle. We require dicipline and maturity, but we're not stuck on just winning. Our main priority is attempting to reach a high level of historical accuracy. Generally we do alright for ourselves, but I wouldn't say that we're the most competetive group when it comes to performance on the battlefield. However, we can always use more meatshields in our ranks! Cannon Fodder will lead us to victory!
Quote from: Rethmeier on July 04, 2011, 01:30:47 AM
I'd say we're somewhere in the middle. We require dicipline and maturity, but we're not stuck on just winning. Our main priority is attempting to reach a high level of historical accuracy. Generally we do alright for ourselves, but I wouldn't say that we're the most competetive group when it comes to performance on the battlefield. However, we can always use more meatshields in our ranks! Cannon Fodder will lead us to victory!
That's what I like to hear!
Quote from: Sofa499 on July 03, 2011, 11:56:50 PM
In-Game Name: Sofa
Steam Username: Csp499/ Twelve Different Types of Soup! (The latter is my display name)
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer? Yes.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? Clear for all events (unless otherwise noted), though I may need reminders on the nights prior to Tuesdays, Saturdays and Sundays; I'm on Pacific time and if it's an idle day, I tend to sleep in.
Please bear in mind that I'm a new player, so I probably might not attend the first few linebattles of my career if I'm accepted.
Since Major Reth never clarified: Welcome to the 1stEPI! If you do sleep in, just let us know after and we'll get you marked. Just let us know you're alive.
Also, awesome picture. BOOBSTORM!
Hey Sofa, glad you decided to join up with us. Hope to see you in an event soon.
Fill out this application with your information and post it here by clicking the reply button. We will add you to the roster once we have recieved your completed application. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Gimlistep
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): (
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) I got it and I am mostly up and running on it daily (I also have a mic)
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT <---- Yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST <--- Yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT <--- Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST <--- Yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT < ---- Maybe
Welcome to the regiment, Gimli.
In-game Name: Amboo
Steam Name: Father Rabbit
Teamspeak3 installed: Yes
Trainings and linebattles: Sunday Linebattle 2pmEST/ Tuesday Training 3pmEST & Saturday Training 3pmEST
No offence, but organizing the training is really bad.. I can't find the damn TS3 information, I looked for you guys on one of your teamspeak servers, cant find you.
IF YOU GET A 'Host not found' ERROR:
Use this address:
Hey Amboo, welcome to the regiment. Feel free to come to today's training.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):Sir_Shmeg
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): madsn13pez154
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.): Newest Client as always and installed.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.): Should be able to attend all Events at all times!
Welcome to the regiment, Shmeg!
Welcome to all the new Rkts. If you have any questions, feel free to message either Lt. Azrooh or myself on steam or leave a post on,119.0.html (,119.0.html). Also, looking over,448.0.html (,448.0.html) might help you out.
Hello, 1stepi i would like to join ur clan so heres the info
In-Game Name:Sakis
Steam Name:BonzaiSamurai
i can attend Saturady primary training
i can attend sunday line battle
i can attend friday line battle
well i hope this is enough
Hey Sakis, welcome to the regiment.
In-Game Name: Hailon
Steam Name: wildcard977
Teamspeak 3: Yes
Can attend: Saturday Training, Sunday Line Battle (May be able to make other events)
Welcome to you as well, Hailon. Training tomorrow - I likely won't be there, but Sven and Brennenburg probably will.
Welcome you guys!
Feel free to check out Quick Guide for New Rekruten (,448.0.html) if you'd like to check out some of the basics before jumping right in.
Looking forward to seeing you on the field!
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):Tominatorxxl
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.):nonomb
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.)yup and I´ve got a microphone too
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
and 1 question is there any other person in this regiment who´s real prussian because I am prussian(german but in a prussian part)
Hey Tominator, welcome to the regiment.
Kpl Von_Brennenburg and Rkt Orobas are both German. Olt Fritz and Gfr Raegenhere are both Austrian. I'm sure we have a few more German speakers, but those are the ones I know of.
Welcome Tominator!
Burckhart is austrian too. You may well be the only "real prussian", but I don't know where Orobas is located.
Anyway it's nice that we have at least one now :)
And, of course, we are all prussian in our hearts... :D
for sure we are all prussians für das Vaterland!!!
Quote from: Tominatorxxl on July 09, 2011, 03:59:18 PM
for sure we are all prussians für das Vaterland!!!
Brand new rekrut and already posting things that get you honor on the forums. :p
If you want a quick run down of basic tactics before jumping into a training, feel free to check out Quick Guide for New Rekruten (,448.0.html)
so one question how do i get messaged if i am in the regiment?
You are already in.
You can find the events you are scheduled for at,33.0.html, (,33.0.html,) if you cant make it to one please let Azrooh, Sven or me know.
kannst auch mit mir deutsch reden aber wie kann ich denn die passwörter und den teamspeak server bekommen?
yep,he could. but it would be impolite against the others which are not talking German as good as we do.
and the prussian thing..
i'm from Delmenhorst,Niedersachsen and my ancestors came from Alexandrow, which was a well-nigh complete by germans inhabited town until 1945..and these ancestors came there before 1840 from a town called Lobsens ( or Łobżenica in Polish ), which was a part of the Prussian Province of i would say that i have Prussian roots..
n-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Crowley
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): joacim_anderberg
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) YES, yes ( it works now )
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT <-------- ( SOMETIMES MAYBE)
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT <---------
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT <--------
Hello, my name is Crowley
Tom, oro, if you wouldn't mind, take your discussion to a private message or another topic? We gotta try to keep this clear.
Welcome Crowley! I won't put you down for Tuesday, but feel free to show up whenever you're free. Lt Azrooh will get your member group set so you can see our rekrut forums soon.
Just so you know, i cant start this week that comes now,, maybe next + i done this to meet my old friends like reth, box, sharp :P
No worries. Will mark you excused until next saturday.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): 'House'
Steam Username: 'Gentleman House'
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) Yes, I have TS3, and a mic.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? Probably all of them, depending on what I may or may not have to do on those days.
Welcome to the regiment, House and Crowley.
Welcome back, Crowley.
IN game name is : Pachi
Account name is: blight222
I can get teamspeak 3 soon.
I can do the saturday training
And the 8:00 Est friday line battle
wow crowly is here again? hey reth looks like were getting the old band back together
Hey Pachi, welcome to the regiment.
Quote from: GoPats on July 11, 2011, 01:00:51 AM
wow crowly is here again? hey reth looks like were getting the old band back together
YES! :P and now i got my TS working so now you will hear a Squeaky voiced 15 year old! mohahah, however as i said im not "in" this till next week.
Hello there
In-game Name: Argork
Steam Username: kitfisto476
I have teamspeak 3, and I'll get a mic and some point too
Tuesday training is probably best, and Friday linebattles
Welcome to the regiment, Argork and Pachi! Looking forward to having you fight alongside us. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask either myself, Lt Azrooh, or Kpl von_Brennenburg. Also, feel free to check out Quick Guide for New Rekruten (,448.0.html) if you'd like a run down on things before attending an event.
Welcome aboard, Angork.
In-game Name: Poniatowski
Steam Username: mrstarfishh33
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT yes
Hey there Ponia! Good to have you with us. Lt. Azrooh will be along shortly to get your membergroup set so you can view the rest of the forums. See you on the field tomorrow at 3 PM EST!
Hey, Poniatowski, glad you decided to join with us. Welcome to the regiment!
My in game names is currently About23Seals I intend on changing it soon
My Steam name is lomo2211.
I dont have teamspeak installed right know but i can install it whenever.
I can make it to all events unless somthing comes up at which point i would inform you.
I would also like to add that im a civil war, spanish american war, and revolutionary war reenactor so i already have a good understanding of commands and how you should act on said commands.
Hey SamA, glad you decided to join us, welcome to the regiment!
For a quick run-over of the commands, you should check out Sven's Quick Guide for New Rekruten (,448.0.html)
Welcome to the 1stEPI! Going to list you as SamA for now until you decide what you'd like to go by. We use TS for every gathering, so getting it asap would be best.
Looking forward to seeing you on the field! We have a line battle in 4 hours that you're welcome to come to.
In-game Name: Renuair
Steam Username: Enjoi sk8
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT yes
Hey Renuair, welcome to the regiment!
My in game name is also SgtPepper217. I've been wanting to join the 1stepi for a while, but I couldn't get on the forum before... I do have teamspeak installed.
I'll probably be able to make all the tuesday trainings and the line battles.
Welcome SgtPepper! Glad to have you with us. Sorry for forum issues :P We recently updated everything so it should be running nice and smooth now.
Hope to see you on the field soon.
Welcome to the regiment, SgtPepper.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):Roloman4
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): Roloman4
I have Teamspeak 3
I believe I can attend all of them except for the Wednesday one.
Welcome Roloman! We don't have a Wednesday event so you should be alright there ;p. See you on the field soon!
In-game Name: Cpnobvious
Steam Username: MIASpartanK
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? I have Teamspeak installed and, while I haven't used it for tactical comms in over a year, I'm familiar with the options for whispering and channel commander. I do have a microphone.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? I can most certainly attend Saturday training and most likely both line battles, and I can do my best to make it to the weekly trainings.
And while we're not required to explain our reasons for joining, I feel that if I've taken the time to find you all and start typing I mine as well keep it going. :P
My fascination with milsim started in EVE Online, and soon after in 2009 I switched to WWIIOL. Most of the players of World War II Online are retired or actively serving military, and when coupled with the brutally realistic game mechanics you had to learn fast or get out. I enjoyed the structure, camaraderie, and triumphs through teamwork that we shared and I yearn to feel that adrenaline rush that only comes from seeing a French defensive line collapse under a well executed attack. I heard about Mount and Musket from a friend and, upon playing, realized I could definitely have some fun with this. The 1st East Prussian Infantry Regiment appears to be a well run, experienced group and I hope to spend a good long while fighting side by side with you. S!
Hey Cpnobvious, welcome to the regiment!
(we like killing Frenchmen as well.)
Also, we are currently in a linebattle - our teamspeak is
You should come join us!
Will do!
Or, I would if I knew the server the battle is on and the TS/Game server passwords to get wherever you need another meatshield!
In-game Name : viscount maxo
Steam Username .): bambi543
have teamspeak
can attend all events
Welcome to the regiment Max, and Uzo when he gets his application in :p
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): uzo70
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): uzo70
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.)yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST,Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
and sometimes Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
In-game Name :Warstarter
Steam Username :Zipzaps11
Do you have teamspeak3: yes with mic
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT YES
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM ESTMAYBE
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMTMAYBE
Friday Linebattle- 9pm ESTMAYBE
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMTMAYBE
i have a very flexible work schedule so i will try to make everyone i can but i do have off on Tuesdays so that only time that i could promise
Welcome Warstarter! I'll just put you down for Tuesday for now. You're still welcome to come to any others though!
Welcome to the regiment, both of you.
In game name: Brucke
steam username: Starcraftxenon / Brucke
Teamspeak3: yes, but no mic
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT: Yes[/li][/list]
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST: no
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST: no
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT: Probably
One question: I was directed to this regiment under the impression that it has a light infantry/skirmisher division. Is this true?
Welcome Brucke! Glad to have you with us. Leutnant Element will get ahold of you shortly to do his dragoon/skirmisher bit. I honestly have no idea what he does to his rekruts. Let me know if its something unpleasant.
actully sign me up to all the events until the sommer holidays are over ;)
Quote from: uzo70 on July 27, 2011, 09:06:54 PM
actully sign me up to all the events until the sommer holidays are over ;),543.msg6224.html#msg6224 (,543.msg6224.html#msg6224)
In game name: Nightmare
steam username: Nightmare
Teamspeak3: Not yet, i have a mic though
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT: No
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST: No
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST: Yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT: Most likely. Unless it lasts till past 4:30 EST
Sorry it's taken so long, but welcome to the regiment!
Hi,Bear here
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):Bear.
Steam Username (If you do not have Steam, say so here, It's not a requirement):No,dose not work for me idk why.
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join):Yes
Do you have a functioning microphone?:No
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two.):
Mostly Weekend and Fridays 8)
Welcome to the 1stEPI, Bear! Hope to see you on the field this weekend.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Hasan
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): Rocknok2
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.): I do have teamspeak 3 installed.
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT: Can attend before the school year begins. (Or join in late)
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST: I can attend all year.
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Can attend before the school year begins. (Or join in late)
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST I can attend all year
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT I can attend before the school year begins
Further notes. I'm an ex-member of the 16th Kampfgruppe, and reached the rank of Soldat.
I've left due to a lack of disipline, and due to toleration of harrasment by other members and officers.
I've been playing mount & musket for about four months, and have been in the 16th Kampfgruppe for about 3months and 20 days (Aproximately)
I have always attended the wednsday training (Excluding an announced month where i had my internet cut off)
I am aware of the organisation used, and native to the drills.
I also will abide by the rules and regulations of the 1st East prussian infantry, upon hopefull recruitment.
Und... Für das vaterland!
Hey, Hasan!
I believe the 16th's formations are based off ours, so you should fit right in when it comes to drills and expect to be promoted quick. Welcome to the regiment.
my in game name is winmorf. my profile name is cjbilder. i do not have team speak but will be getting it soon. riday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT and yes will be able to attend
Hey there reaper!
Are you unable to attend a training?
Quote from: Sven on August 03, 2011, 06:22:12 PM
Hey there reaper!
Are you unable to attend a training?
I can attend all the trainings but may leave late for the thursday training due to football practice.
No worries =] Just had to make sure. We may change your forum name to your ingame name soon so we know who you are.
In game name: Code
Steam username: walkingman96.Sorry its a bit random
Teamspeak 3: Yes
Microphone: Yes
I can attend most events i just don't really know when they all are but if i can be told when they start i will be able to attend all of the events.
Welcome to the regiment!
In Game Name: MadMike
Steam username: micknghiem
Teamspeak 3: yes
Microphone: yes
I can attend most of the events, most likely all, just need the schedule
Hey MadMike, welcome aboard.,16.0.html (,16.0.html)
Toward the bottom guys.
In game name: Destin
Steam Usr name: Destin
Teamspeak 3: yes
Microphone: yes
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST / 8PM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Friday NA Line Battle - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST / 8PM GMT
Sunday Private Line Battle - 2PM EST / 7PM GMT
I can attend all of these events every week, Except for the coming week i leave for vacation tommorow and will be gone for 1 week, i have fought with u guys on the conquest battle of 8/5/11 and thought this would be a good regiment
Hey there Destin! Glad to have you with us! Hope you had fun at the event. I'll get you on the roster and mark you excused for the first week. Hope to see you on the field soon.
Welcome to the regiment, Destin.
In game name: Hexon
Steam Usr name: Hexon
Teamspeak 3: yes
Microphone: yes
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Currently can come to all sessions availible if change needs to be made will proceed to reply on new hours that can be made.
Hey Hexon =] Welcome to the regiment. Glad to have you with us. We'll get you on the roster here and hope to see you on the field soon.
In-game Name: Pikobis
Steam Username: Pikobis
Do you have teamspeak3: Yes
Microphone: Yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
I can also attend the other events/trainings on occassion.
Hey Pikobis! Glad to have you with us. Hopefully see on the field Thursday!
In game name Narcotics
Steam Username Narcotics222
TeamSpeak3 yes
Working microphone Yes
Hey there Narcotics, go ahead and read our Code of Conduct and let us know which events you can make it to that are listed on it.
Welcome to the regiment, both of you!
In-Game Name: Brogg
Steam Username: germanicwarlord
I have TS and Vent installed
I can attend any training as I am on vacation.. usually should be able to attend all events.
PS: I was invited by a member to join the regiment and I am currently in a strange situation after moving to Italy so I have to use satellite internet. My connection is not good enough to go online on steam or to use TS. However the game runs somewhat smoothly and I was told that I could attend some practices or events with my current connection. I have played M&B for a year now and love to be art of a team and follow orders. I speak German and English and like to go pony tracking. Sorry about the wall of text.
-Best wishes,
Hey Brogg! Are you sure you won't be able to use teamspeak? We've got a guy in Ecuador with an average of 500 ping and he can use teamspeak just fine.
No i can't even connect to a server with TS.. I don't know why but for some reason some things work and some things don't.. I am just hoping that the internet people write back soon so i can be more active.. I always use TS during my play time but my current internet is just soo bad ...
Just wondering.. what do I have to do from now on??
Well, you won't be able to attend any events without teamspeak. That is a must.
We'll keep you on the roster until you're able to get teamspeak working though.
oK sounds like a deal.. anyhow I will be active in multiplayer. I will tell you guys when I get better internet.. been waiting for the mail for a week now =/
Thanks again,
Alright, looking forward to hearing from you :)
My ingame name is SomeWhiteGuy
Steam name is [GZ] SomeWhiteGuy
I have TS and a Mic and know how to use it
I can attend at least 1 of each event every week but probably will attend all of them
Hey Barnaby, welcome to the regiment.
In-game Name: Radd
Steam Username: I have Steam, drradd
Do you have teamspeak3:Yeah
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
I can make the Friday LB and a training. But I will probably be jumping around on training days, depending on my college classes =/.
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Much Love.
Welcome Radd! Glad to have you with us! I know how college scheduling is, being there myself so no worries on missing dates. As long as you let us know you're still alive and realize you missed it/are going to miss it, you'll be absolutely fine. Hope to see you on the field soon!
Welcome to the regiment, Radd!
So we have a Radd and a Radi.. This'll be fun :P
Quote from: Azrooh on August 12, 2011, 06:16:39 PM
Welcome to the regiment, Radd!
So we have a Radd and a Radi.. This'll be fun :P
My thoughts exactly :p
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Edwin
Steam Username: randolph215
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer: Yes
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT: Yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST: No
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT: yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST: No
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT : yes
Hey there Edwin! Glad to have you with us. Hope to see you on the field soon!
Welcome to the regiment, Edwin.
In-game Name: WulfySky
Steam Username: flashkonijn
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer? Yes, and I have a mic.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training
Saturday Primary Training
Sunday Linebattle
Hey Wulfysky, welcome to the regiment.
Finally, a Dutchman?
Belgium I think ;) Welcome to the Regiment WulfySky. Glad you decided to join us.
Wulfy can be removed off of the roster. I talked to him on steam, he's decided to join the 1er_Grenadiers instead.
Fill out this application with your information and post it here by clicking the reply button. We will add you to the roster once we have recieved your completed application. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):Andrej
Steam Username: Fanzer
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? sunday line battle, thursday training
Welcome Andrej! We may change your forum name to you in-game name to avoid confusion. We hope to see you on the field soon ;)
Hey Andrej, welcome to the regiment.
In-Game: Sovietski
Steam: Soviet
Teamspeak?: Yeah.
I don't really have a reliable schedule sadly, but I'd love to be a reservist if I can work out anything that doesn't have a clockwork kind of obligation. I know it's stupid but I go back to school soon, so, can't really know when I can do anything.
In-game Name: Pvt.Grissom
Steam name: agrimace
Teamspeak3: yes
Events I can be apart of: Saturday Primary Training, Friday Line Battle, Thursday Training (possible), Sunday Line Battle
In-game Name : Stalkanbro
Steam Username: Ordofureticus
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Can install is ASAP.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? Any events in the early afternoon, and anything on the weekends.
Hasan is flooding us I see :p Welcome you guys! Glad to have you all with us.
Soviet: Lt Azrooh will have to work with you on the scheduling thing.
Stalkan: What time schedule are you on? We have a Tues training at 3 EST, thats about it as far as early afternoon goes.
Hope to see you guys on the field soon!
Quote from: Sven on August 15, 2011, 02:04:24 AM
Hasan is flooding us I see :p Welcome you guys! Glad to have you all with us.
Soviet: Lt Azrooh will have to work with you on the scheduling thing.
Stalkan: What time schedule are you on? We have a Tues training at 3 EST, thats about it as far as early afternoon goes.
Hope to see you guys on the field soon!
Hey! a flood would be 80 people an hour, or something similar to that :P
but yes, i'm a natural-born recruiter :)
(and yes, i have been able to recruit 80+ people an hour on another game)
In-game Name: Carnbef
Steam name: zerglinster
Teamspeak3: Can download.
Events I can be apart of: Schedule may change in the near future, but currently am free on Tuesdays and Thursdays, along with Saturday and Sunday afternoons.
Welcome Carn! We use Teamspeak for everything, so go ahead and download it. Hope to see you in game soon 1stEPI_Rkt_Carnbef ;)
Ingame: Gunny
Steamname: piper06w
Got ts3 and a mic
Can attend Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday events, barring any other unforseen circumstances
Welcome to the 1stEPI Gunny! Glad to have you here with us. We'll get you on the roster. Hope to see you on the field soon! ;D
Welcome to the regiment, both of you.
Fill out this application with your information and post it here by clicking the reply button. We will add you to the roster once we have recieved your completed application. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):Spartan
Steam Username: Totalwarfan474
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? all of them
Other: My PC is messed up atm so my mic doesn't work and I cant seem to get steam on my PC it will be fixed soon but i hope i can still join
As long as you can hear us in TS and can be at the events, you're definitely accepted Spartan! Welcome to the 1stEPI!
Welcome to the regiment, Spartan!
My god, it's going to be busy tomorrow. Welcome all to our regiment.
Quote from: Uhlaf on August 16, 2011, 12:51:26 AM
My god, it's going to be fun tomorrow. Welcome all to our regiment.
Fix'd. You'll learn to appreciate a good rekrut training, young NCO.
In-game Name: ImmerBob
Steam name: semperbob
Teamspeak3: Installed
Events: Thursday training
Friday line
Other times subject to availability
Welcome Immer! Glad to have you with us. See you on the field soon!
Hey Immer, welcome to the regiment.
Fill out this application with your information and post it here by clicking the reply button. We will add you to the roster once we have recieved your completed application. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): thejack980
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): thejack980
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) I'm getting right now, and no I do not have a microphone
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT sometimes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT yes
Welcome to the regiment, Jack!
Welcome Jack! Glad to have you with us!
YAY :)
But what shud i add to the beginning of my name?
does it matter what banner i have?
Yeah, get the eagle with gold in its hands. It's the third banner on the first page.
k thanks sry for dumb questions
your not the first recruit to ask those questions buddy and better for you to ask them now then instead of a training or right before a linebattle =)
my in Game name would be: 1st_Rkt_Hozza
my Steam name: GeneralHoz
i do indeed have teamspeak
the only training i may not be able to make on a regular basis is the Thursday one
Hey 1stEPI_Rkt_Hozza ;) Glad to have you with us. Hope to see you in game soon.
Thank you, so shall I turn up to the next training
Our next training is Thursday, and you're more than welcome to come out if you can make it.
Welcome to the regiment, Hozza.
thank you
In-game Name: Millander
Steam name: Commander Millander
Teamspeak3: got it
Events: I for sure wont be able to attend Tuesday training due to school just starting.
Will be able to attend Thursday and Saturday training.
I can make both line battles.
And two notes
Does the epi not attend the Saturday line battle?
and secondly I have a youtube channel that I post videos of line battles on. So if I post our battles will it help the regiment?
Eagerly waiting for a reply ~Millander
Hey there Millander! Glad to have you with us, and good to know that our website is running a bit better than last time you tried to apply, heh.
The EPI doesn't attend Saturday due to other events on that day, such as training at 3PM EST and an American Civil War mod linebattle at 7 PM EST.
You're definitely more than welcome to post videos of our battles. Just try to catch our good side. And by that, I mean I want nothing but footage of Merius's beard, and my war face.
...but go ahead and film other stuff if you feel so inclined :p
glad to be aboard. And no worries ive had my fair share of cutting parts of footage out xD
If I may ask. What do I do from here? Do I get assigned somewhere and should I join a steam group?
Sorry, had to run out and get some food.
One of the Lt.s will get your membergroup set to view the rest of the forums. We'll get you added to the steam group.
EDIT: Can't find you on steam. Feel free to add me imori_akari
Thank you one final question xD
Where Can I locate your Teamspeak. the thread said the 22nd ts but I cant find you guys
Oops, that one is out of date. We now have our own TS server at Feel free to drop in whenever.
Welcome to the regiment, Millander.
In-game Name: 5arge
Steam Username: 5arge
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes, ofcourse.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? Thursday practices for sure. But for the next few weeks I may or may not be available on the weekends, so maybe for all other events. After Labor Day weekend I will be around more on the weekends and will come to all events (except Tuesday practices, because Fritz is a jerk, and I am at work).
If you want to put me in the Reserves until I can make more events, I won't mind, but I do want to start coming to Thursday trainings again. I will also be available a couple Fridays in the next few weeks, so I think it's about time I come back.
Your application is denied.
Welcome back, 5arge! I have to see if we're forcing you through the Rkt platoon again before I can put you on the roster :p
Quote from: Sven on August 18, 2011, 12:21:02 PMI have to see if we're forcing you through the Rkt platoon again before I can put you on the roster :p
I spoke to Avoric about that. He or Azrooh can fill you in on the "plan for 5arge".
Quote from: 5arge on August 18, 2011, 12:15:41 PM
(except Tuesday practices, because Fritz is a jerk, and I am at work).
I demand satisfaction! Bayonets at dawn... But first you have to come out of Rekrut platoon :P
Yes, it would be improper for a Rkt to duel with a OLt.
I'm glad you liked my poetry...
Awesome :)
Did you decide to join in with the dragoons, 5arge? The alternative is A2.
Quote from: Azrooh on August 18, 2011, 03:55:45 PM
Awesome :)
Did you decide to join in with the dragoons, 5arge? The alternative is A2.
Or the Rkt platoon. Just saying. :p
Nah, he's starting off as Kpl... He knows our stuff well enough, and he's awesome NCO material :P
E: But if you do want to join the rkt platoon as a kpl, nobody's stopping you :P
For anyone reading this and wondering why what is going on, 5arge was the 1stEPI's Feldweble for months.
You are very welcome back and we will decide where to put you shortly, although Rkt platoon isn't an awful idea...
sorry but could i withdraw my application as i am joining another regiment, very sorry
No worries, Hozza. Best of luck with whichever regiment you decided to go with.
Quote from: Avoric on August 18, 2011, 04:11:38 PMYou are very welcome back and we will decide where to put you shortly, although Rkt platoon isn't an awful idea...
I'll go where you need me Avoric. Element wants me in the Dragoons with him, as we both started as dragoons together in the 6th. I could also help Azrooh with the Rkt platoon. Everyone knows I am experienced taking green recruits and making them into fighters (ask the Friday night pubs!). But Merius could probably use a Kpl in A2 more than anyone. I'll leave it up to the officers to decide where I will be best put to use. I'm just happy to back with the Regiment.
Just put on Kpl tags for now, we'll decide with you in the next training you attend (hopefully today) in the AAR or a bit after it
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):Grant
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.):crank/ or ssteig
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.)yes and yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.) ALL
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Hey Grant, I could have sworn that you already signed up 0.o Assuming you're Grant from the 5th Virginia. At any rate, welcome :p
Quote from: Rethmeier on February 25, 2011, 04:39:00 PM
Fill out this application with your information and post it here by clicking the reply button. We will add you to the roster once we have recieved your completed application. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):-Howard
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.):-zkhoward5
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.)-I have TS3.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT-NO
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST-Yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT-Yes/No
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST-Yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT-Yes
Welcome to the regiment, Howard!
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Armstrong
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): duke82
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT No
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST Yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST Yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT Yes
Welcome to the regiment, Armstrong! Glad to have you with us. We have a training here in half an hour if you'd like to come to it. Hop in TS whenever -
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): von Wittenberg
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): cijschelsea
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) Will install
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST Yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST Yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT Some
Welcome Wittenburg! We have a korporal in the Rkt platoon named von_Brennenburg, so this will be interesting, heh. Hope to see you on the field soon!
In-game Name: Arven
Steam Username): Arven
Do you have teamspeak3: Yes
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST No
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST Yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT Sometimes
I can be scheduled at work any day of the week, but typically I don't work both Tuesday and Saturday. I also have a class that runs until 10 PM on Thursday.
Welcome to the 1stEPI Arven! Glad to have you with us! If you cant make it to an event, just let us know in the rekrut forums.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):xJhoge
Steam Username (If you do not have Steam, say so here, It's not a requirement):jhoge555
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join.)yes
Do you have a functioning microphone? (A microphone is not required to join)yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two.) Friday Saturday and Sunday, but I have work on one of those 3 days but it is random.
Welcome Jhoge! Thanks for joining. Just let us know in the Rekrut section when you can't make it to one of those days.
Quote from: Sven on August 21, 2011, 05:52:40 PM
Welcome Jhoge! Thanks for joining. Just let us know in the Rekrut section when you can't make it to one of those days.
Who would I need to add?
Welcome to the regiment.
In-game Name: Spyder
Steam Username: I Fought In Vietnomnomnom
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer: Yes, I don't have a mic at the moment.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? : Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST & Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT & Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
GO 1st EPI!! :D
Welcome to the regiment, you two!
Welcome Spidey!
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer:( Elliott
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.( Vatican Assassin
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) Yes.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - Can attend.
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST - Can attend.
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - May have some issues, but can attended.
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST - Can attend.
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT - Can attend.
Welcome to the regiment Elliott! We won't put you down for Saturday, but feel free to attend it whenever you want =]
Welcome to the regiment, Elliot.
Why thank you. ^^
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):Stubbs
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): Stubbs
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) Yes, and I have a mic.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT: No, in Private Piloting Groundschool
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST: Yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT: Should be able to, not to sure.
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST: Should be able to, not to sure.
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT: Should be able to, not to sure.
My weekends vary.
Hey Stubbs, looking forward to seeing you this thursday. Welcome to the regiment.
Welcome Stubbs!
I'll give you a heads up now to expect at least one "stub" joke from me ^^ Haha. Glad to have you with us!
A Quick Resume: was a Soldat in the 16th got up to Uffz. Capt. in the 12th became Col. Merged and became a Lt. in the 60th. i quit do to immense amounts of drama -PM me for full resume in higher detail (if wanted)
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):Hugonaut
Steam Username (If you do not have Steam, say so here, It's not a requirement):soviet_sat66
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join.)yes
Do you have a functioning microphone? (A microphone is not required to join)yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two.)Thursdays and Fridays. occasionally Tues and Sat.
I do believe the 16th uses a modified version of our drills, so you should get up so soldat quickly. Welcome to the regiment.
Welcome Hugo! No worries on the drama thing, we're pretty quick to stamp it out when it rears it's ugly head here in the EPI. Hope to see you on field soon!
Quote from: Azrooh on August 24, 2011, 06:21:19 AM
I do believe the 16th uses a modified version of our drills, so you should get up so soldat quickly. Welcome to the regiment.
i used to play with hugonaut when we were in the 16th, we left almost at the same time, but i joined the EPI he joined the HM i belive.
either way, he had lots of experiance in a game similar to M&M as a higher rank, and may be able to bring excellent suggestions
welcome aboard alte kameraden hugo :)
We don't take ranks in previous clans into account when considering promotions, as not all other clans work the same way we do.
If he's good leadership material, he'll rise up in the ranks fairly quickly.
Quote from: Azrooh on August 24, 2011, 04:07:27 PM
We don't take ranks in previous clans into account when considering promotions, as not all other clans work the same way we do.
If he's good leadership material, he'll rise up in the ranks fairly quickly.
i am fully aware :D
i'm just saying that he's a realy good addition :D
I don't doubt it :)
i have steam Zeus
I have microphone
i do have teamspeak 3
in-game names is Zeus
Not sure when i can do it
Friday line battles
Saturday training Central
and most likely Sunday private line battles
Reference: Stubbs
Welcome to the regiment, Zeus.
Good to have you with us Zeus.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):Diomedes
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.):yourpimp15
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) I have teamspeak and microphone
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT (Nope)
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST (Nope)
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT (Yes)
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST (Yes)
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT (Yes) Also Stubbs Is the one who brought me here
Welcome to the regiment, Diomedes.
Welcome Brick! er, Diomedes! Good to have you with us!
Glad to see allot of my friends from the 60th are joining :)
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):Ed
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.):ChingstahED
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) I have teamspeak and microphone
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT My availability is rather random due to work and other stuff. I will try and attend some trainings though as soon as possible
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT Also Stubbs is the one who brought me here
Welcome to the regiment, Ed.
Stubbs is on a recruiting rampage. Better watch out for your title of Top Recruiter, Hasan :p
Welcome to the EPI, Ed! I won't see you on the field tonight due to class, but hopefully I'll see you on Saturday!
Yup, Hasan I'm fighting for that title! hehe 8)
Quote from: Sven on August 25, 2011, 03:38:55 PM
Stubbs is on a recruiting rampage. Better watch out for your title of Top Recruiter, Hasan :p
Welcome to the EPI, Ed! I won't see you on the field tonight due to class, but hopefully I'll see you on Saturday!
*Grrrs* at stubbs, besides i don't ask the rekruten to refer me :)
it degrades the recruiting process :P (3years experiance)
cwhite17 alias "DucK"
Ts3 is installed and i have a mic
Should be able to attend most all the events( online classes ftw!!)
Hey DucK! Happy to see you decided to join =] Hopefully see you on the field either tomorrow or saturday!
In-game Name: Kingswat
Steam Username: I do have Steam but don't share the ID right away.
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Installed
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
As of right now I can attend any and all events.
Welcome to the regiment, Kingswat.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Antanas. (Good old Lithuanian name.)
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): rustedglass2
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.)Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Maybe
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST Maybe
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm ESTYes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMTYes
Oh, and I'd like to be a Lithuanian Dragoon. A) I have Lithuanian roots, B) I play as a mounted rifleman most.
Hey Gentleman,
As Dragoons have to be proficient in both infantry and cavalry tactics, we don't accept rekruten into their ranks. Once you pass your infantry rekrut training and become a soldat, you can try out for the dragoons and probably be accepted.
Welcome to the regiment.
Ingame name: Bauer
Steam: davidjamesbauer
TS3: Yes.
I can currently attend all trainings, as far as I know, as well as both linebattles.
King, Antanas, Welcome to the EPI! Happy to have you with us! Hopefully we'll see you on the field soon.
Bauer, regretfully, I must deny your application due to your previous removal. However, an officer can override the denial, should they decide to.
In-game Name: Wastedgrunt36
Steam Username: Wastedgrunt36
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer: Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?: I should be able to attend all of them, but there will always be times that I can't come.
Wasted! Happy you decided to join. If you can't make it to any of the events, just let us know on the appropriate thread in the Rekrut forums. Lt Azrooh will get your account set up shortly to see the rest of the forums.
Quote from: Sven on August 28, 2011, 06:15:41 AM
Wasted! Happy you decided to join. If you can't make it to any of the events, just let us know on the appropriate thread in the Rekrut forums. Lt Azrooh will get your account set up shortly to see the rest of the forums.
I'm very happy to be here. :)
Quote from: Bauer on August 28, 2011, 04:31:15 AM
Ingame name: Bauer
Steam: davidjamesbauer
TS3: Yes.
I can currently attend all trainings, as far as I know, as well as both linebattles.
Hey Bauer, good to see ya, man. I'll need to talk with Avoric on where to put ya.
Welcome to the regiment, Wastedgrunt.
Alright, welcome to the regiment Bauer. You'll be starting as a rekrut.
In-game Name : MALAKEN
Steam Username
: birdman631
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? : I will install it now.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? : Every one except thursday.
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Welcome Malaken! Glad to have you with us!
In-game name:VES
Steam Username: JonathanWittering (Steam Friends name - VES)
TS3: Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?:
QuoteTuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - NO
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST - NO
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - YES
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST - YES
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT - NO
Due to being in the British Territorial Army, and in another Online Realism Unit, I unfortunately would only be able to attend two of the five drills.
Hey Ves, welcome to the 1st East Prussian Infantry! Thanks for joining us! We definitely understand other things taking priority, so no worries on only coming to two events. That's plenty.
Wonderful! I'll see you all on Saturday, and I'll get Silentspy to talk me through some of the basics. Cheers
i would like my ingame name to be martbarty and of course the regiment prefix
my steam name is martybarty989
i do have teamspeak3 but i do not have a mic
i could attend the tuesday training and the saturday primary
and i could attend the friday line battle
all the time will be in EST
Welcome to the regiment, everyone!
Welcome to the EPI, Marty! :D
so now what do i do
wtf happened to Bauer?
Quote from: martybarty on August 29, 2011, 05:55:57 PM
so now what do i do
Come to training tomorrow and prepare for glory.
ok just one more question whats the teamspeak server and whats the channel plus the servers password will that be messaged to me in steam?
In-game Name: Trafficcone
Steam Username: Canadian_trafficcone
Do you have teamspeak3: Yes, I also have a microphone
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?: I'm Pretty flexable, unless things come up.
Quote from: martybarty on August 30, 2011, 12:56:16 PM
ok just one more question whats the teamspeak server and whats the channel plus the servers password will that be messaged to me in steam?
Hi martybarty,
that's our TS:
you get all information and passwords there.
Hey there Traffic! Is there any events you'd be able to make it to for sure?
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? yes
no mic
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Welcome Raptor! Glad to have you with us! Feel free to join our steamgroup (
Welcome to the regiment, Raptor.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Alatriste
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): [VIRUS] Novum Invictus
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) Yes, I also have a mic.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.) I am able to join all events.
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Hey there Alatriste! Welcome to the 1stEPI! Feel free to join our steamgroup ( ( for updates and notifications about event. Hope to see you on the field soon!
steam name= Seanjkl or Seanjkl2 forget which
in-game name= Seanjkl
trainings/battles: can make all but tuesdays
i have ts3
i have a mic
and i was a 2nd lieutenant in the 2nd/Caz before they turned well......
if there is anything i need more or forgot i can edit it back or
Welcome to the regiment, Sean.
Welcome to the EPI, Sean! Happy you joined us. We'll see you on the field today for training hopefully :)
steam name=Jeremy
in game name Jeremy
as long as my eyes are open i'm playing video games
i have a mic
and im a noob
but i love Prussia
some 1st guy told me to join
i don't have ts3 but can get it easily
Hey there Jeremy! Do you know which events you can attend regularly? They can be found under the "Overview" in the Information subforum. Also, we'll probably change your forum name to Jeremy =]
I make all the training except Thursday
but may not make it Fridays
and I'm fine with the name change
Welcome to the regiment, Jeremy.
should I come to the private line battle
In-game Name - Uncanny
Steam Username - UnCannyX0
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? - Yes, will download it asap
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - YES
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST - NO
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - MAYBE
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST - MAYBE
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT - YES
- If this is of any concern I am solely trying to apply for the 33rd VA Regiment. I was told it is an extension of your Mount&Musket Battalion -
Hey Uncanny!
Yeah I was the one who talked to you in game. If you're alright when also attending those MM events, then welcome to the 1stEPI! Glad you decided to join us :D
Quote from: Rethmeier on February 25, 2011, 04:39:00 PM
Fill out this application with your information and post it here by clicking the reply button. We will add you to the roster once we have recieved your completed application. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):Jonny
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.):jgray45
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.)no but it will be installed
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST this one
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT this one
Quote from: Rethmeier on February 25, 2011, 04:39:00 PM
Fill out this application with your information and post it here by clicking the reply button. We will add you to the roster once we have recieved your completed application. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Antexxx
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): Andreas960301
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.) tuesday training and sunday line battle
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
VV They are both good players too! :D
yes i have teamspeak3
friday linebattle
primary training
maybe sunday linebattle
This is what I like to come home from work and see ^^ Welcome to the regiment you three! Change your in game names to 1stEPI_Rkt_Name and I hope to see you on the field soon!
Also feel free to join our steamgroup! (
cody belwolf1025 yes i have team speek3 instaled i can do saturday primary training at 3pm eastern and 8 pm gmy time i can also do friday linebattlin 9pm eastern time.
Welcome wolf! Er, which one is going to be your in game name?
Quote from: Sven on September 10, 2011, 12:03:25 PM
Welcome wolf! Er, which one is going to be your in game name?
he's answering the questions one by one, so i think
ingame name: Cody
steam username: belwolf1025
... and so on :P
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Machel Ney
Steam Username : Js. Franco Orozco
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join.) Yep
Do you have a functioning microphone? (A microphone is not required to join) Yep
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST / 8PM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Friday NA Line Battle - 8PM EST (8PM EST is 1am GMT right? if so)
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST / 8PM GMT
Sunday Private Line Battle - 2PM EST / 7PM GMT (they are all possibly)
Yours, Js Franco.
Welcome Machel! We'll probably change your forum name to your ingame to avoid any confusion. Hope to see you in game again soon!
Hey I'd like to apply.
In-game Name- Dutch32
Steam Username- Halofreak32
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes
Do you have a functioning microphone? (A microphone is not required to join) Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? Any time Saturday and most weekdays after 3pm
Welcome to the regiment.
Steam: XxXBuLLet89XxX (if that doesn't work reaper8986) my steam is a bit weird
i can install teamspeak3
do not have a mic but can get one
i am eastern time tuesdays and thursdays have college from 11:00 to 2:00 any time after is free friday i can attend and saturday
Looking forward to joining the 33rd please email me at to inform of acceptance or contact me on steam
Welcome you two!
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): xXDestroyerXx
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.):sgt_taco351
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.) All of em :D
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Welcome to the EPI, Destroyer! Hope to see you on the field soon!
I would like to apply.
In-game Name: robjanos
Steam Username: robjanos
I have teamspeak and a mic
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Welcome Rob! Glad to have you with us! Feel free to join our steamgroup, (
I would to apply
In-game Name: [AH] Auzzie
Steamname: RoflingAuzzie
I have teamspeak and a mic
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Edrenar
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): andrewtiller
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.)
Yes, I have Teamspeak 3 and I have a mic.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT- School T. TH 2-3:15 EST, may be late
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST- Work may interfere
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT- Should be able to make it most weekends, depends on schedule.
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST- may be a little late, but should be there every week
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT- may be late most weekends, depends on schedule
I look forward to working with all of you!
steam username: ltengel52
in game name: Napoleon-Blown-a-part
i have teamspeak and a mic
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Welcome Auzzieh, Edrenar, and Engel! Glad you three decided to join us :) Feel free to join our steam group at (
Engel, we will have to change your forum name to your in-game name, just for confusion sake. :p
See you all on the field soon! Feel free to hop in teamspeak at any time and hang out.
Quote from: Sven on September 18, 2011, 05:24:45 AM
Welcome Auzzieh, Edrenar, and Engel! Glad you three decided to join us :) Feel free to join our steam group at (
Engel, we will have to change your forum name to your in-game name, just for confusion sake. :p
See you all on the field soon! Feel free to hop in teamspeak at any time and hang out.
Yeah, He switched his name to "LTEngel" yesterday
Steam Username: sG | Deofuta [MGA] (I change it constantly, just msg me if you have issues :D)
Ingame: Deofuta
Own both Teamspeak and a working Mic.
Events planned on attending:
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Friday NA Line Battle - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST / 8PM GMT
Sunday Private Line Battle - 2PM EST / 7PM GMT
Deo! Good to see you mate! I'm sure you know the drill, so hopefully I'll see you on the field soon!
Go ahead and join ( if you haven't already.
In-game Name:Frost
Steam Username: Frostwolf263
Do you have teamspeak3 Client: no but i can download it
Which events can you attend on a regular basis: any
Welcome Frost! We're happy to have you here. I'll change your forum name to your ingame name to avoid any confusion. Go ahead and download teamspeak, and we'll hopefully see you on the field tomorrow at 3 PM EST.
Steam Username Kamaruii
Tuesday Weekday Training - might not
Thursday Weekday Training - might not
Saturday Primary Training - can attend
Friday Linebattle- can attened
Sunday Linebattle- can attened
Hey there Kama! Glad to have you with us. Your tags will be 1stEPI_Rkt_Kamaruii. Feel free to join the rekrut steam group at (
Sven... Forum rekruten status :P
My bad :p
No problem.. As Reth will tell you, it took several weeks for me to get consistent with it :P
I can attest to that.
Steam Username: ChromeDark
Own both Teamspeak and a working Mic.
Events planned on attending:
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Friday NA Line Battle - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST / 8PM GMT
Sunday Private Line Battle - 2PM EST / 7PM GMT
Used to be in Deos old Regiment and looking to find new friends for Drill and Battle. Tho damned if Gooner didnt do a good job 9/23 for the pubs!
Hey Lordark! A friend of Deo's is a friend of our's ;) Glad to have you with us. See you on the field soon!
See you at training, I expect great things from Deo's friends.
i will not be hear duing the week
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):McKnight
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): McKnight
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.)Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT No
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST Maybe
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST Yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT Yes
Welcome, McKnight! Be sure to join our steam group, ( =]
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT maybe
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST maybe
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST maybe
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMTyes
yea so ive inactive lately because of school but now everything has stabilized im going to be coming to mare events
Welcome back to being active War :p
In- game name ( SaveMe)
Steam Username (jayquan15)
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? ( yes, i have it)
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? ( Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Welcome SaveMe! Good to have you with us =] Feel free to join our steam group ( and I hope to see you on the field soon!
In-game Name : Mary
Steam Username : I don't use steam.
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes, I've been on your TS3
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Hey Mary! Glad that you joined us =] Hope to see you on field soon. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Rayce_Farelle
Steam Username: RayceFarelle666 (Name: Rayce_Farelle or apocalypse_alchemist)
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - No
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST - No
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST - Yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT - No
Greetings Rayce! Good to have you with us! Be sure to join the steamgroup for notifications on trainings and battles. See you Friday or Saturday.
It's an honor.
Just to clarify, would I still be allowed to join this coming Friday Linebattle despite having no training experience? I do have experience with playing both Mount and Musket on custom battles and Sword and Fire, as well as watching various boot camp/training videos on Mount and Musket Battalion.
Also, the EST mentioned refers to EST North America, New York, correct?
Yeah dude, you're free to join us. It'll be a bit of a trial by fire, but you can handle it ;)
Thank you Hauptmann. I look forward to serving with you and the Regiment.
Great to meet you as well, you seem like a great fit for us.
In-game Name: Kadanz
Steam Username : raven548
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? All of the bellow
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT Yes
Hey there Kadanz! Glad you chose to join us. Always good to see some more EU players. See you on the field!
In-Game Name: Acommie
Steam Username: [FFE*] André Masséna (With the accent marks
Teamspeak: Yes I have it
which events: Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT Yes
Hey there Commie! I'm going to change your forum name so you're easier to recognize!
Welcome to the 1stEPI! Hope to see you at training tomorrow night! Hop in our ts,, 15 minutes before hand if you can =]
In-game Name:Carrots
Steam Username: I have steam, My username is Crimewithcarrots.
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) I have a mic and TS3
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? I can attend Tuesday, Thursday and every other Saturday training.
I can attend every other Friday and Sunday linebattles.
In-game Name: Septim (Also known as PRT_Haze.)
Steam Username: Septim
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) I have both.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? I'm usually on Everyday, I can make it Fridays, and Sunday Line battles and also training.
I'm curious as to what crimes you can commit with carrots... and Septim, as in King Uriel Septim?
Good to have both of you with us! I hope to see you at training tonight! Feel free to join the steam groups (both rekrut and 1stEPI) for updates and what not for them.
See you guys on the field tonight!
No sir, as in The lucky number 7.
In-game Name: Einarr
Steam Username: none
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?: Will install asap, don't have a mike
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?:
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST,
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Also, what servers will the events be on?
1stEastPrussianEU (Weekly Training) (and sometimes linebattles)
MM_US_Battle_MG (Friday linebattles)
Sunday_Linebattle (Sunday linebattles) Note: Running from the same server as 1stEastPrussianEU
These are the servers that we use ^^
I edited your post a bit, correcting it and adding a thing. Welcome to the regiment, Einarr.
// Haresus
In-game Name: Heavyarmz190
Steam Username: Heavyarmz190
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
I am available for all the following events
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST
Welcome to the regiment Heavyarmz190
From now on you will be known as 1stEPI_Rkt_Heavyarmz190
Hop on our teamspeak channel if you have any questions or concerns or just to simply hang out!
We will see you on Thursday.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): TomGuadalupe
Steam Username: TomGuadalupe
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer: Yes
I am available for all the following events
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Sorry, but I completely mixed up the dates somehow... :-[
I can make it to the following events:
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Perhaps I can also make it to Friday linebattles, but I'd rather not put that up, as I'm not quite sure.
Sorry again, Einarr
Welcome Tom! Glad you joined us!
Feel free to join our steam groups, ( for rekrut updates and ( for full regiment updates. Hope to see you on the field Thursday!
@Einarr: No problem! We'll get you updated!
Welcome to the regiment :D i wish you all luck.
In Game Name: HM_15tes_Ger_FreddyKrueger - soon i will leave the reg and just be FreddyKrueger
Steam Username: Freddy_Krueger_of_M&B
Yes, I have TS 3, but I do NOT have a microphone.
Since i am only 12, I have to go to school. I can go to most on the weekends, but sometimes my mom usues the computer, but after this christmas i will have a new computer just for me and it will be fast.
P.S: I was playing a team deathmatch with some EPI guys and they invited me to join and said i was good, so that should help in trying to get me in >:D. :) :) :) :) ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)
Quote from: Hasan on October 17, 2011, 08:52:52 PM
Quote from: Freddy Krueger on October 17, 2011, 08:39:18 PM
In Game Name: HM_15tes_Ger_FreddyKrueger - soon i will leave the reg and just be FreddyKrueger
Steam Username: Freddy_Krueger_of_M&B
Yes, I have TS 3, but I do NOT have a microphone.
Since i am only 12, I have to go to school. I can go to most on the weekends, but sometimes my mom usues the computer, but after this christmas i will have a new computer just for me and it will be fast.
P.S: I was playing a team deathmatch with some EPI guys and they invited me to join and said i was good, so that should help in trying to get me in >:D. :) :) :) :) ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)
You just need to post your schedule, whatever you can attend (even if it's abit late)
k, i can always attend the weekend saturday training, and the Sunday LB, and the evening weekday trainings.
Great! We hope to see you as soon as you leave your current regiment. Until then your application is stuck in purgatory.
Yes i have ts
All the events
I am a mature dedicated player..
Background : was korporal in the 16th and the regiment was disbanded.
Welcome PiewPiew! Glad you joined us ;) Join the steam groups and we hope to see you at training Thursday!
Glad you chose us Piew, nous avons besoin d'un autre Canadien ici.
Welcome Freddy and PiewPiew.
I belive Piewpiew joined/created
a regiment.
They go under the name 000_Infantry_(name)
I saw them in the MG server today, asked him about the situation, but never got a response.
Mr.Towers is the name i would like to go by.
Steam Username: mrtowers and I have a mic
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer?- Yes
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT- Yes, most of the time.
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST- Yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT-Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST-Yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT- Yes, most of the time.
Welcome, MrTowers!
Feel free to join our steam groups ( for rekrut updates and ( for full regiment updates.
Hope to see you on the field tonight! Go ahead and hop in teamspeak ~15 minutes beforehand.
Welcome Mister Towers.
;D Thanks its great to be here.
Chernov or Fred for ingame(my buds call me Fred)
col_jackson is my steam name
Yes, I am installing it now
Definitely Thursday practice and Friday battles. Likely Sunday battles and Tuesday battles, but for these two I'd have to be reminded.(I get home from school 15 minutes before tuesday battles start)
Hallo Comrade! You're welcome to use either name in-game, just let me know what you decide on. I'm happy to have you with us =]
Go ahead and join the steam groups and I hope to see you on the field tomorrow afternoon. You don't need to attend a training before attending the battle. We will go over a quick drill around 1:30 PM EST.
Thanks! Glad to be aboard! :)
And I'll do my best to be present for the battle tomorrow. My mom and I are doing a charity walk tomorrow and she says it should be over by 1:30 - 2:00ish. So I might be 10-15 minutes late for the start. Is that okay? :)
That is fine =] Better late than never as they say.
So, when we go ingame, as a Rekruiten, what unit do I play as? Just a normal lineman, or a Rifleman, or...?
Quote from: Comrade Chernov on October 23, 2011, 09:33:28 AM
So, when we go ingame, as a Rekruiten, what unit do I play as? Just a normal lineman, or a Rifleman, or...?
Prussian 8th Infantry
Quote from: Avoric on October 23, 2011, 09:58:20 AM
Quote from: Comrade Chernov on October 23, 2011, 09:33:28 AM
So, when we go ingame, as a Rekruiten, what unit do I play as? Just a normal lineman, or a Rifleman, or...?
Prussian 8th Infantry
But only during events. At any other time you're free to play whatever you'd like.
So in practice and battles, it's the Prussian 8th, and any other time it's whatever I want?
Quote from: Comrade Chernov on October 23, 2011, 01:24:31 PM
So in practice and battles, it's the Prussian 8th, and any other time it's whatever I want?
You got it =]
Welcome Comrade.
In-game Name: Remlap
Steam Username: Remlap
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? I can install it
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? Saturday Training, Friday Linebattle, Sunday Linebattle
Good to have you with us Remlap! Go ahead and get teamspeak installed so you can hang out and hear orders and what not :p Go ahead and join the steam groups as well for updates to things.
As Sep noted, hope to see you on field soon =]
Thanks guys, I installed the TS and gunny is helping me get the right stuff set up.
Welcome to the EPI.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Dalton
Steam Username : Kreese
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Quote from: dalton on October 25, 2011, 06:55:57 PM
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Dalton
Steam Username : Kreese
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Welcome Dalton! Happy to have you with us =] Hope to see you on field Thursday. Go ahead and join our steam groups and hop in TS about 15 minutes before training starts.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):Yomohanoj
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.):Yomohanoj
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.)
ye i have teamspeak and a mic
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT yes can attend
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT yrs
Furthermore, all applicants are invited to join the Regiments main steam group. It is a public group so you may join before acceptance into the regiment.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):Yomohanoj
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.):Yomohanoj
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.)
yes i do have teamspeak and a microphone
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
i can attend the saturday training at 3pm EST,and i can attend both line battles at 9pm EST and 2pm EST
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Furthermore, all applicants are invited to join the Regiments main steam group. It is a public group so you may join before acceptance into the regiment.
i will join the group
Welcome Yomo, to the 1stEPI! I hope to see you on the field Saturday ;)
*That's the next time I'll be around, you're welcome to come Friday though! :)
In-game Name: Native;Ra_ThatTrollUnderYourBridge, MM;BlackNapoleon
Steam Username DrJay
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yeah.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? ALmost all of them.
Welcome BlackNapoleon,
Tags are 1stEPI_Rkt_BlackNapoleon
See you at training.
Good evening gentlemen. My name is Beer. I would like to join the EPI. Many of you probably know me from the 7th in AoIF, or the 1stDragoons in Secession. I am a pretty decent native player, and I can block down and up pretty well/point a musket and hope to hit something. I also know most of the basic commands.
Finally, I would like to be a Dragoon if there are any spots open. 5arge can testify to my horse powers.
My steam is beerandale btw.
And my work schedule varies by week, so I am not sure what all events I can make, but I will try and make something every week.
P.S. I like ponies.
Hey Beer, there is an application to fill out :p
Thanks for fixing that up 1stEPI_Rkt_Beer!
See you at training tonight.
Quote from: Beer on October 27, 2011, 06:01:46 PM
Good evening gentlemen. My name is Beer. I would like to join the EPI. Many of you probably know me from the 7th in AoIF, or the 1stDragoons in Secession. I am a pretty decent native player, and I can block down and up pretty well/point a musket and hope to hit something. I also know most of the basic commands.
Finally, I would like to be a Dragoon if there are any spots open. 5arge can testify to my horse powers.
My steam is beerandale btw.
And my work schedule varies by week, so I am not sure what all events I can make, but I will try and make something every week.
P.S. I like ponies.
I am the Korporal of the Dragoons and am sad to inform you that you cannot join the Dragoons right away
1. You have to atleast achieve the rank of soldaten to prove that you have mastered the infantry orders, because the Dragoons will dismount and join the line should the line become depleted in battle or if there are not enough Dragoons to start out with
2. The Dragoons have a 15 person cap, and we have 15 people in it right now, but men are constantly changing platoons and transfering in and out, so if you have patience then you may very soon be able to try out for the Dragoons should a spot open up.
If you have any questions feel free to message me on steam my name is Bartlett_43, or you can PM on this forums
there is also quite a large waiting list.... or so they say :P
Hi there! I'm aldhelm (If that's too much you can just call me Connor :P) heres my application to join :
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Aldhelm
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): Leprechaun9765
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) I have teamspeak 3 and a fully functional microphone
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.) I can attend:
• Tuesday Weekday Training
• Saturday Primary training.
• Sunday Line Battle
Welcome to the regiment Aldhelm, your name is just fine.
Throw on your new tags (1stEPI_Rkt_Aldhelm) and jump on teamspeak to hang out and what not.
We will see you on Saturday!
Welcome, Aldhelm! =D
As Uffz Uhlaf mentioned, go ahead and hop in TS whenever and hang out, get to know the guys, etc etc. Also feel free to join our steam groups for updates and the like. Hope to see you on the field tomorrow at 3 EST :)
Hello guys this is Marchal Ney, im reporting a abscent for the 30/10/11 line battle due to me not being in my usual gaming spot and and i had to use my crappy wifi connection, unsurprisingly i was lagging heavily on teamspeak & on the server therefore a ctd was inevitable.
my apologies & i hope an event like this wont happen in the future.
ps im also posting this here because i had ''insuffiecent premission'' to post this in the absecnt thread. :o
Your's truely,
Marchal Ney
No longer my problem, report to your leutnant. And congrats.
Quote from: Uhlaf on October 30, 2011, 10:27:16 PM
No longer my problem, report to your leutnant. And congrats.
I told him to post here, because he didn't have acess to post in kompanie A
[In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):RED_BLITZ
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.):VON_KAISER
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.)Not yet but i will get it very soon.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT No
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST No
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST Yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT Yes
I am a part of a clan in mount and blade warband native called KoIF. I hope that won't be a bad.
Welcome Von_Kaiser,
Throw on your tags, and I'll see you at training! Don't forget to join the steam group!
ingame name:carlthung
No Steam Accoutn SORRY
I have Teamspeak 3 and a mic
i can attend these on a regular basis: thursday weekday training, Friday lineBattle
Fill out this application with your information and post it here by clicking the reply button. We will add you to the roster once we have recieved your completed application. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.
In-game Name: Baker
Steam Username: xXW4RFR3AKXx(Sorry for the dumb name :/ its my XBL gamertag so its easy to remember)
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? : I already have it. I also have a mic
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? : I can attend the Thursday and Saturday trainings. I can also attend the Friday Linebattle , and occasionally Sunday's(Depends on what time I'm out of church.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Carlhung and Baker, welcome to the 1stEPI. Throw on your tags and I will see you both on the field.
In-game Name: Ahjushi
Steam Username: keengoyang
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?: Yes.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
I will try to attend all of the above. I can't pick specific days but the majority of the time I will be attending.
Welcome to the regiment, Ahjushi.
In-game name: 1stEPI_Rkt_WhiteOps231.
Steam user name: 1stEPI_Rkt_WhiteOps231.
do you have TS3 on your computer?: yes.
I am not sure as to which events i can attend on a regular basis, depending on my schedule, but i will be able to join at least one line battle and/or 1-2 practices per week. varying on my computer usage.
Welcome to the regiment, WhiteOps.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): 1stEPI_A4_Sdt_Brogie
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): Mr_Schnebly
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) Yes I have it installed.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Sometimes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST Yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST Yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT Sometimes
A4 members don't need to post apps :P
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):Tantheman
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): Tantheman, or Bigdylman
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.)yes, but no microphone as of yet but will get one soon
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)I will be able to attend all of the events except for the Friday Linebattle until football playoffs are over.
If so, i would like to be apart of the A4.
Welcome to the 1stEPI, Tantheman!
Change their membergroup!
Oh that's me now?
Yes :P
Every new Lt of the Recruits always forgets that.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.):
"kaiz0q" should find me.
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.)
Teamspeak, ventrilo, mumble .. and obviously a microphone.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Welcome Orias_Sator!
In- Game Name: Zocko
Steam Username: Zocko1011
Teamspeak 3: Yes
Attendance: I can attend all events unless i have big school tests.
Welcome to the 1stEPI Zocko, hop in our team speak and hang out! We'll see you tomorrow at training.
In-game Name: Bachmeier
Steam Username: imadeerrthang
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT No.
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST Yes.
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Possible.*
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST Yes.
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT No.
*I may be able to attend the Saturday Primaries, but it is at 12PM in my time zone. Therefore I may not attend every single one, have I something to do that early.
Welcome Bachmeier!
It's a pleasure to have you, we'll see you Thursday!
Hop on our teamspeak at
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): SeanMoore or Moore
Steam Username (If you do not have Steam, say so here, It's not a requirement):sfcmoore
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join.) Yes, i have it installed.
Do you have a functioning microphone? (A microphone is not required to join)yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two.)saturday and sometimes on sunday
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT No.
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST Yes.
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Possible.* Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST Yes.
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT Yes.
Well SeanMoore or Moore (pick one) welcome to the regiment!
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):
Steam Username:
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.)
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT <----Can never attend (unless I have no school that day.)
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST <----Can attend most of the time.
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT <--- Most likely attend every time.
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST <---Can attend many of them.
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT <----I can attend some of them, but I have to join in the middle of the battle.
Requests to join 4th Zug after completion. Recruited by Graham.
Welcome to the regiment Bynaar!
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Tatortots
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): joshua513
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.): Yes sir, I have it sir.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT: Most weeks, Sir.
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST: No sir.
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT:For sure, Sir.
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST: For sure, Sir
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT: Yes, Sir
Quote from: Tatortots on November 25, 2011, 10:18:16 PM
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Tatortots
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): joshua513
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.): Yes sir, I have it sir.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT: Most weeks, Sir.
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST: No sir.
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT:For sure, Sir.
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST: For sure, Sir
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT: Yes, Sir
I like you Tatortots, hopefully we can become friends in the near future :)
Well thank you, Sir. I hope to make many freinds in the Regiment, Sir! Add me on steam and we can play games. I'll be on Teamspeak almost all the time, so you can always catch me there. See you on the Battlefield sir!
Quote from: Tatortots on November 25, 2011, 11:23:54 PM
Well thank you, Sir. I hope to make many freinds in the Regiment, Sir! Add me on steam and we can play games. I'll be on Teamspeak almost all the time, so you can always catch me there. See you on the Battlefield sir!
I'm no sir, just a fellow soldier.
Your application is yet to be excepted by our very own Leutnant of the rekruten Uhlaf.
In game name: Pizzarro
Steam username: Pizzarro
Do I have Team Speak 3: Yes
I can attend: Thursday training EST. time Friday Line Battle Saturday training EST. time and Sunday private Line Battle
thank you
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Ormand
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): badjaycee917
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) Yes i do and i own a mic
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST I can get there at 9pmEST since im coming home from work
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT I am shy of it by about an hour but as of now no
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST Yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT No
Welcome Ormand, Pizzarro, and tatortots!
Welcome to the regiment Ormand!
Ingame name: Jake1194
Steam name: Jakedasnake1194
Do I have teamspeak: Yes Do I have a mic: No
What events can I participate: Thursday training, and Sunday battles/training.
Ok so I actually used to be a part of this regiment a while ago. Then my computer broke and I didnt get a replacement for a long time. Now I have decided to join a regiment again, and once again this one was recommended to me. I still have you guys on steam but I filled out another application just in case.
In-game Name: Fuzzydude0
Steam Username: Fuzzydude0
Do you have teamspeak3?: Yes
Have a mic?: Yes
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST Can't make this one. :c
Looking forward to joining you guys!
I remember you jake, glad to see you back.
Thanks, um does that mean I was Re- accepted?
I guess so, it says under your name "Rekruten"
I would wait for uhlaf or sam to confirm it though :P
but anyhow, welcome back :)
Ok just to be safe il wait for someone to authorize it here.
Welcome to the EPI Jake and Fuzzydude!
In game Name : Mattew
Steam acount : mstdenis1
I have Teamspeak3 and a microphone. ( i got a good headset so you can hear me clearly )
I can attend to all friday, saturday and sunday events. As for the week events sometimes i will be able to make it.
Welcome Mattew!
Quote from: jakedasnake on November 29, 2011, 01:58:05 PM
Ok just to be safe il wait for someone to authorize it here.
I'm unsure and puzzled, in case you are too, just come to teamspeak, and talk to one of the officers there.
Quote from: Hasan on November 29, 2011, 10:46:16 PM
Quote from: jakedasnake on November 29, 2011, 01:58:05 PM
Ok just to be safe il wait for someone to authorize it here.
I'm unsure and puzzled, in case you are too, just come to teamspeak, and talk to one of the officers there.
Hasan, stay out of this thread. Let the Officers and NCOs handle the applicants. You are adding to the confusion with your confusion.
Sorry I didn't see : P
In-game Name: Evilkritter
Steam Username: Evilkritter
Do you have teamspeak3?: Yes
Have a mic?: Yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST (usually)
Welcome to the regiment Evilkritter look forward to seeing you on the field.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):
Steam Username : I go by the name of Ronin, everyone is EPI (well the good people anyways, know me)
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yesh i do
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? As much as i can, my schedule goes all around that, so i'll make most of everything!
In-game Name: Pedobird
Steam Username:xryanxmorton
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?: i have it
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?: i can attend most if not all events
Quote from: Ronin on December 01, 2011, 01:56:08 PM
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):
Steam Username : I go by the name of Ronin, everyone is EPI (well the good people anyways, know me)
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yesh i do
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? As much as i can, my schedule goes all around that, so i'll make most of everything!
Are you the Ronin from Ra?
He's the noob Ronin
welcome to the regiment pedobird and ronin.
In Game - Ramothka
Steam - Ramothka
TeamSpeak - I am installing it right now! I do not have a mic, however.
Events - I should be able to make the Saturday Primary Trainings and the Friday Line Battles.
Addition - I'd like to request joining the A4 upon promotion.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):Xivion
Steam Username (If you do not have Steam, say so here, It's not a requirement): Xivion, my avatar is a Mandalorian Mask
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join.) Yes
Do you have a functioning microphone? (A microphone is not required to join) Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two.) I can make most of the sessions, but there will be exceptions of cause. The training sessions I can make every time.
Ramothka, Xivion! Welcome to the regiment! Great to have you both.
In-game Name: vonTrepka
Steam Username: brave_brave_Alex
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer: Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
These two days
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Welcome to the 1stEPI VonTrepka!
In-game Name: Nightcrawla
Steam Username : rs_nightcrawla
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join.) ------------ Yes
Do you have a functioning microphone? (A microphone is not required to join) ------------- Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? -------------- Thursdays and Saturdays.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): RageCake
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): RageCake
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) I have teamspeak and a microphone
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.) Friday linebattle saturday training and sunday private if im not playing baseball.
Welcome aboard RageCake and Nightcrawla
In-game Name RufusDawes
Steam Username Napoleonatc or RufusDawes
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Already have teamspeak
Do you have a functioning microphone? Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? Thursday and Saturday Trainning,and Friday and Sunday line battle.
Denied. Sorry John, but you blew it when you decided to go on that trolling spree.
Hilary is my game name.
Steam Username: Rickie-mangrum
I have ts3.
I can attend any time
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Welcome Hilary_Duff!
Wait wait...what do you mean... John? :\
Quote from: Uhlaf on December 05, 2011, 09:48:11 AM
Wait wait...what do you mean... John? :\
RufusDawes is on the "Do Not Recruit" list.
Quote from: Uhlaf on December 05, 2011, 09:48:11 AM
Wait wait...what do you mean... John? :\
John Gibbon.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Ulfric
Steam Username - Ulfric
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? I have it.
Tuesday Weekday Training - I can attend
Thursday Weekday Training - I can attend
Saturday Primary Training - I should be able to attend.
Friday Linebattle- Maybe.
Sunday Linebattle- I can attend.
You are most welcome in the EPI Ulfric.
In-game Name: Revan
Steam Username: archangelvolk
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes I have it.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST Yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST Sometimes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT Sometimes
As are you too Revan! Welcome aboard.
In-game Name: Jocib
Steam Username: Jocib
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?: Yes, have it installed.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT : Yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST : Yes (unless something comes up)
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT: Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST : Yes (unless something comes up)
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT: Yes
Welcome to the regiment Jocib.
We'll see you Thursday.
In-game name: Littlej117
Stean Username: General.Ramius
Yes i have Teamspeak installed
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST : Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST : Yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT: Yes, unless something comes up
Welcome aboard Littlej117!
In-game Name- Moloko Lynx
Steam Username- Shadowsun50
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer- Yes,
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
I'm pretty sure that I'll usually be able to make the Thursday training and the Friday linebattles, but due to my sleeping patterns and the different time zone, I can't assure I'd be able to make any of the other regular events, although I'd certainly try if it was asked of me.
Welcome Moloko!
In-game Name: Werty4231
Steam Username Werty (this is what you see, it's actually Werty4231)
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? I already am on your group.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? I can make all events listed except the Tuesday training because of school.
Welcome aboard Werty.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Hofield
Steam Username (If you do not have Steam, say so here, It's not a requirement): worwik17
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join.) YES
Do you have a functioning microphone? (A microphone is not required to join) YES
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST / 8PM GMT YES
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST YES
Friday NA Line Battle - 8PM EST (8PM EST is 1am GMT right? if so) Yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST / 8PM GMT Yes
Sunday Private Line Battle - 2PM EST / 7PM GMT Yes
Welcome Marin.
my in-game name is: Monten
I have steam but have Mount and Blades seperatly: steam name is blitz114 or Philip Knight (and an apple logo after name)
I have TS3 on my computer and seperatly on iPad with microphone
All dates are good for me.
Welcome aboard Monton!
We'll see you today.
Thank you! Yesterday I already spoke with one of your members :)
In which zug/kompanie I will be in?
You, like all members will start off in the Rekruten Zug where you will be made fun of, ridiculed and yelled at.
I am your commanding officer, welcome to the 1stEPI.
Read this.,545.0.html (,545.0.html)
Quote from: Uhlaf on December 14, 2011, 06:01:19 AM
You, like all members will start off in the Rekruten Zug where you will be made fun of, ridiculed and yelled at.
I am your commanding officer, welcome to the 1stEPI.
Read this.,545.0.html (,545.0.html)
.......I really feel bad for the Recuits now...
This Week and Weekend i will not make fun of the recruits because of the torture and scarring they will have to endure...
Quote from: Williams on December 14, 2011, 06:48:02 PM
Quote from: Uhlaf on December 14, 2011, 06:01:19 AM
You, like all members will start off in the Rekruten Zug where you will be made fun of, ridiculed and yelled at.
I am your commanding officer, welcome to the 1stEPI.
Read this.,545.0.html (,545.0.html)
.......I really feel bad for the Recuits now...
This Week and Weekend i will not make fun of the recruits because of the torture and scarring they will have to endure...
yes Uhlaf's introduction was really... ömmm... "motivating" ?! :p :) still I will try to participate
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):Jack Sparrow
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.):Jack~Sparrow*
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) yes and a mic
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? i can make tue, thur, fri, sat and sunday
I request to be placed into A-4
In-game Name: Dunlop
Steam Username: supermichael1995
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Im already in your teamspeak, Right now. and I got them both, Mic and Teamspeak.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT (Only In Holidays)
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST (Only in Holidays)
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST (Only in Holidays)
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Wellcome Jack and Dunlop, we will see you tonight !
In-game Name: Gadd
Steam Username: Dund3
Do you have teamspeak3: Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Welcome aboard Gadd
In-game Name: Dawkins
Steam Username : N/A
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer: Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT NO
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST Yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST Yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT Yes
Quote from: Crimson on December 17, 2011, 08:23:18 PM
In-game Name: Crimson
Steam Username:RollingTaters
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yep
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? I can attend everything unless an emergancy or other event suddenly occured.
I also request to be put into A-4.
In-game Name: Mario
Steam Username: Mario647
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?: Yes, I have teamspeak3
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?:
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST Yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST Yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT No
Welcome to the 1stEPI Dawkins, Crimson and Mario647
In-Game name: kylebro11
Steam Username: kylebro11
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?: Yes, i have it
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Not right at 3PM but around 5 or 6 PM
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST Yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST Yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT Yes
Welcome aboard Kylebro11.
In-Game name:Littlej117
Steam Username: General.Ramius
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?: Yes, i have it
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT no
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST Yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST Yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT Yes
Hello and wellcome Littlej
i have steam im wolfbane751
i have a mic but its broken
i can install teamspeak 3 quite easily
i can maybe attend the saturday training 3PM EST
i can attend the thrusday weekday training 8PM EST
i can attend the friday line battle 9PM EST
Wellcome Wolfbane!! and merry christmas !!
In-game Name: DrMike
Steam Username: Dr Mike
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST (Almost always)
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT (Sometimes)
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST (Unknown)
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT (Can't make it till after 3 EST)
On another note, not sure if anyone remembers me, but I use to be a member back toward the end of mm prussia and at the start of mm russia. I went by the same name, but since it has been just under a year since I left I doubt I'm remembered at all. Anyway, looking to join back up again.
Wellcome Dr.Mike !
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Falling_Masonry
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): red_cliffs
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT no
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT yes
Quote from: DrMike on December 29, 2011, 06:45:03 PM
In-game Name: DrMike
Steam Username: Dr Mike
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST (Almost always)
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT (Sometimes)
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST (Unknown)
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT (Can't make it till after 3 EST)
On another note, not sure if anyone remembers me, but I use to be a member back toward the end of mm prussia and at the start of mm russia. I went by the same name, but since it has been just under a year since I left I doubt I'm remembered at all. Anyway, looking to join back up again.
It's Dr. Mike. Hill will throw a fit. Welcome back, dude.
Good to know some of the old gang is still around. Hope to see you guys in game soon.
In game name- God
I have Teamspeak three and have a Microphone
I can make every practice except for tuesday
I remember you Mike, welcome back.
For everyone who applied, you're accepted. Uhlaf seems to be temporarily MIA with the holidays and all. I'm only partially MIA :)
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): BeardedNinja
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): Poldanski235 (aka TheBeardedNinja)
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.): Yes, I have teamspeak3
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.) I will be able to attend almost all events, there will of course be the occasion where I am unavailable, but I will generally always be present.
Welcome aboard Ninja.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): McKnight
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.):
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) Yea
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Somtimes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST Somtimes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST Yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT Somtimes
Yeah yeah McKnight. Was an application necessary, do you want me to waste my time on administrative duties?
In-Game Name: scopes
Steam ID: scopes788
TS3: Yes
Mic: broken right now getting new one soon
Edit: i can attend all these events
We'll see you on the field sir.
In-Game Name: Spatulot
Steam Profile Name: Spatula
TS3: Yes
Mic: Yes
Currently I can attend all of them, though I would actually have to wake up somewhat early for some of them so preferably Thursday training and Friday battle.
FYI: I am just discovering this MM thing, I recently saw it on YouTube wanted to try it out. So, I have no idea how this works and no idea if I'm going through the right processes to join.
Welcome aboard Spatulot! And thank you for choosing EPI Air, the ship that was set to sink.
Don't worry about being new, we have an entire division dedicated to teaching rookies the ropes.
We'll see you tonight for training 8pm eastern time.
In-game Name: Shifte (rarely use _headshot_)
Steam Username: ghouse20a
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes
Mic? Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - Yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST - Sometimes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - No
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST - Sometimes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT - Yes
Well shifte, pick a name and welcome to the 1stEPI.
Thanks! I'll stick with Shifte
my in-game-name is : aragon: always have the name never changes
my steam is
i dont have team speak but will install it soon
i can do thursday training only
friday i think might be late but probably not and
sunday yes sometimes
i want to stay with aragon thanks
Alright Aragon, welcome aboard.
In-game Name BlackWidow
Steam Username: BaneofYourexistence (
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes
I can probably attend all events, may be a few thursdays I cannot but I will let them know ahead of time.
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Graham, be afraid, very afraid
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Preferably my username for almost everything; zZEpicZz, but if that wont work, I will make do with another.
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): zZEpicZz, My steam ID is STEAM_0:0:38357430, And the link to my profile is this: (
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.): Yes, I do have Teamspeak, and a microphone, but I rarely use teamspeak. I guess its time to start using it then!
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.):
The training session on Tuesday at 3pm will not work for me, since your time is one hour ahead. I will be at school until 4pm your time. I apologize for not being able to make that one. Odds are, the rest of the practices should work great! If not, I will try my best to give you notification in advance.
I only started playing this game a few days ago, I am a decent shot, but horrible at melee. I'll get better as time goes by during the trainings. If it counts for anything, I am a cousin of the Soldat Evilkritter, you know, the loud one. I hope I do okay in your Regiment. I will try my best!
Welcome aboard Epic. We'll see you on the field thursday. Come hang out in teamspeak and get yourself antiquated with everyone, we usually have something fun going on.
In game name - Darragh
Steam username - darragh4321
Teamspeak 3 - Yes, and i have a mic.
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT- yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST- no
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT-yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST- yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT- yes
Thanks, Darragh
Welcome Darragh!
Quote from: Rethmeier on February 25, 2011, 04:39:00 PM
Fill out this application with your information and post it here by clicking the reply button. We will add you to the roster once we have recieved your completed application. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Boberty
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): Boberty7
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) yes and yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT- most of the time
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST- most of the time
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT- almost always
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST- almost always
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT- almost always
Furthermore, all applicants are invited to join the Regiments main steam group. It is a public group so you may join before acceptance into the regiment. (
Quote from: Avion365 on January 08, 2012, 01:58:28 AM
Graham, be afraid, very afraid
Avion...If you don't wake up tomorrow...Blame me, Alright? ;D 8)
*taps 12-gague shotgun under his bed, the M9 in the drawer, and the short sword on the banister* come at me bro
Williams and Avion, please stay out of the recruitment thread. You can play grab-ass in the Dragoons thread.
In-game Name: icejaff
Steam Username: icejaffa
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?: Yes I have teamspeak and a microphone.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?: I can attend all the events listed below. I am from Australia and these times are pretty good for me.
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Other notes: I am primarily a Dragoon user, I have been looking for a good dragoon regiment for awhile, I was considering joining the Freikorps but as they are all EU it wasn't the best timing for me.
I was told to put in an application here to join the Lithuanian dragoons
Welcome icejaff,
In order to apply to join the dragoons you will need to learn and pass basic infantry training first.
See you Thursday.
In-Game Name: Peristalis
Steam Username: orlof301
Teampeak3 and Microphone: No teamspeak but i can get it and i hav a microphone
Tuesday Training 3PM EST/8pm GMT: no
Thursday Training 8PM EST: somtimes
Saturday Training 3PM EST/8PM GMT: most of the time
Friday Linbattle 9PM EST: most of the time
Saturday Linebattle 2PM EST/7PM GMT: most of the time
Welcome Peristalis !!!
In-game Name: 1stEPI_Rkt_Horsie
Steam Username:Randomhorsie
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer: yes sir
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?:
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
PS. u guys do the tuesday linebattle right?,, and i have had experience in the mm community: 77y, 19te, 60th
In-game Name : MuttonChops
Steam Username :Demo Spice Guy
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT (NO)
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST (YES)
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT (NO)
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST (YES)
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT (YES)
In-game Name: richy8989
Steam Username:richy8989
I've got teamspeak3
I can attend friday lb and sunday lb and trainings depends on if my alarm works :)
I would also like to request if I could join a4 because I have played alongside them and would like to be in the same platoon.
Thanx Richy8989 xD
Welcome Canadian brother MuttuonChops and other rekruit Richy, to the EPI.
And the TWC thread finally pays off :D
Hello. My steam name is Prussian Soldat. It has the Prussian flag as the pic. I am 16 years old, however unlike some teenagers in my age group, I treat everyone, adult or child with complete respect. I would like to be called Prussian Soldat in game if possible. I would like to join the regiment, and I hope to hear a reply soon. I attend school daily, however I can make Saturday Training Sessions, and Sunday Line battles. I'm sorry, but I spend all weekdays working and studying hard. (3.9 gpa.) Again, I can almost always show up for sunday line battles, and saturday training sessions. Thank you very much good Sirs.
Most Sincerely,
Prussian Soldat.
Oh yeah sorry, I do have teamspeak. However, I no longer have a mic. I sold it a while back, my apologies.
Rekrut Prussian Soldat, that will be confusing... Not a problem though, haha, Uhlaf will accept you soon.
Thank you sir. I'll be more than happy to change my name later if need be. I can see how that will be confusing :P. Thanks.
Welcome PrussianSoldat, You should change your name to PrussianRukruit, and then Soldaten, and the PrussianGefreiter and so on and so forth.
I would like to see him treat me with Respect, if so his gonna be the first xD
In-game Name : Horsie
Steam Username :Randomhorsie
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT (no)
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST (yes)
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT (yes)
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST (yes)
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT (yes)
Oh and i have a mic but i prefer not to use (i am a man of few words)
welcome to the reg horsie you tags will be 1stEPI_Rkt_Horsie
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):Apives
Steam Username (If you do not have Steam, say so here, It's not a requirement):jerryfire101
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join.) yes
Do you have a functioning microphone? (A microphone is not required to join) yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two.) 7 days a week, although I must be reminded of events Via steam. Exception of days I may not be in town or available (Will notify ahead of time)
Welcome Apives your new tags are 1stEPI_Rkt_Apives
Quote from: Rethmeier on February 25, 2011, 04:39:00 PM
Fill out this application with your information and post it here by clicking the reply button. We will add you to the roster once we have recieved your completed application. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):Madness
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.):random111222
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.)yes i have Teamspeak and i have a microphone
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT no
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST no
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT no
Furthermore, all applicants are invited to join the Regiments main steam group. It is a public group so you may join before acceptance into the regiment. (
welcome awesomoe your new tags are 1stEPI_Rkt_Awesomoe
In-Game Name: Lashify
Steam Username: Lash95
Teamspeak: I own teamspeak 3 and a Microphone.
Attendence: I should be able to make all of them 90% the time, they dont mess with any of my bad times just matters whats going on special those days
Welcome Lashify to the 1stEPI your new tags are 1stEPI_Rkt_Lashify
Quote from: Randomhorsietrying on January 14, 2012, 05:18:43 PM
Oh and i have a mic but i prefer not to use (i am a man of few words)
I preferred not to use mine as well...
PrussianSoldat, do as Uhlaf says and change your name as you get promoted :P
You shall be the ideal [insert rank here]
I would like to join the 1st EPI
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Der Drache
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): dracologan24
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.): Yes and i have a mic (but i wont use it much)
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST No
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST Yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMTYes
Welcome Draco, to the 1stEPI
steam name-[G]adyb to add me type adyb123
in game name-adyb
i have a micro phone and teamspeak
i can attend all the line battles
i live in europe in england so what ever time you want me to be on ill try to be on
Im very active and play alot and i get along well with other people
im a skirmisher and ermm thats it reallly
Welcome Abyb your new tags will be 1stEPI_Rkt_Abyb
In-game Name : Zolar
Steam Username K42
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes with mic
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Sometimes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST Yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Sometimes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST sometimes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT yes
Welcome aboard K42
In-game Name : Dragon
Steam Username : tw061
TeamSpeak3: Yes - and a mic
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
I'm Australian so the above two are the only ones that are realistic options for me due to work.
Hey and wellcome Ninjakittens.
In-game Name: SoupCan
Steam Username: SoupCan (Led Zeppelin avatar)
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer: Yes, and I have a mic.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?: Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST | Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST | Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST | Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST | Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST (Maybe)
Something which might help me out: I occasionally play Battlegrounds 2 with TRR (The Royal Recruits), and I have a great knowledge of linebattle tactics. I would be happy to fight in a line without clipping errors.
In-Game Name: Mephistopheles
Steam Username: pvtharrick
Teamspeak: I own teamspeak 3 and a Microphone.
I can be there for all events unless school or work prevents it
Wellcome Mephistopheles and SoupCan.
And Soupcan about that, i can see your allredy added me on Steam, but actully you should talk to one of the CO's, but i am sure if you have some good idea's the would take it up and try it out at a training.
forgot to ask, do you guys have a dragoon regiment?
Quote from: Mephistopheles on January 23, 2012, 03:47:35 PM
forgot to ask, do you guys have a dragoon regiment?
Yes, the Lithuanian Dragoons. Once you show some proficiency with our line infantry drill, you may ask to be considered for a transfer into the Lith.
Okay, Thank you
Uhlaf.. forgetting something? :P
Hello my name I was wondering if I could speak to someone regarding joining your regiment.
Can an officer please add me on steam?
Steam ID = astjohn76
Thank You
In-game Name: Lycan
Steam Username: BABYxEATER
Q: Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?
A: Yes, Have already been on 1stEPI's Team Speak
Q:Which events can you attend on a regular basic?
A: Training and Line Battles on Friday and Saturday both 3pm and 8pm
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Hef
Steam Username (If you do not have Steam, say so here, It's not a requirement): astjohn76
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join.) Yes, I have it.
Do you have a functioning microphone? (A microphone is not required to join) Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two.) Any event that is not on weekdays EST.
welcome aboard
Hi! Question. I was wondering if you could point me to the website for your Mount andGladius unit? I fought under a fellow named Milander this sunday. He spelt it with one 'L' in teamspeak. You have a fellow with 2 'L's" here, but I believe it is the same person. I think he mentioned this unit from Mount and Musket and yet I cannot locate any Mount and Gladius sections. Could you kindly reorient me?
In-game Name: Itosian
Steam Username: itosian_dj
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? I highlighted them in bold.
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
OR Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST - You may only sign up for one, but feel free to come to both if you reaaaaally feel like it.
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Quote from: kygadinima on January 31, 2012, 02:55:25 PM
Hi! Question. I was wondering if you could point me to the website for your Mount andGladius unit? I fought under a fellow named Milander this sunday. He spelt it with one 'L' in teamspeak. You have a fellow with 2 'L's" here, but I believe it is the same person. I think he mentioned this unit from Mount and Musket and yet I cannot locate any Mount and Gladius sections. Could you kindly reorient me?,213103.0.html (,213103.0.html)
here ya go!
to be part of the legion, you must be a part of our regiment in MM. So if you play MM, please fill free to fill out an application and join our ranks for both mods! :D
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Killjoy
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): hallett187
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) I have TS installed on my computer.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
OR Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST - You may only sign up for one, but feel free to come to both if you reaaaaally feel like it.
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - *Yes*
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT *Yes*
Wellcome Kilijoy and Itosian
got it =]
I can attend all of the events, and ill probably will too ^^
Quote from: dhartz on February 03, 2012, 10:43:59 PMI can attend all of the events, and ill probably will too ^^
You are a good soldier, I can attest to that as I trained you and led you Friday night. I would advise that you only sign up for 2 or 3 events a week, and if you feel like going to more, feel free. That way you don't get burned out.
Got ya, so i'll sign for the:
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Those 2, I calculated the time zone hours and the others are at my 3am, so i wont be able to attend
unless there is a holyday ..
QuoteYou are a good soldier, I can attest to that as I trained you and led you Friday night.
Thank you sir ^^
*just changed my name to something easier, wich is Kaplan. sorry to bother you with that .
What about a linebattle?
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Nihilist
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): The_Unholy_Arbiter (Nickname: Nihilist)
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
I also request placement in Heinrich's A3 Zug, due to our previous service together in the HM Army and a long record of cooperation. Also, I am a highly experienced soldier, having played MM for at least six months now, and also possess officer experience after having lead the 8th and 35th. I just say this to avoid being taken as a new player. I have fought with the EPI in one Friday line battle and was able to follow all orders precisely, you can double-check with Heinrich on this.
In game name: Samuel_Winchester
I don't use steam
I have teamspeak.
I can attend all events
Welcome to the 1stEPI gentlemen.
In-game Name: Chippy
Steam Username: Chippy
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Aye, I do.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? I can attend most of the events, unless something unexpectedly pops up. The events that I cannot attend is Tuesday's training, Saturday's training, and Sunday's linebattle.
I would like to be put in the A4 once I become a Soldat because I'm good friends with Graham.
Ingame: Brewster
Steam: thabrewster
Yes I got TS and have been to the EPI's ts before as a pub in the Friday battles and during Secession battles, as I am a part of the 6th PA
I will update the events I can do when I am in a more lucid state as it is 4:05 AM for me.
And i would like to join as Lith recruit.
Quote from: General Brewster on February 10, 2012, 09:03:06 PM
Ingame: Brewster
Steam: thabrewster
Yes I got TS and have been to the EPI's ts before as a pub in the Friday battles and during Secession battles, as I am a part of the 6th PA
I will update the events I can do when I am in a more lucid state as it is 4:05 AM for me.
And i would like to join as Lith recruit.
We will take you, Gunny has vouched for you.
Your tag will be: 1stEPI_Lith_Rkt_Brewster
Quote from: 5arge on February 11, 2012, 07:56:57 AM
Quote from: General Brewster on February 10, 2012, 09:03:06 PM
Ingame: Brewster
Steam: thabrewster
Yes I got TS and have been to the EPI's ts before as a pub in the Friday battles and during Secession battles, as I am a part of the 6th PA
I will update the events I can do when I am in a more lucid state as it is 4:05 AM for me.
And i would like to join as Lith recruit.
We will take you, Gunny has vouched for you.
Your tag will be: 1stEPI_Lith_Rkt_Brewster
awesome thank you :)
Welcome Chippy, sry for the late answar
In-game Name: Jonathan
Steam Username: The Pirate Man
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?: Have it, and a mic.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes. Majority of the time.
OR Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST No. Highly unlikely, most likely only on breaks or "between" jobs/schools.
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST No. ^
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT No. Have something else scheduled for that time most weeks.
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST Unsure, it'd be pretty late but it's a weekend after all.
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT Yes. Majority of the time.
(I hope I picked enough.)
If it's worthy of any note, I have played in two other regiments in the past. 92nd Gordon Highlanders and 2nd Scots' Greys to be precise. Was some time ago now though.
Welcome to the EPI Gentlemen! Hope to see you both at our next event.
Salut et bienvenue a le 1stEPI, Stefiboy.
In-game Name: Tairos
Steam User Name: KingofTaira
TS?: Yes, I have TS and I do have a microphone
Events: I am pretty much only available on weekends and Fridays. So the Saturday main training, and the Friday evening LB I can probably attend consistently.
Well, nice to see you chose to join us!
That's a nice surprise
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): McKnight
Steam Username (If you do not have Steam, say so here, It's not a requirement):no
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join.) Yep
Do you have a functioning microphone? (A microphone is not required to join) Ye
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST / 8PM GMT Maybe
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST Maybe
Friday NA Line Battle - 8PM EST Maybe
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST / 8PM GMT Yes
Sunday Private Line Battle - 2PM EST / 7PM GMT Yes
Request: Want to be placed in A4 after the recruit process.
Accepted. You'll need to go through the rekrut period again, but I believe Littlefield has already told you that.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): MrCereal
Steam Username: mrCereal16
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yep.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT No
OR Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST - Yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST Yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Maybe
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT Maybe
Welcome Cereal.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Thalan
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): swarm_lord
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) Dont have but will
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT no
OR Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST - You may only sign up for one, but feel free to come to both if you reaaaaally feel like it.
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST no
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT every other weekend
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST every other weekend
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT every other weekend
Welcome Thalan.
I was just in your team speak channel chaps (Ladington)!
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Brrrrrrrrrrrr, but you can recommend a suitable name old chaps xoxoxoxo
Steam Username: gryar, yes I spelt it wrong while drunk it is actually Grynar
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?: Yes.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?: All of them more than likely!
Welcome aboard
Excuse good sir, but due to my banter inside the 1st epi I and a friend (keyweegaz, whom may also be joining) I was banned. But I assure, if you ask the people in there about me I am sure they will inform you I was good natured!
you start throwing shit you'll be shown the door.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Eli Jones
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): islandog
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) Yes i do
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
OR Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST - You may only sign up for one, but feel free to come to both if you reaaaaally feel like it.
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST YES
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT YES
Welcome to the 1stEPI EliJones
I am interested in becoming a member of your Regiment.
Good day.
In-game Name: Valterious Isenzahn (Nickname: Val for teamspeak etc.)
Steam Username: I do not use Steam as of yet, however should I my name will simply be Valterious.
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? I have teamspeak3 and a microphone also.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT: Can Attend (regularly as requested and required)
OR Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST: Can Attend (regularly as requested and required)
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST: Can Attend (regularly as requested and required)
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT: Can Attend (regularly as requested and required)
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST: Can Attend (regularly as requested and required)
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT: Can Attend (regularly as requested and required)
About Myself:
I am a long time and avid "gamer", starting way back with Ultima Online years ago; since then I have played or tried most of the MMO's on the market and managed a few "guilds" along the way too. Recently, I have grown tired of the games I have been involved with and started looking for a "team-based PvP" style game, with some historic / medieval themes. Mount and Blade having been a favorite game of mine; I came across the Mount and Musket MOD and found my way to your regiment, after reviewing the game.
I like the mix of humor and tactics that you all employ and have downloaded the Warband expansion just today. I really like the fact that the players of this MOD are using the traditional and historic tactics, enforced by a code of conduct for all the players; I look forward to playing along with whoever should welcome me into their unit.
As an experienced gamer, I know how to play as a solid "team-member" (when to shut up and when to help out etc) and look forward to having fun along with you all in the battles.
Welcome abord Val and as you read on the first page Steam is not required, but it is highly advised, especially in the start so we can message you whenever there is a training or LB
An absolute pleasure to have you aboard Val. It sounds like the EPI was made for you.
Vielen dank Uzo70 and Uhlaf,
Well met indeed gentlemen. I look forward to joining you on the field soon!
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Gordon_Bennet (I can change to whatever though)
Steam Username (If you do not have Steam, say so here, It's not a requirement): kiwi-1234
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join.) Yes
Do you have a functioning microphone? (A microphone is not required to join) Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST / 8PM GMT yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST yes
Friday NA Line Battle - 8PM EST (8PM EST is 1am GMT right? if so) yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST / 8PM GMT yes
Sunday Private Line Battle - 2PM EST / 7PM GMT yes
Welcome to the 1stEPI Keyweegaz
Hello, I be Eidridin.
In-game Name: Eidridin (Call me Sly over TS3)
Steam Username:I hardly use Steam but I am registered as Eidridin.
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Got it
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT: no
OR Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST: yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST: yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT: depends the day and current event
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST: Yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT: Yes
About myself:
A year ago, my first regiment was the 71st Highlanders which I think was lead by Heinrich. Which first initiated my love for Mount & Musket and it's Linebattle Events.
I am and still am an active Native clan member (Golden Kingdoms), but I am growing tired of constantly playing Native and over all prefer the more futuristic art of shooting and stabbing people. A couple of months ago I led the 43te Line Infantry (GK clan under disguise) as Hauptmann. Had a great amount of fun leading 20 guys to victory or defeat and attempted to constently introduce my Native Clan to the world of Mount & Musket. Unfourtionately, the 43te went inactive for Line Battles and Line Battle Practice and we switched back to Native once again.
A month or two later, I started to merc under the 00th and Thundersnow even allowed me to command his lines. Proof-
00th Regiment: 5F "I've Dreamt Of This Day" Mount and Musket (
Now I'm starting to get back into Mount & Musket again, I learned how to shoot and kill with a musket, and because I play Native on a daily basis I can melee and take on multiple opponents fairly well.
Also, if you guys ever need a mapper, I'm the man. I can make maps for Mount & Musket and perhaps even a Training Field if you guys want one.
You seem like quit the human resource, welcome to the 1stEPI.
In-game Name: BlackNapoleon
Steam Username: Mag
Do you have teamspeak: Yes.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Rarely on weekdays, I usually am doing schoolwork/social stuff but almost always make the weekend events.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.):
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.)
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Spartan4life (I can change to whatever though)
Steam Username (If you do not have Steam, say so here, It's not a requirement): totalwarfan474
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join.) Yes
Do you have a functioning microphone? (A microphone is not required to join) Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST / 8PM GMT NO
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST yes
Friday NA Line Battle - 8PM EST yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST / 8PM GMT yes
Sunday Private Line Battle - 2PM EST / 7PM GMT yes
Welcome aboard guys
In-game Name:icejaff
Who referred you to the EPI?: I left a couple months back due to another member, got begged for months to come back. So williams.
Steam Username: icejaffa
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed: Yes.
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
-- I am now back at school, and need to dedicate time to my girlfriend aswell, I can only make these two. untill hollidays.
I believe Uzo has accepted your application.......
In-game Name: Shotgun
Who referred you to the EPI?
Steam Username:Shooter92798
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? I have teamspeak 3, and a microphone.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Saturday Primary Training
Friday Linebattle
Sunday Linebattle
PS: I can make the other training and events on holidays. :)
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Welcome Shotgun hope you fit in
Thankyou :)
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): DumpsterBaby
Who referred you to the EPI? If nobody did, leave blank or omit: Well it wasn't so much referred but I asked about them in US Official out of curiosity while inquiring about regiments to join.
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): DumpsterBaby
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.): Yes to both.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.): It depends really because I work nights and my schedule isn't concrete but for I can participate in the Tuesday week day practice and the sunday line battle (the 2PM EST)
Approved DumpterBaby.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):Killbobby7
Who referred you to the EPI? If nobody did, leave blank or omit: Jeremy
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): killbobby7
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.) training and line battles
and i have played this game for a bit now
You are graciously accepted into our ranks killbobby.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):JOSH4000
Who referred you to the EPI? If nobody did, leave blank or omit: Jeremy
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): jatosco
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.) training and line battles
and i have played this game for a bit now
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer) Virage - If not then Cronox
Steam Username (If you do not have Steam, say so here, It's not a requirement) Nope, do not use steam. Got game for free from friend.
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join.) - Yes. And IRC / Vent
Do you have a functioning microphone? (A microphone is not required to join) - Yes - Expensive gaming headset, amazing quality.
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT OR Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST - Doubtful
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST - Slight maybe
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST - Yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT - Yes
Heard a lot of good things when I was browsing through the regiments! Tactics and team work is key to conquering the virtual world! Hope I get accepted. Thank you!
Welcome Josh and Virages hope you will enjoy your stay
In-game Name :Broguts
Steam Username :Broguts
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?
I do have teamspeak3, I also have a mic.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
And maybe Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Broguts, I love it. Welcome to the 1stEPI, I expect awesome things from fellow Canadians even if they are Westerners.
See you on Tuesday.
In-game Name:Duke
Who referred you to the EPI? If nobody did, leave this blank or omit: Youtube
Steam Username: sbarfield
Do you have teamspeak3 client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?: I have teamspeak
Which events can you attend on a regular basis: Thursday training, Saturday Primary Training,Friday Linebattle, Sunday linebattle.
In-game Name:
Steam Username:
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?
Yes, but no microphone.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training
Tuesday Night Linebattle
Saturday Primary Training
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Steffen
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): zekommandant
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) Indeed, I do have both Teamspeak3 Client and a headset.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST (A maybe on this one.)
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST
welcome aboard your all accepted
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):sarg
Who referred you to the EPI? If nobody did, leave blank or omit:
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.):Mr.U are dead
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.)yes and yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Saan
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): Saan
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) yes i got TS3 but no mic
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training ( i will try but wont always be able to attend )
Thursday Weekday Training (i will try but wont always be able to attend)
Saturday Primary Training
Friday Linebattle
Sunday Linebattle (i will try but wont always be able to attend)
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Lifeguard_of_Foot
Who referred you to the EPI? If nobody did, leave blank or omit: I don't recall.
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): enderwiggin15243
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis: Saturday primary training,
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Will be able to come to the tuesday and thursday events after my extracurricular activities end.
okay welcome aboard guys hope you enjoy your stay
in-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):
Who referred you to the EPI? If nobody did, leave blank or omit:
rayce farelle
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.):
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.)
yes i do have teamspeak3
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
everything but the Tuesday practices really.
Welcome to the regiment, Hitman.
In-Game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):
Who referred you to the EPI? If noboy did, leave blank or omit:
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.):
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.)
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST / 8PM GMT(not this Tuesday though)
Friday Linebattle 9PM EST/ 2AM GMT
Saturday Full Army Primary Training - 3PM EST / 8PM GMT
Sunday Private Line Battle - 2PM EST / 6:30PM GMT
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):BloodBeag
Who referred you to the EPI? If nobody did, leave blank or omit:
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.):BloodBeag
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.)yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)all unless dinner or such but that would mean only missing small parts.
Welcome to the regiment, both of you.
Psst Go here:,1303.0.html (,1303.0.html)
P.S You will not be added onto the Rekrut roster until you have posted in the Rekruten Board
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): HandOfGod
Who referred you to the EPI? If nobody did, leave blank or omit: No one, I am looking for a regiment for the new dlc.
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication: HandOfGod
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
On a side note, if I join this regiment, does that require me to join up with you guys on secession? Even if I am already in a secession regiment?
Welcome into the 1st East Prussian Infantry Mr. HandOfGod!
First things first, Go here and read over the Rekruten board.,50.0.html. (,50.0.html.) There are still a few more things you need to fill out Before I can toss you up on the roster.
Also, the 1stEPI doesn't play Secession as a regiment anymore. Some of us are in the 1st New York Dragoons, but joining isn't at all required.
Quote from: Azrooh on April 16, 2012, 04:11:28 PM
Also, the 1stEPI doesn't play Secession as a regiment anymore. Some of us are in the 1st New York Dragoons, but joining isn't at all required.
Thanks, I fight with the 5th Michigan. I love the cav, and if I may say so, I love the mod. Great work!
Quote from: HandOfGod on April 16, 2012, 04:23:50 PM
Quote from: Azrooh on April 16, 2012, 04:11:28 PM
Also, the 1stEPI doesn't play Secession as a regiment anymore. Some of us are in the 1st New York Dragoons, but joining isn't at all required.
Thanks, I fight with the 5th Michigan. I love the cav, and if I may say so, I love the mod. Great work!
Glad to hear you like it :)
1. My in game name is tonyshrimp
2. 5th Seanjkl referred me to the EPI
3. My steam name is tonyshrimp
4. I have teamspeak, but do not have a microphone
5. I can attend the Tuesday linebattle (maybe), the Thursday training, the Saturday training, the Friday linebattle and maybe the Sunday linebattle
Welcome to the 1stEPI! tonyshrimp. Make sure you post in the Recruit expected roster,50.0.htmln. (,50.0.htmln.)
In-game Name: Weynard
Who referred you to the EPI?
Steam username: weynard
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
I'm kinda busy this and next week, so I will just state those I will be able to attend in the future.
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Hello Waynard! Welcome into the 1st East Prussian Infantry! Please read over the Rekruten Board and post in the necessary threads. (
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): SirCus
Who referred you to the EPI? If nobody did, leave blank or omit: Nobody. I just like you guys cause you're American friendly and you are cool :P
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): jonny12384
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.)
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
- I can attend each training and line battle :)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Welcome into the 1st East Prussian Infantry Good sir. Please read the Rekruten Board and Post in the Expected attendence *Report to your NCO's* Thread
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Trast
Who referred you to the EPI? If nobody did, leave blank or omit:
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): Trastonomicon
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.) I believe the tuesday LB and the Friday LB, I will try to make as many as I can but I have no regular hours on my computer.
Welcome into the 1st East Prussian Infantry Mr. Trast_Sabl! Please Look over the Rekruten Board and post in the " Expected Attendence *Report to your NCO's Here* " Thread. Please note that you will not be added onto the Rekruten roster until you do. (
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Phizx
Who referred you to the EPI? If nobody did, leave blank or omit: Watched a vid on youtube about a battle you were in.
Steam Username: Phizx
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?: Yes i do
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? I can most definatly attend the weekend events. Mabye the weekday events as well.
Welcome into the Regiment Phizx! Please read the Rekruten board ( and Post in the necessary areas!
In game name: MasterSkurken
Got reffered via open servers on Napoleonic battles
Steam: Markurioz
Teamspeak; Yes I do
Weekday events
A Swede? You are the third one, welcome to the EPI!
Welcome into the Regiment Masterskurten! Please read the Rekruten board ( and Post in the necessary areas!
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Brock
Who referred you to the EPI? If nobody did, leave blank or omit: I Watched a few videos on Youtube.
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): MrKILLA2561
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) Yes indeed I have it installed.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT No
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST Yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST Yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST Yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT Yes
I will try and make the ones I listed as "Yes" but this depends on what time/day sports or other real life events are.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Ken
Steam Username (If you do not have Steam, say so here, It's not a requirement): californiakenny
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join.) Yes
Do you have a functioning microphone? (A microphone is not required to join) Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST / 8PM GMT No
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST No
Friday NA Line Battle - 8PM EST (8PM EST is 1am GMT right? if so) No
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST / 8PM GMT Maybe
Sunday Private Line Battle - 2PM EST / 7PM GMT Yes
I used to be part of 1stEPI, I never resigned I just got extremely busy with work after I finished school :/.. Hope to play with you guys soon!
Welcome To the regiment Guys! Please read the Rekruten board ( and Post in the necessary areas! You WILL NOT be added onto the Regimental and Rekruten rosters until you do.
We shall see you on the Field,
In-Game Name - Jim.
Steam Username - ☣†|МФŊЅŦЄŘ|†☣
Have Teamspeak 3? - Yes.
Which Events I Can Attend to - All of them.
In-game Name - Taggert
Referred in game to this site
Steam Username - Adrien Brody
I have teamspeak installed
I can attend all the events except for tuesday weekday training
Welcome to the regiment, you two! Please check out this section (,1303.msg16330.html#msg16330) and drop a post in the thread you're directed to. Hope to see you at tonight's linebattle.
In-game Name: Emerald_One
Who referred you to the EPI?
Steam username: Otharius ( (
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? I have it installed, but am not well acquainted with it.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
My work schedule does shift occasionally, but the Tuesday ones are almost assured, Thursday presently is definitely a nay, and the others are a possibility.
Welcome to the Regiment Emerald! Please read the Rekruten board ( and Post in the necessary areas! You WILL NOT be added onto the Regimental and Rekruten rosters until you do.
In-game Name: adh105
Who referred you to the EPI?
Steam username: adh105
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Welcome Into the 1st EPI Adh105! Please read the Rekruten board ( and Post in the Necessary Areas!
In-game Name: L.Hopper
Who referred you to the EPI? Lt. Littlefield, and Kpl. Graham
Steam username: TigerT34
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Have Teamspeak 3, still getting used to it.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
About Time Mr. Hopper. I have been informed that you are skipping the Rekruten stage and are going straight into the Companie. You should Now report to your Platoon Commander (A1).
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):
Who referred you to the EPI? If nobody did, leave blank or omit:
I was refered but cannot remember his name
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.):
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.)
I do, but dont know how to use it as of yet
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
The thursday and Friday events are possible but these two are the ones I can attend most consistently:
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Welcome into the 1st East Prussian Infantry Lwantssugar! Please Read over the Rekruten board ( and Post in the Necessary Areas!
Look forward to seeing you soon,
In-game Name:Hellbrother
Who referred you to the EPI?nobody saw it in taleworld site
Steam username:hellbrother
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?
yes i have
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT might be late sometime if i hae to work that day get of work at 8.00
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT alway free but might be litle late sometime if work that day (get of work at at 8.00)
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT every other week
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT = alway free for this one
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT = every other week
Good Evening Hellbrother,
Welcome into the 1st East Prussian Infantry. You have entered the ranks of one of the most Elite, and disciplined Regiments on the field today. Good Decision. Please Read our Rekruten board and Re-post the events we can expect to see you at on a weekly basis in the designated area. (
Ihr Leutnant,
In-game Name: Snappolo
How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name:,222831.0.html (,222831.0.html)
Steam Username:Snappolo
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?
I'm downloading it right now.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
All my choices are referred to the European Time Zone.
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT No
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT No
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT No
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT No
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT Yes
Do we play on M&M or Napoleonic Wars?
Hey Snappolo
Welcome into the 1st East Prussian Infantry. You have entered the ranks of one of the most Elite, and disciplined Regiments on the field today. Good Decision. Please Read our Rekruten board and Re-post the events we can expect to see you at on a weekly basis in the designated area. (
In-game Name: Shadowjax
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? I was searching for a good regiment to join on the TaleWorlds forums.
Steam username: shadowjak
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes, I currently have teamspeak.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? I can attend the Tuesday Night Linebattle, the Thursday Weekday Training, the Saturday Primary Training, and the Saturday Linebattle.
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Welcome to the Regiment Shadowjax! ( Read over our rekruten Boards and post in the Expected Events thread!
I guess this would be an application to RE-join the regiment (or to go back to being a reservist.)
I'm not quite sure if this is the right place to put this, but I was wondering if anyone here remembers me! I joined the 1st EPI way back when, had to leave due to IRL issues, tried to come back and then left again due to IRL issues. Now that NW has come out, I find myself missing all the regimental line battles. I was wondering if I could just hop back in with you guys. I still have a lot of things going on in my life, so I won't be able to make a lot of events. Maybe the occasional training and LB.
Hey Adler, welcome back! You'd definitely be free to go reservist or recruit, it's your choice. Send me a PM when you've decided.
In-game Name: Dankenstein
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who?: Sir Heinrich Himler, who I joined the EPI with initially under the guise of ragingmarxist.
Steam username: Dankenstein
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer?: Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - Periodically
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT - Periodically
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT - Frequently
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - Regularly
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT - Regularly
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT - Regularly
Welcome Back! Just like all the Other 'Welcome to the Regiment' Messages say. Go read this: ( and copy /paste the events you can attend on the Expected events thread.
RagingMarxist, I totally remember you. Welcome back dude.
In-game name: Abaddon or pvt.Abaddon
Heard: Through forum on TW
Steam username: Abaddonsc2
Teamspeak: Yes I have it
Events I can attend: Probably all except maybe 1 or 2 every so often
Welcome to the Regiment good sir, Here are the Rekruten boards, Read ovr them and post your expected events. once you do that you shall be added to our great roster! (
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Major_Dick
How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name: No one I can remember
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.):
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.): I have teamspeak3 and a mic
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - Cannot Attend
Tuesday Night Linebattle - Able to Attend
Thursday Weekday Training - Able to Attend
Saturday Primary Training - Able to Attend
Friday Linebattle- Able to Attend
Sunday Linebattle- Able to Attend
Um, Welcome Richard. Please read over the Rekruten board and pos your expected events in the correct thread.,50.0.html (,50.0.html)
( Oh, um if you have come here to troll I would adivse that you turn around and walk out right now. You may get yourself into more trouble than your wanting. ) BUT other than that. Welcome :)
In-game Name:sesawAlfred
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who?Searching for a good regiment
Steam username:DocAlfred
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?Installed and ready.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - can attend
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT - sporadic
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT - sporadic
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - sporadic
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT - sporadic
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT - can attend
Welcome to the EPI Alfred. After the Leutnant adds you to the forum group, go post your expected attendance, Right here. (,50.0.html) Best of luck in the Rekruten Zug, my friend.
In-game Name: FrostFire626
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? Official forum recruitment thread.
Steam username: FrostFire626
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? I have TS3 and a mic.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Extra Information: I've played many multiplayer games in both competitive and military/role-playing settings. I also love military history, tactics, and technology. Hope to play with you guys soon!
Welcome to the EPI FrostFire. After the Leutnant adds you to the forum group, go post your expected attendance, Right here. (,50.0.html) Best of luck in the Rekruten Zug, my friend.
P.S. Fastest acceptance in the west.
Thank you Graham for Catching these Applications!
And To the New Rekruten, Is great to have you. Your server groups have been updated. Please post your attendence using the Link Graham has provided, and we will look forward to seeing you soon!
In-game Name : Deidara
How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name: 1stEPI_Rkt_Jim
Steam Username : Ninjawaffle63
Do you have teamspeak3: Yes with mic
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - Yes
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST - Yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST - Yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST - Yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT - Yes
Me And jim are partners so we are about the same at melee im better at range
Welcome into the 1stEPI! Please go read over the Rekruten board,50.0.html (,50.0.html) and Post your expected attendence! look forward to seeing you tomorrow!
Heard about: Talesworld forums
116th | MrLebanon
I have TS3and use it regularly with my buddies
I can attend
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
I will be taking summer school and my schedule could change but I will keep in touch as to when I will not be ably to make it
I'm to the experience, bought the game recently, have been playing a lot the past 2 days. Currently in a multi-game community where I often hang out on TS3 and play battlefield/mess around.
Looking to get more out of the game experience through some organized battles rather than trying to round up teams in a public match
Welcome to the EPI Leb! After the Leutnant adds you to the forum group, go post your expected attendance, Right here. (,50.0.html) Best of luck in the Rekruten Zug, my friend.
In-gameName: Andronicus
Referred: By HB handofgod
Steam username: eightyeightp
Teamspeak: Yes, I have it
Regular Attendance: I can attend the Tuesday and Saturday training without trouble, and the Tuesday line battle. My schedule permits attending any of the events, though.
Welcome to the regiment, Andronicus. Please have a read over this topic (,1303.msg16330.html#msg16330) at your earliest convenience and make a post where it points you to. Hope to see you on saturday!
bah.. Beat me to it again :P
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):
How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name:
The Weapon
I think he has another name in front of that, something with a Z.
He also gave me some bayonet tips. Thanks!
Steam Username:
Hak Fu
I will be using Antivide as my Team speak name. I can't change my Steam username because I have a ton of friends on my friend's list.
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer?
Wait... yeah, now I do. : D
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Yes (may occasionally miss one or two due to family obligations, but that is rare)
I live on the West coast.
I'm completely new to the entire "gun" thing. I've played about 30 hours of Warband MP but I've never played Mount and Musket. Eager to learn though.
Welcome Antivide, to the 1st East Prussian Infantry! Post your attendance and read over our rekruten board here,50.0.html (,50.0.html) as soon as the Leutnant adds you to the server group. good luck!
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Konstanz
How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name: Napoleonic Wars Forum
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): CaliberC
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) Yes I have Teamspeak installed and have a Microphone.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST Yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST No
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST Yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT Yes
Welcome into the 1st East Prussian Infantry! Please read over the rekruten board,50.0.html (,50.0.html) and post your expected attendence in the correct thread. you will not be added to the roster nor will you be considered a member of the regiment until you do :)
In game: Julius_Root
Teamspeak : yes + mic
Heard of you from Hand of God
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST NO
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST NO
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST No
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT Yes
Aha, Artemis Fowl, perhaps?
Welcome to the EPI, go here:,50.0.html (,50.0.html)
And post your expected attendance in the correct thread.
Quote from: Haresus on April 26, 2012, 05:58:35 AM
Aha, Artemis Fowl, perhaps?
Welcome to the EPI, go here:,50.0.html (,50.0.html)
And post your expected attendance in the correct thread.
Yeah good old childhood memories ^^
Aye, great series, it is a shame Root
Once again, welcome. :)
In-game Name:Livinghornet
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who?Found you on the taleworlds forums
Steam username:Living_Hornet
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?Yes and I have a Mic
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT No
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT Yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT Yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT No
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT Yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT No
Thank you for your interest into the 1st East Prussian Infantry!
Please Post your expected attendence here:,50.0.html (,50.0.html)
you will not be considered a member of the regiment or added onto any rosters until you do.
hope to see you soon!
In-game Name: fighterpilot
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? saw it in the forums
Steam username: nik3allst4r
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? all
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT yes
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT yes
Welcome Fighterpilot,
Please go read over our Rekruten board.,50.0.html (,50.0.html) once you post your Expected Attendence there you will be a Recruit in one of the Best Regiments In NW! Hope to see you soon!
In-game Name : Cosmic_Nate
How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name: I found it while looking at regiment on the tale worlds forum. i was reffered by Andronicus.
Steam Username : Cosmic Nate
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer: Yes i have team speak 3
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT_ possbly
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST_ possbly
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST_ most likely no
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT _ most likely
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST_ yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT _ maybe
I am very active on Napoleonic wars but i usaly have to do things in the evening so i may not be bale to attend some line battles, but most should be fine :D 8)
Welcome to the EPI CosmicNate. After the Leutnant adds you to the forum group, go post your expected attendance, Right here. (,50.0.html) Best of luck in the Rekruten Zug, my friend.
In-game Name: Deering
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? I was redirected here after inquiring about regiments that were a little more hardcore on drill.
Steam username: Science Costermonger
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? I have teamspeak3 installed!
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT [Rarely]
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT [Yes]
welcome into the 1st East Prussian infantry Deering!
you were certanily right.. Hardcore Drill is what we are known for :P please read over the Rekruten board,50.0.html (,50.0.html) and post in the Expected Events thread. upon doing so you will be added to the Roster and will be a fulltime member in one of the Greatest regiments you can possibly join (and you think im just braggin)
In-game Name: BlakeBenke
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who?
Steam username: Forest245
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT no
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT Possibly
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT yes
Welcome to the EPI BlakeBenke. After the Leutnant adds you to the forum group, go post your expected attendance, Right here. (,50.0.html) Best of luck in the Rekruten Zug, my friend.
In-game Name: Thibeau
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? Littlefield
Steam username: MarineFreakUSMC
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT Yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT Yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT Yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT Sometimes
Hey Thibeau, you know how things are done around here, so your recruit period is probably going to be very short. Leave a post here (,1302.0.html) at your earliest convenience if you would.
Hey there, I joined up with the unit last year back when Reth was running it. Just returning for this mod.
In-game Name: Werner
I can make all events
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Welcome Back Mr. Werner,
I am sure that a good number of things have changed since you were last here, but the 1stEPI is still trucking along! Reth Has Long since been gone, and we are currently Headed by Major Azrooh. You may or may not know and remember him. Anyway, welcome into the 1st East Prussian Infantry Regiment! and understand that you will not be added onto the Official roster Until you post here (,1302.0.html)
Hope To see you soon!
In-game Name: Miggi
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? - i found it on taleworlds forum
Steam username: lil_ammal (I share an account with my brother)
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT yes
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT no
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT yes
however, i'm a chemical engineering student, and during the whole may i have laboratories untill 6, so I can't attend tuesday training
Welcome to the EPI Miggi. After the Leutnant adds you to the forum group, go post your expected attendance, Right here. (,50.0.html) Best of luck in the Rekruten Zug, my friend.
Hello all!
In-game Name: Pandur
How did you hear about the EPI? By browsing forums :)
Steam Username: Feuer76
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer: Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - Yes
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT - Yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT - Yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT -Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT -Yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT -Yes
Welcome Mr Pandur into the 1st East Prussian Infantry!
Please read over the Rekruten boards and Post Right here. (,50.0.html) as soon as you can. I cannot add you to the roster until you do!
In-game Name: Borga
How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name: Taleworld forum and your public line battle.
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): (
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? I have it and a mic.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Maybe depends on my part time job and how busy the day is.
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST Yes.
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST Yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST Yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT Yes
Welcome to the Regiment good Sir,
Just Like Everyone else Please post Right here. (,50.0.html) so you can be added to the roster and be consided as a candidate for one of the greatest regiments in the NW community!
ingame name : ZodBrogan
codxxhitman refered me.
Steam username: ZodBrogan
TS installed ready to go with mic
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - YES
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT - YES
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT - NO
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - YES
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT - NO
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT - YES
Welcome to the Regiment zodbrogan,
Just Like Everyone else Please post Right here. (,50.0.html) so you can be added to the roster and be consided as a candidate for one of the greatest regiments in the NW community!
Youtube and Taleworlds
Steam User is money
No teamspeak but i will try to have it installed by the end of school year.
I could do sunday 2pm,
thursday 8pm (depends on how long the battle is)
saturday 3pm and maybe 8 too,
friday 9pm
tuesday 8pm (depnds on how long battle is)
those are the ones i could do but there may be times when I have to go somewhere and if there is i will try to contact you guys.
Also I cannot start playing until after my school year ends.
In-game Name: Valt
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? Heard of them in MM, some crpg guild mates let me know.
Steam username: Valt
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Maybe
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT Maybe
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT Yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT Sometimes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT Yes
I figured it was about time I joined a regiment and started participating in line battles with the
community. I've known of 1stEPI since MM when a fellow crpg guildie mentioned them (ATS). I'm very experienced with the m&b "system" so to speak with 1200+ hours in crpg alone, and familiar with team play and carrying orders from large scale strategeous battles. More than anything, Prussia kicks ass and the 1st EPI always come off as on top of their stuff.
Welcom Romulus and Valt. Make sure you post,1302.0.html (,1302.0.html) and we will get right back to you ;)
In-game Name:
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who?
Found out about the EPI through looking in forums for good and organised regiments. I found several advertisements for this regiment and they all sounded extremely promising
Steam username:
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?
Yes, i can install quickly
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Maybe ( depends on the amount of homework)
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT No, unless on holiday
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT No, unless on holiday
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT Maybe
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT Yes
Welcome The3brownies! To the 1st East Prussian Infantry! Post your attendance Right Here (,50.0.html) when Heinrich adds you to the server group. Good luck...
In-game Name : Lockee
How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name:
Nano of 84e reffed me here
Steam Username
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?
yes, I have teamspeak
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT possibly
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT possibly
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT probably
I love history, and I love this sort of thing. I am new to the multiplayer of M+B, but I love the game, and this time period is defiantly my favorite.
In Game Name: Lord_Pomaville
i heard about this group from the 84, they went recruiting.
Steam Username: BrOkEnZoMbIe
i do have team-speak 3.
i can do any events upon request.
Welcome Lockee and Pomaville!
In-game Name:Locke
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? I was previous apart of the EPI, but Littlefield invited me back.
Steam username: Hystarea
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - Maybe be late
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT - Cannot Marching Band
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT - Cannot Marching band
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT - Yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT - Yes
Welcome back Locke! the real one :P
Hey All New Rekruten Please Post Right Here (,50.0.html). YOU WILL NOT BE considered a member of the regiment, nor will you be added onto the roster until you do
In-game Name: Boshack
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who?:
I heard of the EPI when I was watching the BAB (Brandenburgische Artillerie-Brigade) videos . The EPI seemed more entertaining, and I wouldn't mind killing a few of the BAB too.
Steam Username: Kamikaze Cobra
Yes, I have Teamspeak 3 Client.
I can usually attend all scheduled events unless school gets to be difficult or I have a Family Event
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST VERY LIKELY
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST VERY LIKELY
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT VERY LIKELY
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST VERY LIKELY
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT VERY LIKELY
Welcome into the 1st East Prussian Infantry Boshack!
Please Post Right Here (,50.0.html). YOU WILL NOT BE considered a member of the regiment, nor will you be added onto the roster until you do
Hope to see you soon,
In-game Name:
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? Saw on tale world's forum.
Steam username: warmaster177
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Welcome into the 1st East Prussian Infantry! When you get a moment please read over the Rekruten Board of the Forums, and Post in the expected attendance thread. You WILL NOT be added onto the roster, nor considered a member until you do.
In-game Name: Pokerstuds
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? Yes I have. No one in particular referred it to me, I have heard a lot about it, and know its a good regiment.
Steam username: Pokerstuds
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes, I do have TS3.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT No
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT Yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT Yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT Yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT Yes on some days.
In-game Name: BeardedNinja
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who?
No one specific, I've just heard good things.
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - No.
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT - Yes.
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT - Yes.
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - Yes.
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT - Yes.
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT -Yes, on certain days.
Welcome Gentlemen,
Thank you for your interest into the regiment. You have both been assigned the 'Rekruten' Server group and should be able to view the 'Rekruten' Board of the forums. Please read over this and Post in the 'Expected attendence' Thread. Upon doing that you will be added onto the official roster, and will be considered a member of the Regiment. But, if you DO NOT do this you WILL Not be Added to the Roster and will NOT be considered a member of the regiment.
Thank you,
Your new Lt.
In-game Name: Naoma
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? I have been playing for a while now, so I heard about you guys back in mm
Steam username: naoma650
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT Yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT Yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT Yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT Sometimes
same goes for you. Please read over the rekruten board of the forums and Post in the expected attendence thread
In-game Name: Fenrirr/Balthazar
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who?
Steam username: LunearMayne
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? I have it installed
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (Bolded times are ones I can easily manage, I will likely be able to join others occasionally)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Welcome Into the Regiment good Sir,
Please Read over the Rekruten board, and Post in the Expected Attendance thread!
In-game Name: Nagho
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? I was referred by Menzies/Pokerstuds
Steam username: Nagho
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes, I have it.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
In game name: Shadow_Ghoul
steam name: Shadow Ghoul
ts3: yes
mic: yes
I heard about 1EPI when the 71 foot mass defected
i can make all of these except the tuesday weekday training
Thanks 71st Guys!
Please Transfer this Information to the Expected Attendance Thread under the Rekruten board of the forums
In-game Name: Pollard
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? bearded ninja
Steam username: elitdking
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? i have it installed
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Friday and maybe Sundays
Thank you Pollard!
Please Post Here!,1302.0.html (,1302.0.html)
In-game Name: Price2142
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? Pollard
Steam username: Price
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Almost any Event Between 4:00-10:00 Mnt (-7 GMT)
Hey Price! Please have a read over this (,1303.msg16330.html#msg16330) and drop a post in the correct spot.
Thanks & hope to see you pretty soon.
In-game Name: Qilidj
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? Werner
Steam username: Qilidj_Arslan
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes, I do.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
It is possible for most of them but never thursdays.
I'll go check the Rekruten board.
Haha Welcome to the Regiment! Your server group has been assigned, you may proceed with your checking of the Rekruten Board :P
My in game name will be-HardcoreHebrew
MY steam name is-HardcoreHebrew
I learned about this regiment from Heinrich. He used to be my commander for the 71st
I do own team speak
I can attend Thursday training.
I can usually attend Friday and Sunday Line Battles
I used to be in the 71st of which i believe merged with the first.
I would like to get back into line battling. That is all
Welcome Back dude! err, well welcome to the 1stEPI! I have already talked to you in steam and you know what you need to do.
In-game Name:
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who?
I actually applied to 19te & then joined the wrong Team Speak room (derp.) I was then convinced to join this regiment instead.
Steam username:
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
No. - Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Yes. - Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Yes. - Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT
Yes. - Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Yes. - Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
It might vary on this one. - Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Thank You Chris! Please read over the Rekruten Board and Post in the Expected attendance thread!
I'd like to like to use the name "stevemet" in game
I heard about the EPI a long time ago when play m&m, I wanted to join back then but I just didn't have the time.
Steam Username: stevemeta123
Yes I do have TS and I can a mic
I should be able to attend at least two of the following events if not more.
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Thank you
Hey Stevemet! I think you've made the right choice in joining us ;)
Go ahead and have a quick read over this thread (,1303.msg16330.html#msg16330), and leave a post where you're directed at your earliest convenience. Hope to see you soon.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):Wesley
How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name:Werner
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): Grimes123
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)Tuesday and Sunday
Welcome into the 1stEPI sir Wesley!
- Please set up your Name as 1stEPI_Rkt_(Name)
- Please Read over the rekruten forum board and post in the expected attendance thread.,50.0.html (,50.0.html)
You will not be added onto the roster until you do
- PLEASE join our steam group. It will be good for getting updates and other important HeinrichSpam That I know you want to be apart of (
See you soon!
In-game Name: carrots How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? drache the annoying chump
Steam username: carrots Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT: every other
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Welcome Back Carrots the annoying Chump :P Post,50.0.html (,50.0.html) when Heinrich adds you back into the Reg.
In-game name: pvt_yaitskov
I found out about the 1st through the TaleWorlds forum
Steam username: yaitskov
Do you have teamspeak?: planning on getting it soon
Do you have a mic?: no
Which events can you attend?:
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Welcome to the Regiment sir!
Please set up your name in Game as : 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please Join our Steam group ( It makes it easier to send out announcements and contact people) (
And last but not least, Have a read over our Rekruten board in the forums. You need to post in the 'Report to your NCO's' thread before you are added onto the roster!
Hope to see you soon!
In-game Name: Valkyrie
How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name: I've researched in life lot's of the Prussian army, then I got this game and love playing as a Prussian. As I looked for a Prussian Reg that I could play with and not be stopped by my Time-Zone, "PST" I came apon a link on a forum to this website.
Steam Username: Search for, internalshade01 The name the acount is under is Valkyrie.
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer: Of course, when I was running a guild in SWTOR I used teamspeak and use it for my clan in Arma II DayZ.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? Again, I'm PST so I can't join all of these due to work. In the summer though work slows down "Alot" I will not be working often until about October.
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT [I can from about mid-june till about October]
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST [I could attend this on a regular basis]
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST [I could attend this on a regualr basis]
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT [I could attend this on a regualr basis]
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST [I could attend this on a regular basis]
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT [I could attend this on a regular basis]
Welcome Aboard Valkyrie!
Please set your in-game name as 1stEPI_Rkt_(Name)
we Play with the Prussian banner which can be found on the 1st page, top row, 3rd from the left
Please Join our Steam group ( It makes it easier to send out announcements and contact people) (
And last but not least, Have a read over our Rekruten board in the forums. You need to post in the 'Report to your NCO's' thread before you are added onto the roster!
Hope to see you soon,
Leutnant Heinrich
In-game name: Zoller
How did you hear about 1st EPI? I heard about it from someone a long time ago, though I can't remember who, so let's say Werner for now.
Steam Username: _451_, which seems to make things difficult. I'm still in the 1stEPI Rekruten group
Do you have Teamspeak 3: Yes. I've already come about on the 1st EPI TS.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT: Yes
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT: Yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT: Yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT: No
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT: Maybe
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT: Maybe
Welcome Back! Please go to the Rekruten part of the forums and Sign in, so that i may add you onto the roster!
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Lycan
How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name: Old member?
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): BABYxEATER
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.)
Yes, And yes.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Tuesdays, Fridays and a possible Saturday
Thanks lycan! Go post in the Rekruten forums.
In-game Name: Viperior
How did you hear about the EPI? Werner (aka Gash) and Zoller (aka 451). Have played Warband with them for years.
Steam Username: lordgreenspeck
Do you have teamspeak3? Yes, and Ventrilo.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Plus as many as the training sessions as I can (My sniping and artillery skills need practice).
I plan on making a lot of videos in Napoleonic Wars. The first one so far was an enemy bagpiper we rescued: (
Gash tells me good things about the 1st EPI, such as emphasis on historical accuracy. I look forward to the epicness. 8)
Welcome into the 1st East Prussian Infantry!
Please set up your name In game as : 1stEPI_Rkt_(Name)
Our banner can be found on the 1st page top row 3rd from the left.
Please post in the Rekruten section of the forums in the thread titled "Report to your NCO's here." Upon doing so you will be added onto the official roster, but until then you will not be considered a member of the regiment.
Hope to see you soon!
in game name: Wolfbanner
how did I hear about 1stEPI: through Pokerstuds
steam username: Wolfbanner
TS3?: ja
which events can you attend to?: well all, if I can make it.
Thank you sir! Please read over the Rekruten Forums and post in the 'Report to your NCO's thread'
In-game Name: President Ron Paul
How did you hear about the EPI?
Someone in the forums said you were the most authentic in line battles, I don't recall whom, but I'm really excited about drumming, marching, artillery, and outstanding Prussian style military service!
Steam Username: (none yet)
Teamspeak3: Yes
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST (That's today!!)
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Welcome to the Regiment sir! Please post in the Rekruten Section of the Forums so that you can be added onto the roster
In Game Name: Lord_Pomaville
i heard about this group from the 84, they went recruiting.
Steam Username: Mr. Airstrike
i do have team-speak 3.
i can do any events upon request.
Welcome into the 1stEPI sir Wesley!
- Please set up your Name as 1stEPI_Rkt_(Name)
- Please Read over the rekruten forum board and post in the expected attendance thread.
Here (,50.0.html)
You will not be added onto the roster until you do
- PLEASE join our steam group. It will be good for getting updates and other important HeinrichSpam That I know you want to be apart of Steam Group (
See you soon!
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Krause
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): mrpolar
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.) All but the Tuesday Training
Hello to everyone at the 1st EPI, old and new. My ingame name is Highlander.
I served in the EPI previously for a fair amount of time, and I was known by many as either Prussian Rekrut, or Highlander. (23)
Gunny referred me to the team, and we agreed that now I have more time, I should rejoin.
My Steam name is Highlander_23
I have teamspeak 3 installed, and I do have a mic, although I'm not 100% sure how to set it up for in game yet, (webcam mic) and I may not always use it. I am good at following orders though, and I have no problem from starting from the bottom.
I had to take a temporary leave of absence to keep up with the tremendous amount of schoolwork that Grade 11 brings. I am here to rejoin the 1st EPI for full time for summer vacation which lasts until September.
For this summer until Early September I can attend the-
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
And the Secession events. (Maybe some M and Gladius ones too.)
When the Summer ends I can only attend Weekend and some friday events.
Thank you for the time anyone took to read this. I look forward to seeing all my old comrades in battle, and crushing the invading French. I do have the required dlc for warband, and I am glad to hear the team is on it.
Thank you,
Highlander (Prussian Rekrut.)
Ps. I may need to be trained up a bit again, I have been off for awhile.
Welcome back Prussian Rekrut! And Welcome Krause! Post your attendance there,50.0.html (,50.0.html) When Heinrich adds you to the roster.
In-game Name: SkoRn
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who?,230124.0.html?PHPSESSID=bmllrmn3r2ud90ti88i8vckg83 (,230124.0.html?PHPSESSID=bmllrmn3r2ud90ti88i8vckg83) , i saw you guys on his list on the forums and thought i wanted to give it a try.
Steam username: infectedshuffler
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? I got it all installed and updated ofc.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - check
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT - Might be able sometimes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT - might be able sometimes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - check
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT - check
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT - check
// SkoRn
You made the right choice, Skorn! Welcome to the regiment. At your earliest convenience please read this thread (,1303.0.html) and drop a post where it asks you to, and hopefully we'll be seeing you Tuesday.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Alexander
How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name: on a youtube video
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): naylor98
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.)yes, i am getting a mic.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM-NO
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST-YES
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST-YES
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT-YES
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST-YES
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT-YES
Welcome to the regiment. At your earliest convenience please read this thread (,1303.0.html) and drop a post where it asks you to, and hopefully we'll be seeing you Today!
- Please set up your name ingame as 1stEPI_Rkt_(Name)
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Boyko
How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name: I heard from my friend, Kraus
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): Susan
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) No I do not, but I can get it
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.) I can make it to Saturday training and temporarily (for the summer) the weekday ones. I can make most if not all linebattles, but I will miss all in a few eeks (leaving for a camp)
Quote from: Heinrich on June 12, 2012, 10:55:00 AM
Welcome to the regiment. At your earliest convenience please read this thread (,1303.0.html) and drop a post where it asks you to, and hopefully we'll be seeing you Today!
- Please set up your name ingame as 1stEPI_Rkt_(Name)
Please also Note that you will not be added onto the roster until you post!
Name: Konrad Klaus
Invited by Werner
Yes I have TS
I can make Tuesdays at 3 and Sunday line battles.
Other note, I started as an enlisted, but became an officer in the 9th SS RO/RO2. I was in the unit for a couple of years.
Welcome into the 1st East Prussian Infantry!
Please post in the Rekruten section of the forums in the correct thread. I cannot add you onto our roster until you do. Also, please join the Public steam group. a Link can be found on the front page of the application thread. You need to set your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name).
See you soon!
Leutnant Heinrich
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):
How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name:
A friend who do not yet own this game but had read about you.
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.):
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.):
I have TS3
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
I work shift work so which events i can attend to changes from week to week, some weeks i can just make a few, others i can make all of them.
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Welcome to the 1st East Prussian Infantry!!
Please Read Over our Rekruen Board and post in the "report to your NCOs" thread. Once you do that you will be added onto the rosters. The set your name up in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name).
See you soon!
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): TheDuke
How did you hear about the EPI?: Found it while looking around for modifications on TWC
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): SebbeCalner
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.): I can always install it
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training
Saturday Primary Training
Sunday Linebattle
Hey! welcome to the 1st EPI.
Please read over the Rekruten Board of the Forums and Post in the "report to your NCO's thread". you will Not be added onto our official rosters, nor will you be considered a member of the regiment until you do.
In-game Name: DiscoShrew
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? Word of mouth in game
Steam username: Ðisco Shrew
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
All of them.
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Hey! welcome to the 1st EPI.
Please read over the Rekruten Board of the Forums and Post in the "report to your NCO's thread". you will Not be added onto our official rosters, nor will you be considered a member of the regiment until you do.
In-game Name: Nazulan
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? I was on the Prusssian server while you were trying out navy battle maps.
Steam username: nazulan
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? I do have a teamspeak3 account.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
I can attend these on a regular basis
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST (usualy)
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST (usualy)
Welcome Nazulan!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the. "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top roe, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Thanks and welcome aboard!
In-game Name: Dasty
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? I played MM with this regiment for a little bit. Werner recommended that I re-apply now that you have migrated to Napoleonic Wars.
Steam username: Dastyruck
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? I can attend the following.
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Welcome back!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the. "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top roe, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Thanks and welcome aboard!
In-game Name:
Akora (Though I will probably go with something uber-German like "Arminius" for this game)
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who?
Steam username:
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?
No, but I can/will if need be. (I use vent mostly)
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Yes, Team-speak is required for this regiment.
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the. "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top roe, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Thanks and welcome aboard!
In-game Name : Rytho
How did you hear about the EPI?: through youtube.
Steam Username : I don't currently use steam.
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?: currently I can attend all of them, but In the long run I can do Saturday training and both weekend linebattles.
In-game Name: Arrestor
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? NW community, Youtube.
Steam username: nicolas32795 (Arrestor)
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes. Installed.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT -Yes
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT -No
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT -Yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT -Yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT -Yes
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the. "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top roe, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Welcome aboard! Now...fall in!
At once sir. Thank you!
It is done. Thanks sir.
In-game Name: Agamen
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? I heard about you guys through the napoleonic forums.
Steam username: Agamen
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes, it is installed.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT [Yes]
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT [See below]
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT [I will either miss the Tuesday night line battle, or the thursday training depending on the week]
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT [Yes]
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT [Yes]
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT [Yes]
Side note: Obviously work and life may conflict with what I have said above, since it isn't a 9-5 job and it can vary greatly, but I'll be sure to let the right people know which events I can and cannot attend in advance if I am accepted, but it can be assumed that I could attend most of these events on a regular basis.
Hello! Agamen!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the. "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top roe, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Welcome aboard!
In-game Name: Kommandant
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? It is a well known regiment I have seen players in game and want to join a tight organized Prussian regiment.
Steam username: Nicoli_Sven (Kommandant)
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes, it is installed.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT [Most]
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT [Yes]
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT [Yes]
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT [Yes]
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT [Yes]
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT [Some]
Welcome Kommandant. Head over to the rekrut section of the forums and post in the new rekrut thread and we'll get you on the roster.
In-game Name: Daniel_Schwarz
How did you hear about the EPI?: From this YouTube video on melee mastery by 'm1garrand': (
Steam Username: xtieguyx
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer? Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? I should be able to attend nearly all of the weekdays, and most of the weekend events throughout the summer, as I'm out of school and don't have anything to do other than goof off and maybe get a job.
Good heavens! that's an old video! Welcome to the Regiment Daniel!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the. "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top roe, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
see you soon!
In-game Name : Ham
How did you hear about the EPI?: From seeing that the 84e wasn't accepting North Americans currently, but they referred me here.
Steam Username : System of a Clown
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? : Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT [yes]
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST [yes]
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST [yes]
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT [yes]
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST [yes]
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT [yes]
Side note: Due to it being summer currently, there are obviously exceptions to these days due to trips and other real life events. I'll inform the regiment in advance of my absences.
-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):slayer256
How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name:
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.):slayer256
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.)yes and i have a microphone
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT no
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT no
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST some
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT yes
Welcome Both of you!!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the. "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top roe, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Thanks and welcome aboard!
--In-Game Name: "Germany"
--I was sadly not accepted into a Regiment(84e) because of my time zone location, so the officers kindly directed me to come here
-ROR- Lord Roberts
-- Not yet, but Yes I can install it as soon as possible.
--I can attend all of them.
Welcome Germany!!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the. "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top roe, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Thanks and welcome aboard!
In-game Name: Alexander
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? PLt. Littlefield
Steam username: witefang82
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT No
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT Yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT Yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT Yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT Yes
Welcome Alexander!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the. "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top roe, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Thanks and welcome aboard!
My ingame name is Imperator, I saw your post on the taleworlds forum. I chose your regiment because i like Prussia ( im half german)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT yes
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT no
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT no
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT no
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT Yes
I have teamspeak.
I already have experience with playing in regiments.
Welcome Imperator!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top roe, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Thanks and welcome aboard!
in-game Name: Chewiemuse_ATS
How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name: Werner Also Dasty also Valt
Steam Username: ChewieMuse
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?:I have teamspeak
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? Most events, Im in the Military so my schedule is Random sometimes
Welcome Chewiemuse_ATS!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top roe, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Thanks and welcome aboard!
In-game name- Samus
How did you hear about the EPI? I saw you guys playing NW
Steam Username- Samus
Do you have teamspeak3 client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?- i have teamspeak
Which events can you attend on a a regular bases? Most of them
n-game Name : Hitman
How did you hear about the EPI?: i was in the reg befor
Steam Username : codxxhitman
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? : Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT [yes]
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST [yes]
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST [yes]
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT [yes]
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST [yes]
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT [yes]
Welcome Samus and Hitman!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top roe, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Thanks and welcome aboard!
in game name: Hadrid
Read about EPI on the forum
Steam username: 9 - Orthodox Druid - 9
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? I can install it soon
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Welcome Hadrid!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top roe, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Thanks and welcome aboard!
In-game name: NebulousSketch
Discovery: I used to be friends with azrooh when I played Warcraft 3. I got on recently and noticed the link to this website. So here I am.
Steam User name: NebulousSketch
Teamspeak: I do not have it, but I'll go download it right now.
Attendance: All of the times are feasible, but some work better than others. All of the line battles are doable, and at least the Saturday training.
I only recently downloaded the Napoleonic Wars DLC, but I have played Warband for quite some time, as well as Fire and Sword, so I'm not unfamiliar with the mechanics.
Welcome NebulousSketch!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top roe, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Thanks and welcome aboard!
In-game name: Cheesecake.
Discovery: I was sent to you by Hopper.
Steam User name: AAbatteries54321
Teamspeak: I have team speak and a microphone
Attendance: Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT [yes]
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT [yes]
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT [yes]
and i will try my best to attend other events.
n-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Ecko
How did you hear about the EPI? Other ATS members, (Gash, Viperior, Dasty, Valt)
Steam Username: Alphab3ta
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Welcome to the Both of you!!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top roe, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Thanks and welcome aboard!
Leutnant Heinrich
In-game Name: Evers
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? TaleWorld's forums
Steam username: PMC606
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes, I have TeamSpeak 3 installed on my computer.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
I can attend all events, unless I already have something planned for that time in the day. Although, my attendance may change after September (When school starts)
Welcome Evers!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top roe, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Thanks and welcome aboard!
Uffz. Picton
In-game Name: SSMeck
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? Google showed me to camp
Steam username: heartoflight
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? No, net yet, but will install it right away
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?: All of them really, work and g/f is my only other time usage
Welcome SSMeck!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top roe, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Thanks and welcome aboard!
Uffz. Picton
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Hannibal
How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name: Gunny
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): Celsius/celsius1
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) Yes I have it
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST THis
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST This
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST This
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Welcome Hannibal!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top roe, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Thanks and welcome aboard!
Leutnant Heinrich
In-game Name:
How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name:
I saw promotion film on youtube.
Steam Username:
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?
Already installed and working.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Welcome Timy!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top roe, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Thanks and welcome aboard!
Uffz. Picton
In-game Name: Ifrit77
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? I left the 13te and the EPI seems like one of the more mature regiments.
Steam username: Ifrit7777
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? I have it installed, in a matter of fact, I'm in your channel right now.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? I can attend the trainings and line battles.
I hope I can be a valuable addition to your regiment.
Welcome Ifrit!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top roe, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Thanks and welcome aboard!
Leutnant Heinrich
In-game Name: BlakeBenke
How did you hear about the EPI?: Used to be in the Regiment
Steam Username: Lemiwinkz
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
I should be able to attend most if not all events, but due to a flaky work schedule
I had to leave the Regiment awhile back due to work/school issues, but now that I am done with school work is all and that shouldn't be a problem
Welcome BlakeBenke!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top roe, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Thanks and welcome aboard!
In-game Name:Revelin
How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name:no my friend tel me your regiment
Steam Username :ghost345678
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.)yes :)
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? all the events
Welcome Revelin!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top roe, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Thanks and welcome aboard!
Uffz. Picton
In-game Name: Martin
How did you hear about the EPI? : Littlefield and Hopper
Steam Username: nighthawks23 ( ( )
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?: Saturday Training, Tuesday Training, Friday Linebattle, Sunday Linebattle are the ones I know I should be able to attend
Welcome Martin!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Thanks and welcome aboard!
Uffz. Picton
In-game Name: Lindeboom
How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name: Rekrut Evers
Steam Username: Maudlin Turkey
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? I have a microphone and will install the client soon
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? Yes
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT NO
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST NO
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST NO
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT YES
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST YES
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT YES
Welcome Lindeboom!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Thanks and welcome aboard!
Leutnant Heinrich
In-game Name: Haras
How did you hear about the EPI?: Martin,Hopper,Littlefield
Steam Username: spadev3
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT NO
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST Maybe
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST No
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST YES
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT YES
Well when school Starts Back up i dont know if ill be on at all so.
Welcome Haras!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Thanks and welcome aboard!
Uffz. Picton
In-game Name:MrOldies
How did you hear about the EPI?: I was Looking for a Prussian regiment to join on taleworld's forums and this one caught my eye.
Steam Username:Mr.Oldies
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?:Yes I do, but I don't have a Microphone.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT [Maybe]
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST [Yes]
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST [Yes]
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT [Maybe]
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST [Yes]
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT [Maybe]
As a note, I live on the West Coast and work mornings, so given the 3-Hour time difference there will be times I can and cannot make the days I marked "Maybe" Though on the other three days I can definantly make it.
Welcome MrOldies!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Thanks and welcome aboard!
Uffz. Picton
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Confuzzled_Boy
How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name: Followed a link from 84e about North American regiments
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): Confuzzled Boy
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT No
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST Yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST Yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST Yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT Yes
Welcome Confuzzled_Boy!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Thanks and welcome aboard!
Uffz. Picton
In-game Name: Brucke
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? ex-member, first referred by Sven, but i don't think he's here anymore ;)
Steam username: Brucke
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? yes with mic
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT no
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT no
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT no
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT yes, although i'll normally be 10-20 minutes late
Welcome Brucke!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Thanks and welcome aboard!
Uffz. Picton
ascalon is my name i use
How'd i hear of you: saw ya'll takin' names on the battlefield.
referred by inferiorbaton
yoyoma132 is my steam name
i do have teamspeak
committing to nights: you'll have to get back to me, i'll go for weekly, but it probably won't be consistant.
In-game Name: Helm
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? Werner
Steam username: Helm
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT (No, Im at work.)
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT (Yes)
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT (Yes)
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT (Yes, unless my wife makes me do stuff)
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT (Yes, unless I have to take my wife out)
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT (Yes)
Welcome guys!!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Thanks and welcome aboard!
Leutnant Heinrich
In-game Name: arowaine
How did you hear about the EPI? from a friend Did someone refer you? yes If so who? gash from ats (from crpg)
Steam username:jptefou
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?i do have team speak 3 working well and have a microphone
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? ALWAYS DEPEND CAUSE OF WORK :(
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT maybe
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT maybe
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT maybe
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT maybe
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT probably sure
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT no
Welcome arowaine!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Thanks and welcome aboard!
Leutnant Heinrich
In-game Name: Tribe_3215
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? Heard about you guys in-game
Steam username: tribe3215
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT (should be able to)
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT (Yes)
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT (doubt it)
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT (Yes)
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT (Yes)
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT (Depends, but more than likely)
Welcome Mr. Tribe3215!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Please Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings! (
Thanks and welcome aboard!
Leutnant Heinrich
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Tradias
How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name: I was messaged through the Taleworlds forums.
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): wuzah2133
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) I have that, and a mic.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
I would rather not put anything in stone. I can make several events throughout the week, but until I leave the Army (Less than a month) I can't guarantee anything 100% due to CQ and Staff Duty.
Welcome Tradias!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Please Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings! (
Thanks and welcome aboard!
Leutnant Heinrich
In-game Name: Turner
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? James Stewart, commander of the 91st Argyllshire referred me.
Steam username: leetlewetbeaner
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? I have it installed already, and use it frequently.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? More than likely all, I have not received my university schedule yet, so I'm not guaranteed, but the weekends should be clearer than most. However, since everything is in the evening, the odds of me attending are quite high.
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Welcome Turner!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Please Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings! (
Thanks and welcome aboard!
Uffz Picton
In-game Name: Friedrich Von Scholz
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? Deo and Assassinator
Steam username: Bodyguard (sG | O'Brian)
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? Should be able to do all of those. The Tuesday 3 PM is iffy as I believe I have class till 4 on tuesdays.
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Welcome Von Schols! Glad you decided to Join up!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Please Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings! (
Thanks and welcome aboard!
Lt Heinrich
In-game Name: Recreas
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? I got referred by Sg O'Brian
Steam username:Recreas
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?
Got it installed and ready to be used
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Welcome Recreas! Glad you decided to Join up!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Please Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings! (
Thanks and welcome aboard!
Uffz Picton
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): smdiese
How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name: Some guys from 92nd highlanders
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): smdiese
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? The tuesday and thursday events and possibly weekend events
Welcome smdiese! Glad you decided to Join up!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Please Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings! (
Thanks and welcome aboard!
Uffz Picton
In-game Name: Sam
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? I heard about the 1st EPI back last year, I was in another regiment before so i didnt join. Ive had Azrooh and deo on steam for a while aswell.
Steam username: Lordsam167
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT: Possibly as i Get out of school at 2:40
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT Yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT Yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT Yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT Yes
Welcome LordSam!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Please Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings! (
Thanks and welcome aboard!
Lt Heinrich
In-game Name (Dlodes
How did you hear about the EPI?smdeise
Steam Username (Dlodes
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Have both TS and mic
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Welcome Dlodes!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Please Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings! (
Thanks and welcome aboard!
Lt Heinrich
Submitting enlistment papers to quite a well-known Regiment upon on your first post on their forums probably does not leave quite a good impression, but nevertheless I shall bite the bullet (or would 'bite the cartridge' be more appropriate?).
Anyway, to the reason of this post:
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Fuzz
How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name: I actually discovered the EPI of my accord. After (and, well, before) purchasing Napoleonic Wars (alongside the other games of the M&B series), I scoured the plethora of Regiments present for the Königreich Preussen (specifically said faction due to my fascination in German history and also due to studying the language). Eventually, I decided that I favoured the professionalism and historical verisimilitude displayed by the EPI. And thus, here I am. :)
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): Fuzz (and also LieutenantFuzz and SovietBeetle)
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.): TS3 is installed and ready to go. I also possess a microphone for communication or whatever.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.): Well, I am on GMT and so I can most definitely attend the following dates without fail (bar anything spontaneous spawning or something):
- Tuesday Weekday Training (3PM EST/8PM GMT)
- Saturday Primary Training (3PM EST/8PM GMT)
- Sunday Line-battle (2PM EST/7PM GMT)
The Friday Line-battle (9PM EST/2AM GMT) is one date I could probably attend, but it would probably be with patchy regularity - if that means anything. :-\
That's it. I hope that's acceptable. :)
Welcome Fuzz! Glad you decided to Join up!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Please Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings! (
Thanks and welcome aboard!
Feldwebel Picton
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):Baron
Steam Username (If you do not have Steam, say so here, It's not a requirement):ApeCreature
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join.)yes
Do you have a functioning microphone? (A microphone is not required to join)yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two.)saturday and sunday
Welcome Baron!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Please Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings! (
Thanks and welcome aboard!
Feldwebel Picton
In-game Name: Joker
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? A friend referred me, Reinhardt
Steam username: aeh4sox
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes, ready to be used.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Welcome Joker!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Please Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings! (
Thanks and welcome aboard!
Leutnant Heinrich
In-Game name: Sigma
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? A friend referred me. Rienhardt
Steam username: NGHP newwbudd
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes, it's installed and ready.
Welcome Sigma!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Please Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings! (
Thanks and welcome aboard!
Leutnant Heinrich
In-game Name:Sven Jansson
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who?
Steam username:SniperNun[/b]
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?[/b]
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT This
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT This
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT This
Welcome Sven!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Please Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings! (
Thanks and welcome aboard!
Leutnant Heinrich
IN game name : BURNY26
Heard bout 1st ep: TWC
Steam :BURNY26
I have TS + mic
I cant fix dates , too much going on.
Welcome Burny26!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Please Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings! (
Thanks and welcome aboard!
Leutnant Heinrich
Tuesday, saturday and sunday (sometimes other dates too)
Welcome Hibernus!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Please Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings! (
Thanks and welcome aboard!
Leutnant Heinrich
In-game Name: Murdoc
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? I heard about you guys from another guy in another regiment. His name was Svensson and was in 59th Regiment of Foot - 2nd Nottinghamshire
Steam username: murdoc5501
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes, I have it with a headset
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? I can actually attend nearly every event. I work through the day, but my evenings our clear. I also do things away from my comp, but I should be able to attend most of the events most of the time.
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
In-game Name: Leland22
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? I was referred by Brock
Steam username:
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? I have it installed
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT- No
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT -Yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT-Maybe
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT-Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT-Most days
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT-Most days
Welcome Murdoc And Leland22!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Please Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings! (
Thanks and I hope to see the both of you soon!
Leutnant Heinrich
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):Ross
How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name:Kommandant
Steam Username: Rossbz
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?: Already have it and have ur ts info.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?: i can attend most events, unless i am at school at the time or have HW, Saturday and Sunday most of the time.
Welcome Ross!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Please Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings! (
Thanks and I hope to see you soon!
Leutnant Heinrich
In-game Name: WaffleTime
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? I heard about EPI first from CHKilroys old BAB linebattles in Mount and Musket, then, in his FAQ he reccomended you guys, so i decided to check it out, and here I am.
Steam username: WaffleTime
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? yes, i have it installed
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? i can attend the Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT and the Sunday Linebattle Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
I look forward to the experience! =D
Welcome WaffleTime!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Please Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings! (
Thanks and I hope to see you soon!
Leutnant Heinrich
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): AlphaWolf
How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name:watched some youtube vids
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): AlphaWolf
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) yes i have TS but no mic at the moment.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT (NO)
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST (YES)
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST (YES)
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT (MAYBE)
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST (YES)
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT (YES)
Welcome Back Hitman!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Please Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings! (
Thanks and I hope to see you soon!
Leutnant Heinrich
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Iron
How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name: I read about this regiment in taleworlds
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): Biggardo99[55iron3]
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) I have teamSpeak 3 already installed
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.) I can attend tuesday night linebattle, Thursday Weekday Training, Saturday Primary Training, Sunday Linebattle and Friday Linebattle, but i can only attend tuesday weekday training sometimes.
Welcome Iron!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Please Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings! (
Thanks and I hope to see you soon!
Leutnant Heinrich
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):
How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name: It was Kommandant.
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): Kommandant Video
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) : I have it and it is updated and I use it frequently.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.) I will miss the Tuesday Night Linebattle, and the Thursday weekday training. Beyond that, I am mostly able to make them. Occasionally, as to be expected, I will miss events.
Also I would like to note that I have about 7 months of professional play time under my belt in Napoleonic Wars.
Welcome _________!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Please Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings! (
Thanks and I hope to see you soon!
Leutnant Heinrich
In-game Name: Adam
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? Referred by Kommandant Video
Steam username: |~SF~| Adam
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Currently have TS3 installed.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Should make it most of the time
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT Yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT Yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT Yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT Yes
I am the former general of UFC's 10th Prussian Infantry and have about 9 months of experience in regiments from M&M and NW.
Welcome Adam!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Please Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings! (
Thanks and I hope to see you soon!
Leutnant Heinrich
In-game Name: GamerJames
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? Referred by Kommandant Video and Adam (We were in the same regiment)
Steam username: |~SF~|GamerJames926
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? I have the latest teamspeak installed
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - Yes
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT - Will try my best to attend this event
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT - No (Until college is over)
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT - No (until college is over)
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT - Yes
I am a former general of the UFC 10th Prussian Infantry and have 9 months of experience in regiments from M&M and NW.
Welcome GamerJames!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Please Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings! (
Thanks and I hope to see you soon!
Leutnant Heinrich
In-game Name: Thunderbird
How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name: Gunny
Steam Username: thunderbird653
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?: I don't have it, but I can install it soon.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT No
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST Yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST Most Likely
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST Yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT No
Welcome Thunderbird!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Please Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings! (
Thanks and I hope to see you soon!
Leutnant Heinrich
In-game Name:Rubix Cubed
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? Waffletime Recruited
Steam username:RubixCubedYU
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes i have it.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? Saturday and Sunday Or when ever really but i may be playing other games during the week.
Welcome Rubix Cubed !
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Please Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings! (
Thanks and I hope to see you soon!
In-game Name: BattleBoss
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? After being a Volunteer for the Lith one time, it finally convinced me. I had been considering it for a while though, because of this regiment's professionalism. Credit to a single person can be Gunny, I guess. :P
Steam username: BattleBoss (Gunny and Deo have me added already, if it means anything)
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?
Yes, I've visited the PA TS a couple times to speak with people.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - Most likely never able to make it. I have to take a long bus ride home.
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT - I unfortunately may not be able to attend the entire event, but I should be there for at least a whole map.
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT - Like the Tuesday LB, I may have to leave before the training is finished, if it takes over an hour.
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - I should be there, unless something irregular pops up.
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT - I should be there weekly unless something happens.
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT - I should always be there unless something pops up.
Welcome BattleBoss! Glad to see that you finally got around to signing up!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Please Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings! (
Thanks and I hope to see you soon!
BattleBoss told me.
I have TeamSpeak.
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - Can make it, but will be 10-15 mins late.
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT - Can make it under ordinary circumstances.
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT - Can make it under ordinary circumstances.
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - Can make it under ordinary circumstances.
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT - Can make it under ordinary circumstances.
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT - Can make it under ordinary circumstances.
Atticus told me.
I have teamspeak
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT - Can make it most days.
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT - Can make it most days.
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - Can make it most days.
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT - Can make it most days.
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT - Can make it most days.
Welcome to the Both of you! I'm sorry i'm getting to these a bit late, but please don't feel ignored!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Please Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings! (
Thanks and I hope to see you soon!
Leutnant Heinrich
In-game Name: Spartan898
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who?
Steam username: TheUknowN's
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes I have it installed
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT-I may or may not be able to join this every time it is on since school ends at around that time
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
Welcome Spartan!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Please Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings! (
Thanks and I hope to see you soon!
Leutnant Heinrich
In-game Name: Sasquatch28
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? Murdoc recruited me. We work together.
Steam username: erichs21
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - No
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT - Yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT - Yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT - Yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT - Yes
Welcome Sasquatch28!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Please Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings! (
Thanks and I hope to see you soon!
Leutnant Heinrich
In-game Name: Pink_Panter
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? From the Taleworlds forum.
Steam username: Rahebk
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes i do
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - Yes
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT - No
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT - Yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT - Yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT - Yes
Welcome Pink_Panter!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Please Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings! (
Thanks and I hope to see you soon!
Leutnant Heinrich
In-game Name: Nathaniel
How did you hear about the EPI?: Gunny
Steam Username: Weathers404
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer? Yes.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT SOMETIMES
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST NEVER
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST ALWAYS
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT SOMETIMES
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST ALWAYS
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT SOMETIMES
Welcome Nathan!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Please Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings! (
Thanks and I hope to see you soon!
Leutnant Heinrich
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Flaggle
How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name: I was above you all in Teamspeak and I have played with you as a volunteer.
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): Flaggle
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.): Look up.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Depends on if I can do my homework in a little under an hour.
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST Oh yes...
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST Nope.
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Depends on plans!
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST Check!
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT Depends on my day's plans!
Welcome Flaggle!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Please Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings! (
Thanks and I hope to see you soon!
Leutnant Heinrich
In-game Name: Hobofarmer/Snook
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? Been in the Prussian Army for a while, first as a 1te. I left them after the leader proved incompetent, and joined with the other 1te'rs as a founding member of the 2ndGS. Now, that regiment is quietly dieing. So, along with Flaggle I decided to give 1stEPI a try. I've fought besides you before, many times. You've left your mark.
Steam username: hgsnook
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yep
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT
I should be able to attend most events, though bear in mind that I have a job and social life, and so may occasionally have to miss one.
More info: I've been playing M&B since beta .808, a little over 5 years now. I'm pretty good in melee (7/10) and a decent shot (8/10) thanks to my time as a skirmisher. Been playing NW since last February, and have been in a reg of some sort for the whole time.
Welcome Hobo!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Please Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings! (
Thanks and I hope to see you soon!
Leutnant Heinrich
In-game Name: MarkG
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? Youtube
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT yes
In-game Name:-Spartan
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who?-Hopper
Steam username:-Last Spartan
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?-Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?-All
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Sunday Linebattle- 3pm EST/ 8pm GMT
Welcome Maximas!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Please Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings! (
Thanks and I hope to see you soon!
In-game Name: Cheshire
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? 84e forums, referred because of EST time zone
Steam username: Cheshire
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Sunday Linebattle- 3pm EST/ 8pm GMT
I will be able to attend the other events most of the time.
Welcome Cheshire!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Please Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings! (
Thanks and I hope to see you soon!
Leutnant Heinrich
(in game) potcpirate
hobo farmer told me to join because the 2gs is long gone forever :(
(steam) potcpirate
yes i have team speak 3
i can make it on weekends depends during the week days if i have a project to do or not (high school sucks)
Welcome PotcPirate!
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Please Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings! (
Thanks and I hope to see you soon!
Leutnant Heinrich
In-game Name: zZEpicZz
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who?
Steam username: zZEpicZz Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:38357430
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?
It's already installed from when I was previously part of the EPI!
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
I can attend the Tuesday Night Linebattles,
I can attend the thursday weekday training,
The Friday Linebattle,
The Saturday Primary Training,
and the Sunday Linebattle!
I've been wanting to get back in with the EPI for a while, but I never got around to it.
In-game Name: Price
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? No Current Reference
Steam username: Price2142
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Already installed
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Ones listed below are stated events that I can attend on a regular basis.
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Sunday Linebattle- 3pm EST/ 8pm GMT
I am available from 4pm MST on Thursday and Friday,
5:30pm mst on Mon-Wends,
and 9:00am on weekends. Times may be susceptible to change if required. MST is -7:00 GMT.
[spoiler]On a side note: I am familiar with marching and basic line tactics (due to past experience in the game),
I am also in a number of high school military programs (such as JROTC) which also aide in Tactics ,marching and Personal demeanor.[/spoiler]
Welcome BACK to the both of you :P !
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Please Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings! (
Thanks and I hope to see you soon!
Leutnant Heinrich
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):Sloppy
How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name:I have been to a few line battle in mount and musket and Napoleonic Wars, seeing your remarkable formations and fighting style.
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.):Steam name is Sloppy (
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.)I do have teamspeak and a mic but i don't talk during line battles so the officer can speak and we can hear orders.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Sunday Linebattle- 3pm EST/ 8pm GMT
I can attend
Tuesday night line battle
Thursday training
Friday Line battle
Saturday training
Sunday Training
Thank you for taking the time to read my application and i hope you will accept me to your group.
Welcome Sloppy !
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Please Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings! (
Thanks and I hope to see you soon!
Leutnant Heinrich
In-game Name: Juarez or Vadok
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? I searched..
Steam username: jua372
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? I can install it..
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? well, i can do most of them! see below:
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Sunday Linebattle- 3pm EST/ 8pm GMT
Waiting anxiously, and hoping that i could join it..
Welcome to the 1stEPI Juarez,
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Please Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings! (
Thanks and I hope to see you soon!
Korporal Steiner
In-Game Name: Smity
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who?; I searched for mount and blade clan and studied which seemed to be the best for me to join.
Steam Addy: coolrobert55
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? : Installed.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?:
Saturday Primary Training - 8PM GMT (sometimes)
Sunday Line Battle - 8pm GMT
Tuesday Training - 8pm GMT
Can someone message me or email me the times in GMT please as might be able to make some others.
And also someones going to have to help me set up an account for multiplayer due to me just starting the game : )
Many thanks
Smurfy :)
Welcome to the 1stEPI Smurfy,
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Please Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings! (
Thanks and I hope to see you soon!
Korporal Steiner
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):
How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name:
saw members in public games
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.):
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.)
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Most of the time
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT
Most of the time
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Sunday Linebattle- 3pm EST/ 8pm GMT
In-game Name: Sgt.Chaos
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? Fuzz
Steam username: christ1an81
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Teamspeak 3 installed!
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Sunday Linebattle- 3pm EST/ 8pm GMT
Welcome to the regiment, Cabbage and Chaos! Report to the Rekruten board at your earliest convenience, and sign in at the 'Report to your NCOs' thread. Joining the steam group ( would be beneficial as you'll get a reminder popping up every time an event is about to begin.
Enjoy your time here, and good luck.
In-game Name: Anderson
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? I saw some players on public servers. No
Steam username: Anderson290
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes, I have
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT: NO
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT: NO
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT: MAYBE
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT: MAYBE
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT: YES
Sunday Linebattle- 3pm EST/ 8pm GMT: YES
Welcome to the regiment, Anderson. As I said above, make sure you poke around the Rekruten board and drop a post in the 'Report to your NCOs' thread when you get a chance.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Tominator
How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name: Gunny told me on taleworld forums
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): Tominator
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.): i have a mic and teamspeak 3
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT(no)
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT(yes)
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT(yes)
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT(yes)
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT(yes)
Sunday Linebattle- 3pm EST/ 8pm GMT(yes)
Welcome to the Tominator,
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Please Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings! (
Thanks and I hope to see you soon!
Leutnant Heinrich
In-game name: Lucius.
Fuzz referred me.
Steam Username: Moe Communist (better not to ask).
Have team-speak and a mic.
I can attend all events as long as I am not sick or away from my computer which is a rare occurrence since its what I do all day everyday.
Welcome to the Regiment Lucius, Glad you decided to join up
Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.
Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)
Please Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings! (
Thanks and I hope to see you soon!
Leutnant Heinrich
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): tsk92
How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name: On Total War, his name is 'Gunny
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): profile name is tsk92
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) yes with a mic
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Sunday Linebattle- 3pm EST/ 8pm GMT
I live in the UK, and 1/2am is a tad late to stay up playing pc games for me. Plus I have uni lectures most mornings.
REKRUT tsk92 Quote
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. OSTPREUSSICHE INFANTERIE (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the Following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board, Specifically This Thread (,1307.0.html). It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings!
Public Steam Page (
In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:
Please Keep in mind our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers, and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment. We Encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE linebattle per week.
Leutnant Heinrich
soldat.evers refered me
Lmdudester (Steam)
I do not have teamspeak but i can get it easily
I can make it to Tuesday night linebattles and Thursday weekday taining (at minimum) on most weeks
REKRUT Lmdudester Quote
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. OSTPREUSSICHE INFANTERIE (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the Following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board, Specifically This Thread (,1307.0.html). It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings!
Public Steam Page (
In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:
Please Keep in mind our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers, and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment. We Encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE linebattle per week.
Leutnant Heinrich
In-game Name: WilliamWCook or just Cook
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? Well, I was told by my best friend Jonny about this unit.
Steam username: deadsoul5055
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? yes i have installed
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - Can't do, still stuck in School
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT - Can do
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT - Can do
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT - Can do
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - Can't do, I have to lead my regiment in North and South LB
Sunday Linebattle- 3pm EST/ 8pm GMT - Can do
Thank you.
REKRUT Cook Quote
Thank you for Enlisting with the 1. OSTPREUSSICHE INFANTERIE (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the Following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board, Specifically This Thread (,1307.0.html). It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and Trainings!
Public Steam Page (
In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Cook
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:
Teamspeak: Our Teamspeak information is: There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact a Admin and ask for the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Please Keep in mind our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, Public players, Admins, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment. We Encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE linebattle per week.
Feldwebel Hopper
Hey everyone,
In-game Name: toasti
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? taleworlds forum. no
Steam username: mctoastbrot485
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? not installed yet
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT
Sunday Linebattle- 3pm EST/ 8pm GMT
REKRUT Toasti Quote
Thank you for Enlisting with the 1. OSTPREUSSICHE INFANTERIE (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the Following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board, Specifically This Thread (,1307.0.html). It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and Trainings!
Public Steam Page (
In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Toasti
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:
Teamspeak: Our Teamspeak information is: There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact a Admin and ask for the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Please Keep in mind our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, Public players, Admins, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment. We Encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE linebattle per week.
Feldwebel Hopper
In-game Name: Darky
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? Soldat Evers
Steam username: counterstrikesource9001 or try Darky
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT- Cant Attend
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT- Can Attend
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT- Can Attend
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT- Can Attend
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - Can Attend
Sunday Linebattle- 3pm EST/ 8pm GMT- Can Attend
Can attend all but the Tuesday Training.
REKRUT Darky Quote
Thank you for Enlisting with the 1. OSTPREUSSICHE INFANTERIE (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the Following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board, Specifically This Thread (,1307.0.html). It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and Trainings!
Public Steam Page (
In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Darky
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:
Teamspeak: Our Teamspeak information is: There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact a Admin and ask for the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Please Keep in mind our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, Public players, Admins, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment. We Encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE linebattle per week.
Feldwebel Hopper
Hey guys, Just before you read my name is Sonny and my username : Herold :)
In-game Name: Herold (of Denar)
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? I saw the tag on the TaleWorlds forum
Steam username: Herold of Denar (Sonny)
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes (I have it installed)
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (Red = Cannot attend) (Yellow = Usually can attend) (Green = Allways)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Sunday Linebattle- 3pm EST/ 8pm GMT
REKRUT Herold Quote
Thank you for Enlisting with the 1. OSTPREUSSICHE INFANTERIE (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the Following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board, Specifically This Thread (,1307.0.html). It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and Trainings!
Public Steam Page (
In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Herold
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:
Teamspeak: Our Teamspeak information is: There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact a Admin and ask for the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Please Keep in mind our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, Public players, Admins, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment. We Encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE linebattle per week.
Feldwebel Hopper
In-game Name: Pancakes
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? I known of the EPI since MM and seen them around
Steam username: zigg331
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Key = Blue is Can Attend and Red is cannot attend.
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Sunday Linebattle- 3pm EST/ 8pm GMT
REKRUT Pancakes Quote
Thank you for Enlisting with the 1. OSTPREUSSICHE INFANTERIE (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the Following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board, Specifically This Thread (,1307.0.html). It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and Trainings!
Public Steam Page (
In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Pancakes
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:
Teamspeak: Our Teamspeak information is: There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact a Admin and ask for the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Please Keep in mind our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, Public players, Admins, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment. We Encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE linebattle per week.
Feldwebel Hopper
In-Game name: Duke
How did you hear about the 1stEPI? Did someone refer you? If so who?: 87th Robinson, and azrooh
Steam Username: GeneralTin
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?: Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?: Mostly all
REKRUT Duke Quote
Thank you for Enlisting with the 1. OSTPREUSSICHE INFANTERIE (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the Following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board, Specifically This Thread (,1307.0.html). It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and Trainings!
Public Steam Page (
In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Duke
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:
Teamspeak: Our Teamspeak information is: There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact a Admin and ask for the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Please Keep in mind our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, Public players, Admins, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment. We Encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE linebattle per week.
Feldwebel Hopper
In-game Name: V0NG
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? I was looking around for a regiment to join and yours came up.
Steam username: Panzer 4
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? I have it installed
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?:
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Sunday Linebattle- 3pm EST/ 8pm GMT
REKRUT Vong Quote
Thank you for Enlisting with the 1. OSTPREUSSICHE INFANTERIE (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the Following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board, Specifically This Thread (,1307.0.html). It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and Trainings!
Public Steam Page (
In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Vong
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:
Teamspeak: Our Teamspeak information is: There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact a Admin and ask for the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Please Keep in mind our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, Public players, Admins, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment. We Encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE linebattle per week.
Feldwebel Hopper
In-game Name: Benny
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who?
Steam username: shion366
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Ropin
How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name: idk i just saw you silly guys
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): Ropin
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.): i have a mic and teamspeak 3
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT(no)
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT(yes)
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT(yes)
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT(yes)
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT(yes)
Sunday Linebattle- 3pm EST/ 8pm GMT(yes)
Thank you for Enlisting with the 1. OSTPREUSSICHE INFANTERIE (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the Following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board, Specifically This Thread (,1307.0.html). It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and Trainings!
Public Steam Page (
In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Benny
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:
Teamspeak: Our Teamspeak information is: There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact a Admin and ask for the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Please Keep in mind our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, Public players, Admins, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment. We Encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE linebattle per week.
Thank you for Enlisting with the 1. OSTPREUSSICHE INFANTERIE (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the Following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board, Specifically This Thread (,1307.0.html). It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and Trainings!
Public Steam Page (
In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Ropin
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:
Teamspeak: Our Teamspeak information is: There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact a Admin and ask for the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Please Keep in mind our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, Public players, Admins, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment. We Encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE linebattle per week.
In-game Name:Khan
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? I heard it from my friend Lycan, and old member of the EPI.
Steam username: XxisoulxX
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Already have it.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes.
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT Yes.
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT Yep.
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT Yeeep.
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Mhm.
Sunday Linebattle- 3pm EST/ 8pm GMT I can attend all of them, yes.
Thank you for Enlisting with the 1. OSTPREUSSICHE INFANTERIE (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the Following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board, Specifically This Thread (,1307.0.html). It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and Trainings!
Public Steam Page (
In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Khan
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:
Teamspeak: Our Teamspeak information is: There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact a Admin and ask for the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Please Keep in mind our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, Public players, Admins, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment. We Encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE linebattle per week.
Hello. I had the game for a while, but I haven't played it until a week ago and I love it! So, I thought I would find a group and you guys were highly recommended. Here is my application"
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? 1st EPI Gunny
Steam username: testudoaubreii
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Sunday Linebattle- 3pm EST/ 8pm GMT
I am pretty much open to all of these, with an occasional absence I am sure.
Thank you in advance!
Thank you for Enlisting with the 1. OSTPREUSSICHE INFANTERIE (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the Following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board, Specifically This Thread (,1307.0.html). It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and Trainings!
Public Steam Page (
In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Testudo
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:
Teamspeak: Our Teamspeak information is: There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact a Admin and ask for the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Please Keep in mind our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, Public players, Admins, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment. We Encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE linebattle per week.
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Mcmuffin
Steam Username (If you do not have Steam, say so here, It's not a requirement): Mcmuffin
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes I have it.
Do you have a functioning microphone? Yes I have one.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two.)
Friday NA Line Battle - 8PM EST
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST / 8PM GMT
Sunday Private Line Battle - 2PM EST / 7PM GMT
Looking Forward to working with you guys.
Thank you for Enlisting with the 1. OSTPREUSSICHE INFANTERIE (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the Following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board, Specifically This Thread (,1307.0.html). It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and Trainings!
Public Steam Page (
In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_McMuffin
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:
Teamspeak: Our Teamspeak information is: There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact a Admin and ask for the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Please Keep in mind our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, Public players, Admins, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment. We Encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE linebattle per week.
In-game Name: Oreo
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? Prussian Army/Forums.
Steam username: Oreo331
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - No
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT - Yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT - Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT - Yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - Yes
Sunday Linebattle- 3pm EST/ 8pm GMT - Yes
Thank you for Enlisting with the 1. OSTPREUSSICHE INFANTERIE (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the Following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board, Specifically This Thread (,1307.0.html). It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and Trainings!
Public Steam Page (
In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Oreo
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:
Teamspeak: Our Teamspeak information is: There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact a Admin and ask for the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Please Keep in mind our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, Public players, Admins, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment. We Encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE linebattle per week.
You should Receive a Personal Message from a member of our cadre containing more information within 24 hours. If you have any further questions, please direct them toward the members of your cadre
I was told to make another application since i am a returning member. (kylebro11)
in-game Name : kylebro11
How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name: I used to be a part of it, then DLC Napoleonic wars came out and at first it didnt work for mac but i got it to work now
Steam Username : kylebro11
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer: Yes, and i have a mic
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? : All of the friday and weekend events i can make for sure, but some of the weekday events i might not be able to since i get home late from school. But i can probably make events on the weekdays that are past 5 o clock
Thank you for Enlisting with the 1. OSTPREUSSICHE INFANTERIE (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the Following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board, Specifically This Thread (,1307.0.html). It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and Trainings!
Public Steam Page (
In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Kylebro11
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:
Teamspeak: Our Teamspeak information is: There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact a Admin and ask for the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Please Keep in mind our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, Public players, Admins, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment. We Encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE linebattle per week.
You should Receive a Personal Message from a member of our cadre containing more information within 24 hours. If you have any further questions, please direct them toward the members of your cadre
In-game Name: Oreo
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? Prussian Army/Forums.
Steam username: multizetrixhd
In-Game Username: Andrew
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - Yes
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT - Yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT - Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT - Yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - Yes
Sunday Linebattle- 3pm EST/ 8pm GMT - Yes
Thank you for Enlisting with the 1. OSTPREUSSICHE INFANTERIE (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the Following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board, Specifically This Thread (,1307.0.html). It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and Trainings!
Public Steam Page (
In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Andrew
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:
Teamspeak: Our Teamspeak information is: There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact a Admin and ask for the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Please Keep in mind our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, Public players, Admins, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment. We Encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE linebattle per week.
You should Receive a Personal Message from a member of our cadre containing more information within 24 hours. If you have any further questions, please direct them toward the members of your cadre
Feldwebel Hopper
In-game Name: Tiberius
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? FSE forums
Steam username: Tiberius of Rome
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? I have it installed
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
My schedule is wierd at the time; my studies alongside my sports.
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT No (school)
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT Maybe
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT Maybe
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT Most of the time
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes
Sunday Linebattle- 3pm EST/ 8pm GMT Yes
REKRUT Tiberius Quote
Thank you for Enlisting with the 1. OSTPREUSSICHE INFANTERIE (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the Following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board, Specifically This Thread (,1307.0.html). It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and Trainings!
Public Steam Page (
In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Tiberius
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:
Teamspeak: Our Teamspeak information is: There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact a Admin and ask for the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Please Keep in mind our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, Public players, Admins, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment. We Encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE linebattle per week.
Feldwebel Hopper
In-game Name PapayaFTW
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? I was on a server and i saw these people from EPI and i thought they were really cool and i want to join! The guy i spoke to about how to join was Heinich
Steam username: zxlacky
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes i do
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT, and Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT, and please understand sometimes i will have other things going on.
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Sunday Linebattle- 3pm EST/ 8pm GMT
Thank you!
Thank you for Enlisting with the 1. OSTPREUSSICHE INFANTERIE (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the Following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board, Specifically This Thread (,1307.0.html). It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.
Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and Trainings!
Public Steam Page (
In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Papaya
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:
Teamspeak: Our Teamspeak information is: There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact a Admin and ask for the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Please Keep in mind our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, Public players, Admins, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment. We Encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE linebattle per week.
In-game Name: Gardner119
How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name:
I was referred by Brunswick Lieutenant Revan
Steam Username: gardner119
Do you have teamspeak3: Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
-Tuesday Night Linebattle
-Thursday Weekday Training
-Friday Linebattle
-Satury Primary Training
-Sunday Linebattle
My parents are divorced and Im in school so it makes it hard to be able to attend events. Also, there are somethings that do come up with my family but I will try my best to notify first and I will try my best to be present :D
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Sunday Linebattle- 3pm EST/ 8pm GMT
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Gardner Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for Enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board: Here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished, you will not be added to the Rekruten Roster until done.
Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and Trainings!
Public Steam Page (
In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Gardner
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:
Teamspeak: Our Teamspeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rekrut Gardner
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact a Admin and ask for the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, Public players, Admins, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a Professional and Mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment. We Encourage that you attend at least ONE Training per week and ONE Linebattle per week.
Also, being active on the Forums is a Must. If time is not shown upon the Forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten Roster and will be subject to Re-Enlistment.
Leutnant Hopper
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name:Seamus
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? (
Steam username:Famous Seamus
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
All, but Sunday could be a problem, but the rest are ok.
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Sunday Linebattle- 3pm EST/ 8pm GMT
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Seamus Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for Enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board: Here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished, you will not be added to the Rekruten Roster until done.
Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and Trainings!
Public Steam Page (
In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Seamus
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:
Teamspeak: Our Teamspeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt_Seamus
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact a Admin and ask for the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, Public players, Admins, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a Professional and Mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment. We Encourage that you attend at least ONE Training per week and ONE Linebattle per week.
Also, being active on the Forums is a Must. If time is not shown upon the Forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten Roster and will be subject to Re-Enlistment.
Unteroffizier Fuzz
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name:
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who?
Saw a post on the Steam discussion page
Steam username:
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?
Yes, I do have Team Speak 3 and I also have a mic.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Sunday Linebattle- 3pm EST/ 8pm GMT
Tuesday nights, Thursday nights, and possibly Friday, Saturday, and Sundays... My work schedule constantly changes.
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut George Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for Enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board: Here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished, you will not be added to the Rekruten Roster until done.
Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and Trainings!
Public Steam Page (
In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_George
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:
Teamspeak: Our Teamspeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt_George
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact a Admin and ask for the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, Public players, Admins, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a Professional and Mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment. We Encourage that you attend at least ONE Training per week and ONE Linebattle per week.
Also, being active on the Forums is a Must. If time is not shown upon the Forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten Roster and will be subject to Re-Enlistment.
Leutnant Hopper
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name Maxwell
How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name: I was playing on a TDM server, and a person from the 1e asked if anyone was looking for a regiment, in an admin channel. I mentioned I am interested in playing Cavalry, and can play on Tuesday to Wednesday, and was directed here to apply.
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): I do not feel comfortable giving out my username on anything other than a private basis. But I will give it out to officers and members of the regiment via PM when asked.
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) I have TS3.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Some parting thoughts:
Unfortunately, my work has me on every Thursday to Sunday. If the Tuesday night battles don't allow for Cavalry, I will be fine playing infantry as well.
I am experienced in line battles, playing as skirmishers, line, and heavy cavalry. I also have lots of experience playing Hussar and other non-lance light cavalry on pub servers.
My largest weakness would have to be on-foot melee battles. Especially when using the bayonet. My main time zone is EST, and unfortunately I work from 8pm-6 am.
While I may be able to make the Saturday training and Sunday line battle, it would likely require me to cut my sleep hours.
So for now, I will only attend on the Tuesday, both practice and battles. If I can make it to the Saturday or Sunday, then I would like to.
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Maxwell Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for Enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board: Here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished, you will not be added to the Rekruten Roster until done.
Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and Trainings!
Public Steam Page (
In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Maxwell
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:
Teamspeak: Our Teamspeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt_Maxwell
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact a Admin and ask for the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, Public players, Admins, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a Professional and Mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment. We Encourage that you attend at least ONE Training per week and ONE Linebattle per week.
Also, being active on the Forums is a Must. If time is not shown upon the Forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten Roster and will be subject to Re-Enlistment.
Leutnant Hopper
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name: Lebowski
How did you hear about the EPI?: I saw a recruitment message on the server
Steam username: Steve_Everyman
Do you have teamspeak: yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Lebowski Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for Enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board: Here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished, you will not be added to the Rekruten Roster until done.
Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and Trainings!
Public Steam Page (
In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Lebowski
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:
Teamspeak: Our Teamspeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt_Lebowski
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact a Admin and ask for the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, Public players, Admins, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a Professional and Mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment. We Encourage that you attend at least ONE Training per week and ONE Linebattle per week.
Also, being active on the Forums is a Must. If time is not shown upon the Forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten Roster and will be subject to Re-Enlistment.
Leutnant Hopper
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer. For the sake of organization it is preferred that you choose a real name. ): Wally
How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name: Confuzzled_Boy reffered me.
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): (=FA=)Schirmer
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) I have Teamspeak3 and a microphone.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Sunday Linebattle- 3pm EST/ 8pm GMT
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Wally Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for Enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board: Here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished, you will not be added to the Rekruten Roster until done.
Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and Trainings!
Public Steam Page (
In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Wally
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:
Teamspeak: Our Teamspeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt_Wally
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact a Admin and ask for the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, Public players, Admins, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a Professional and Mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment. We Encourage that you attend at least ONE Training per week and ONE Linebattle per week.
Also, being active on the Forums is a Must. If time is not shown upon the Forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten Roster and will be subject to Re-Enlistment.
Leutnant Hopper
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In game name: Guy123stickbear
How did you hear about the epi? Did someone refer to you? If so who: I randomly found it
Steam username: Stickbear1
Do you have teamspeak3 client installed on your computer, or can you intsall it soon: I will install it soon
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Stickbear Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for Enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board: Here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished, you will not be added to the Rekruten Roster until done.
Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and Trainings!
Public Steam Page (
In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Stickbear
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:
Teamspeak: Our Teamspeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Stickbear
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact a Admin and ask for the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, Public players, Admins, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a Professional and Mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment. We Encourage that you attend at least ONE Training per week and ONE Linebattle per week.
Also, being active on the Forums is a Must. If time is not shown upon the Forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten Roster and will be subject to Re-Enlistment.
Leutnant Heinrich
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name:TheAssassin622
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who?I saw it on a list of active M and B regiments
Steam username:con12349
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? yes, but i'm not experienced in teamspeak.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT(no)
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT (yes)
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT (yes)
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT (yes)
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT (yes)
Sunday Linebattle- 3pm EST/ 8pm GMT (yes)
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut TheAssassin622 Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for Enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board: Here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished, you will not be added to the Rekruten Roster until done.
Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and Trainings!
Public Steam Page (
In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Assassin622
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:
Teamspeak: Our Teamspeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Assassin622
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact a Admin and ask for the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, Public players, Admins, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a Professional and Mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment. We Encourage that you attend at least ONE Training per week and ONE Linebattle per week.
Also, being active on the Forums is a Must. If time is not shown upon the Forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten Roster and will be subject to Re-Enlistment.
Leutnant Hopper
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
Name:General Pickton
I have it
Enlistment Denied:
Name: Rekrut Devtor360 Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Please put some effort into your application. All applications are reviewed, so it is important that all prospective members use the template on the first page of this thread. Any application which does not follow the correct formatting will be denied. If you are serious about joining the regiment, feel free to re-submit your application following the correct format to be reviewed by the battalion staff.
Leutnant Heinrich
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
In-game Name:2oothbrush
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who?I saw it on a list of active M and B regiments
Steam username:Heirofcarthage/Pickton
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT(no)
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT (no)
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT (yes)
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT (yes)
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT (yes)
Sunday Linebattle- 3pm EST/ 8pm GMT (yes)
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut 2oothbrush Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for Enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board: Here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished, you will not be added to the Rekruten Roster until done.
Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and Trainings!
Public Steam Page (
In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_2oothbrush
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:
Teamspeak: Our Teamspeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt 2oothbrush
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact a Admin and ask for the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, Public players, Admins, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a Professional and Mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment. We Encourage that you attend at least ONE Training per week and ONE Linebattle per week.
Also, being active on the Forums is a Must. If time is not shown upon the Forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten Roster and will be subject to Re-Enlistment.
Leutnant Hopper
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name, Evilkritter
Steam Username, Evilkritter
I have teamspeak 3 and a mic
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? I will attempt to attend Tuesday night and Friday night events as often as possible, and I will occasionally be able to make other days as well depending on my work schedule.
I heard about the EPI way back in the Mount & Musket days, joined up then, and now want to rejoin.
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Evilkritter Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for Enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board: Here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished, you will not be added to the Rekruten Roster until done.
Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and Trainings!
Public Steam Page (
In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Evilkritter
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:
Teamspeak: Our Teamspeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Evilkritter
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact a Admin and ask for the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, Public players, Admins, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a Professional and Mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment. We Encourage that you attend at least ONE Training per week and ONE Linebattle per week.
Also, being active on the Forums is a Must. If time is not shown upon the Forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten Roster and will be subject to Re-Enlistment.
Leutnant Hopper
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In game: Commodore Griff
Heard about it: From Sdt. Harold
Steam name: account:griff000117 current username: Griff
I'll get teamspeak I guess
I can probably do saturday and sunday line battles most weekends.
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Griff Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for Enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board: Here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished, you will not be added to the Rekruten Roster until done.
Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and Trainings!
Public Steam Page (
In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Griff
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:
Teamspeak: Our Teamspeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Griff
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact a Admin and ask for the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, Public players, Admins, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a Professional and Mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment. We Encourage that you attend at least ONE Training per week and ONE Linebattle per week.
Also, being active on the Forums is a Must. If time is not shown upon the Forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten Roster and will be subject to Re-Enlistment.
Leutnant Hopper
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name: Skoll
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? I heard through DiscoShrew, whom is also in another organization I was a part of.
Steam username: Evi1Incarnate
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes, yes I do.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
I can't do Saturday and Sunday early afternoons because I work all day on those days.
In addition, DiscoShrew, my referrer, told me this unit has a Calvary sub-division. I'd be interested in that if possible. If not, well I don't mind being a grunt.
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Skoll Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for Enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board: Here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished, you will not be added to the Rekruten Roster until done.
Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and Trainings!
Public Steam Page (
In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Skoll
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:
Teamspeak: Our Teamspeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Skoll
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact a Admin and ask for the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, Public players, Admins, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a Professional and Mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment. We Encourage that you attend at least ONE Training per week and ONE Linebattle per week.
Also, being active on the Forums is a Must. If time is not shown upon the Forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten Roster and will be subject to Re-Enlistment.
Leutnant Hopper
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name: Kevlarburrito (Can change it if need be for the sake of appearances)
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? Skoll referred me
Steam username: Kevlarburrito
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes, installed
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? I am going for a job interview tomorrow morning. As it stands right now I could attend all of them. I will know more when/if I get the job.
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Sunday Linebattle- 3pm EST/ 8pm GMT
Would also like to add that I have 8 years of experience in the military with 3 years of combat experience in Iraq. I've been a field artilleryman the entire time. So I understand artillery concepts very well. Additionally, I'm familiar with basic manuals of arms, though if the regiment is using another countries (i.e. Prussia), I will have to learn that.
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Kevlarburrito Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for Enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board: Here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished, you will not be added to the Rekruten Roster until done.
Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and Trainings!
Public Steam Page (
In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Kevlarburrito
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:
Teamspeak: Our Teamspeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Kevlarburrito
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact a Admin and ask for the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, Public players, Admins, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a Professional and Mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment. We Encourage that you attend at least ONE Training per week and ONE Linebattle per week.
Also, being active on the Forums is a Must. If time is not shown upon the Forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten Roster and will be subject to Re-Enlistment.
Leutnant Hopper
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name: Overkill
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? KevlarBurrito referred me
Steam username: Overkill
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes, installed
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? I could attend all, if i fail to attend i'll inform someone as to why.
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Sunday Linebattle- 3pm EST/ 8pm GMT[/b]
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Overkill Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for Enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board: Here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished, you will not be added to the Rekruten Roster until done.
Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and Trainings!
Public Steam Page (
In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Overkill
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:
Teamspeak: Our Teamspeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Overkill
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact a Admin and ask for the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, Public players, Admins, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a Professional and Mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment. We Encourage that you attend at least ONE Training per week and ONE Linebattle per week.
Also, being active on the Forums is a Must. If time is not shown upon the Forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten Roster and will be subject to Re-Enlistment.
Leutnant Hopper
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name: Mr. Awesome
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? I went on gogle to look for mature regiments
Steam username: Mr.Awesome
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes, i have it installed
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? I could attend all, if i fail to attend i'll inform someone as to why.
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT Maybe
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT Maybe
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT Maybe
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT Yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes
Sunday Linebattle- 3pm EST/ 8pm GMT[ Yes
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Awesome Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for Enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board: Here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished, you will not be added to the Rekruten Roster until done.
Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and Trainings!
Public Steam Page (
In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Awesome
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:
Teamspeak: Our Teamspeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Awesome
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact a Admin and ask for the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, Public players, Admins, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a Professional and Mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment. We Encourage that you attend at least ONE Training per week and ONE Linebattle per week.
Also, being active on the Forums is a Must. If time is not shown upon the Forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten Roster and will be subject to Re-Enlistment.
Leutnant Hopper
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
IGN: Superfanboy
I joined the wrong teamspeak channel
Steam username: Superfanboy
Do you have ts3: yes
Here are the events i can attend.
maybe Tuesday night line battle.
Friday line battle
Saturday primary training.
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Superfanboy Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for Enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board: Here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished, you will not be added to the Rekruten Roster until done.
Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and Trainings!
Public Steam Page (
In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Superfanboy
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:
Teamspeak: Our Teamspeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Superfanboy
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact a Admin and ask for the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, Public players, Admins, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a Professional and Mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment. We Encourage that you attend at least ONE Training per week and ONE Linebattle per week.
Also, being active on the Forums is a Must. If time is not shown upon the Forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten Roster and will be subject to Re-Enlistment.
Leutnant Hopper
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name: Frank
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? Tale worlds forum
Steam username: Im Epic
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes, In fact i have my own 512 slot server.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
I cannot attend most events because i am in Australia and i have to go to school.
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Frank Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for Enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board: Here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished, you will not be added to the Rekruten Roster until done.
Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and Trainings!
Public Steam Page (
In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Frank
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:
Teamspeak: Our Teamspeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Frank
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact a Admin and ask for the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, Public players, Admins, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a Professional and Mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment. We Encourage that you attend at least ONE Training per week and ONE Linebattle per week.
Also, being active on the Forums is a Must. If time is not shown upon the Forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten Roster and will be subject to Re-Enlistment.
Leutnant Heinrich
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name:Steiner
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? I was a former member of this fine regiment
Steam username: American Imperialist Steiner
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon I do have it installed and I know the ts.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Steiner Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for Enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board: Here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished, you will not be added to the Rekruten Roster until done.
Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and Trainings!
Public Steam Page (
In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Steiner
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:
Teamspeak: Our Teamspeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Steiner
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact a Admin and ask for the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, Public players, Admins, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a Professional and Mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment. We Encourage that you attend at least ONE Training per week and ONE Linebattle per week.
Also, being active on the Forums is a Must. If time is not shown upon the Forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten Roster and will be subject to Re-Enlistment.
Leutnant Hopper
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name: Bassmaster5000
How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name: Shadow Ghoul
Steam Username: Bassmaster5000
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?: Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?:
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT: no
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT No
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT No
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT Yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes
Sunday Linebattle- 3pm EST/ 8pm GMT[ Yes
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Bassmaster5000 Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for Enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board: Here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished, you will not be added to the Rekruten Roster until done.
Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and Trainings!
Public Steam Page (
In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Bassmaster
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:
Teamspeak: Our Teamspeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Bassmaster
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact a Admin and ask for the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, Public players, Admins, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a Professional and Mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment. We Encourage that you attend at least ONE Training per week and ONE Linebattle per week.
Also, being active on the Forums is a Must. If time is not shown upon the Forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten Roster and will be subject to Re-Enlistment.
Leutnant Hopper
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name: Farnsworth
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? TalesWorlds
Steam username: Farnsworth
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes I do.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
I should be able to attend all most of the time, but I might miss fridays linebattles sometimes.
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Farnsworth Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for Enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board: Here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished, you will not be added to the Rekruten Roster until done.
Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and Trainings!
Public Steam Page (
In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Farnsworth
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:
Teamspeak: Our Teamspeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Farnsworth
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact a Admin and ask for the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, Public players, Admins, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a Professional and Mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment. We Encourage that you attend at least ONE Training per week and ONE Linebattle per week.
Also, being active on the Forums is a Must. If time is not shown upon the Forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten Roster and will be subject to Re-Enlistment.
Leutnant Hopper
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name: Seamus
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? Reapplying
Steam username: Danny Boy
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? I am on
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT Depends
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT Depends
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT Depends
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT Depends
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Depends
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Seamus Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for Enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board: Here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished, you will not be added to the Rekruten Roster until done.
Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and Trainings!
Public Steam Page (
In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Seamus
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:
Teamspeak: Our Teamspeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Seamus
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact a Admin and ask for the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, Public players, Admins, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a Professional and Mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment. We Encourage that you attend at least ONE Training per week and ONE Linebattle per week.
Also, being active on the Forums is a Must. If time is not shown upon the Forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten Roster and will be subject to Re-Enlistment.
Leutnant Hopper
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
ingame name preffered Jezaa
i can attend all trainings and event except sometimes not on friday or thursday
I have TS3 and a mic played mount&blade over 2 years
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Jezaa Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for Enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board: Here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished, you will not be added to the Rekruten Roster until done.
Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and Trainings!
Public Steam Page (
In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Jezaa
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:
Teamspeak: Our Teamspeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Jezaa
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact a Admin and ask for the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, Public players, Admins, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a Professional and Mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment. We Encourage that you attend at least ONE Training per week and ONE Linebattle per week.
Also, being active on the Forums is a Must. If time is not shown upon the Forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten Roster and will be subject to Re-Enlistment.
Leutnant Hopper
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name: Sgt_Pepper
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? I read this on taleworlds forum
Steam username: Sgt_Pepper
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? I already have it installed
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
How do i know what time are those in my timezone? And hello, I'm new in this forum and i would really like to join your ranks!
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Pepper Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for Enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board: Here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished, you will not be added to the Rekruten Roster until done.
Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and Trainings!
Public Steam Page (
In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Pepper
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:
Teamspeak: Our Teamspeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Pepper
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact a Admin and ask for the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, Public players, Admins, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a Professional and Mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment. We Encourage that you attend at least ONE Training per week and ONE Linebattle per week.
Also, being active on the Forums is a Must. If time is not shown upon the Forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten Roster and will be subject to Re-Enlistment.
Leutnant Hopper
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name : MeierMarkus
Steam Username : markusmeier2
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Meiermarkus Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for Enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board: Here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished, you will not be added to the Rekruten Roster until done.
Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and Trainings!
Public Steam Page (
In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Meiermarkus
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:
Teamspeak: Our Teamspeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Meiermarkus
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact a Admin and ask for the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, Public players, Admins, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a Professional and Mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment. We Encourage that you attend at least ONE Training per week and ONE Linebattle per week.
Also, being active on the Forums is a Must. If time is not shown upon the Forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten Roster and will be subject to Re-Enlistment.
Leutnant Hopper
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name:jjob97
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? through a friend -Herold
Steam username:jjob97
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Enlistment accepted:
Name: Rekrut Jjob97 Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the Regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about Linebattles and Trainings: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Jjob97
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Jjob97
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in Events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the Regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a Training or Linebattle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the Regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE Training per week and ONE Linebattle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name: alexamasan
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? Taleworlds forums, invited by nathan1143
Steam username: alexamasan
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT Irregular, most weeks
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT Regular
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT Regular
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT Very Rarely
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Very Rarely
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Alexamasan Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for Enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board: Here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished, you will not be added to the Rekruten Roster until done.
Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and Trainings!
Public Steam Page (
In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Alexamasan
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:
Teamspeak: Our Teamspeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Alexamasan
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact a Admin and ask for the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, Public players, Admins, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a Professional and Mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment. We Encourage that you attend at least ONE Training per week and ONE Linebattle per week.
Also, being active on the Forums is a Must. If time is not shown upon the Forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten Roster and will be subject to Re-Enlistment.
Leutnant Hopper
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In game name: Challenor
Steam name: matt_chal
Teamspeak3: mid set up name:Challenor
Can make all events, will inform regiment if and when unable to attend.
Awaiting your command.
Enlistment accepted:
Name: Rekrut Challenor Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the Regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about Linebattles and Trainings: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Challenor
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Challenor
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in Events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the Regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a Training or Linebattle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the Regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE Training per week and ONE Linebattle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name: DWright
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? Lieutenant Heinrich or nathan1143 contacted me on Taleworlds.
Steam username: thewall34
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? I have it installed.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
I can attend the Tuesday events regularly, possibly the Thursday events, occasionally (but not regularly) the Friday events and all the Saturday events. I currently play on an almost daily basis so any other spur of the moment events are fine for me.
Thanks, I'm very excited to hopefully join this regiment!
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut DWright Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for Enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board: Here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished, you will not be added to the Rekruten Roster until done.
Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and Trainings!
Public Steam Page (
In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_DWright
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:
Teamspeak: Our Teamspeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt DWright
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact a Admin and ask for the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, Public players, Admins, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a Professional and Mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment. We Encourage that you attend at least ONE Training per week and ONE Linebattle per week.
Also, being active on the Forums is a Must. If time is not shown upon the Forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten Roster and will be subject to Re-Enlistment.
Leutnant Hopper
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name: DocPrice
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who?I was referred by ;
Korporal Inferior Baton
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Steam username: Mr.Price
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?I have teamspeak 3
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? I am currently available for all of the training events
Enlistment accepted:
Name: Rekrut DocPrice Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the Regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about Linebattles and Trainings: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_DocPrice
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt DocPrice
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in Events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the Regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a Training or Linebattle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the Regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE Training per week and ONE Linebattle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer. For the sake of organization it is preferred that you choose a realistic name. Harry
How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name: Found it on the TaleWorlds Forums
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): Wolfman
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) I have TS3 but not a mic
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.) I can attend on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Harry3210 Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for Enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board: Here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished, you will not be added to the Rekruten Roster until done.
Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and Trainings!
Public Steam Page (
In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Harry3210
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:
Teamspeak: Our Teamspeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Harry3210
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact a Admin and ask for the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, Public players, Admins, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a Professional and Mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment. We Encourage that you attend at least ONE Training per week and ONE Linebattle per week.
Also, being active on the Forums is a Must. If time is not shown upon the Forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten Roster and will be subject to Re-Enlistment.
Leutnant Hopper
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
I am a former BAB Regiment Member.
Enlistment Denied:
Name: Rekrut Sorrow Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Please re-post your application, we do not accept lower than the bare minimum of an application. The application is as follows:
[b]In-game Name:[/b]
[b]How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who?[/b]
[b]Steam username:[/b]
[b]Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?[/b]
[b]Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
If you wish to re-apply, please use the format I have provided above and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Thank you!
Leutnant Hopper
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer. For the sake of organization it is preferred that you choose a realistic name. Noman
How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name: Played with/against you guys when I was active in another regiment about half a year ago...then saw you on the TW forums when I thought about getting back into the game.
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): Bilbro Swaggins (I know I know) :P
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) Yes, and a mic.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.) I will be able to attend the tuesday and thursday events consistently, friday and saturday events are entirely dependent on my work schedule, but hopefully at least one of them.
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Enlistment accepted:
Name: Rekrut Noman Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the Regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about Linebattles and Trainings: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Noman
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Noman
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in Events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the Regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a Training or Linebattle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the Regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE Training per week and ONE Linebattle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name:Dowdprde
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who?Fuzz
Steam username: Dowdpride
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer? Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
All but the thursday training
Enlistment accepted:
Name: Rekrut Dowdpride Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the Regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about Linebattles and Trainings: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Dowdpride
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Dowdpride
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in Events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the Regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a Training or Linebattle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the Regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE Training per week and ONE Linebattle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name:Taco12
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? Youtube
Steam username: ♚A Napoleonic Soldier♚
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? I Have It
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Tues, Thurs, Fri
Enlistment accepted:
Name: Rekrut Jimfifer Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the Regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about Linebattles and Trainings: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Jimfifer
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Jimfifer
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in Events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the Regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a Training or Linebattle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the Regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE Training per week and ONE Linebattle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name: Dracolithfiend
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? Lieutenant Heinrich
Steam username: Dracolithfiend
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? I do
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
^These ones^
Enlistment accepted:
Name: Rekrut Dracolithfiend Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the Regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about Linebattles and Trainings: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Dracolithfiend
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Dracolithfiend
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in Events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the Regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a Training or Linebattle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the Regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE Training per week and ONE Linebattle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name:Sorrow
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? The BAB. Bobik
Steam username:chowderhead449
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? all of them starting on the 24th of may. ending in august because of school.
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Sorrow Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for Enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board: Here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished, you will not be added to the Rekruten Roster until done.
Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and Trainings!
Public Steam Page (
In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Sorrow
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:
Teamspeak: Our Teamspeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Sorrow
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact a Admin and ask for the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, Public players, Admins, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a Professional and Mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment. We Encourage that you attend at least ONE Training per week and ONE Linebattle per week.
Also, being active on the Forums is a Must. If time is not shown upon the Forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten Roster and will be subject to Re-Enlistment.
Unteroffizier Reinhardt
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name: Liszt
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? TalesWorlds Forum
Steam username: Pianist
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Quote from: Reinhardt on May 21, 2013, 05:52:02 PM
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Liszt
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for Enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board: Here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished, you will not be added to the Rekruten Roster until done.
Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and Trainings!
Public Steam Page (
In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Liszt
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:
Teamspeak: Our Teamspeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Lizst
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact a Admin and ask for the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, Public players, Admins, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a Professional and Mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment. We Encourage that you attend at least ONE Training per week and ONE Linebattle per week.
Also, being active on the Forums is a Must. If time is not shown upon the Forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten Roster and will be subject to Re-Enlistment.
Unteroffizier Reinhardt
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name: Gadd
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? i dont remember
Steam username: dund3
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? ye
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT/b]
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT[/b]
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT[/b]
note: i applied here in april 2012:,18.msg13872.html#msg13872 (,18.msg13872.html#msg13872)
Enlistment accepted:
Name: Rekrut Gadd Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the Regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about Linebattles and Trainings: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Gadd
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Gadd
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in Events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the Regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a Training or Linebattle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the Regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE Training per week and ONE Linebattle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name: BattleBoss
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? Was in it back in January
Steam username: BattleBoss
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Of course.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Enlistment accepted:
Name: Rekrut BattleBoss Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the Regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about Linebattles and Trainings: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_BattleBoss
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt BattleBoss
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in Events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the Regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a Training or Linebattle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the Regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE Training per week and ONE Linebattle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name: BlackHeart
How did you hear about the EPI? From Mount and Musket and Taleworlds
Steam username: [Dof]BlackHeart
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? all of them when its June 15 school ends.
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Blackheart Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for Enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board: Here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished, you will not be added to the Rekruten Roster until done.
Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and Trainings!
Public Steam Page (
In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Blackheart
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:
Teamspeak: Our Teamspeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Blackheart
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact a Admin and ask for the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, Public players, Admins, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a Professional and Mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment. We Encourage that you attend at least ONE Training per week and ONE Linebattle per week.
Also, being active on the Forums is a Must. If time is not shown upon the Forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten Roster and will be subject to Re-Enlistment.
Unteroffizier Reinhardt
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name: Viktard
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? saw it on FSE forums
Steam username:Viktard
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? already have it
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? Tuesday LB, Thursday training,Friday and Saturday training and events
Enlistment accepted:
Name: Rekrut Viktard Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the Regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about Linebattles and Trainings: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Viktard
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Viktard
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in Events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the Regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a Training or Linebattle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the Regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE Training per week and ONE Linebattle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer. For the sake of organization it is preferred that you choose a realistic name. potcpirate
How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name: fuzz rediscoverd me on battle
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): already have it
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) im donwloading it right now
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.) i can come to almost any event, but on occasion i will be doing something with meaning in my life
sorry for the unproffesional reply and bad spelling i was very busy when writing this
Enlistment accepted:
Name: Rekrut PotcPirate Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the Regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about Linebattles and Trainings: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_PotcPirate
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt PotcPirate
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in Events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the Regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a Training or Linebattle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the Regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE Training per week and ONE Linebattle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In game name: Migoobear
Overkill told me about the EPI.
Steam ID: Migoobear
I do have teamspeak.
I am usually available to attend any of these events.
Enlistment accepted:
Name: Rekrut Migoobear Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the Regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about Linebattles and Trainings: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Migoobear
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Migoobear
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in Events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the Regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a Training or Linebattle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the Regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE Training per week and ONE Linebattle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name:Nomkinz
How did you hear about the EPI? I Resigned previously from the unit. Did someone refer you? If so who? Heinrich
Steam username:Nomkinz
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes I do
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Enlistment accepted:
Name: Rekrut Nomkinz Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the Regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about Linebattles and Trainings: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Nomkinz
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Nomkinz
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in Events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the Regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a Training or Linebattle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the Regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE Training per week and ONE Linebattle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name: Zeholipael
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? BattleBoss referred me
Steam username: Zeholipael
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Enlistment accepted:
Name: Rekrut Zeholipael Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the Regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about Linebattles and Trainings: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_ Zeholipael
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Zeholipael
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in Events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the Regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a Training or Linebattle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the Regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE Training per week and ONE Linebattle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name: DarthTaco
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? Seen you guys around quite a bit (might have been a Rekrut waaay back when, probably about the time I quit gaming because of some life stuff). I was talking to Deo, and he provided me with some info, so he's my reference I guess.
Steam username: sgt_taco351
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Installed, and well used.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Enlistment accepted:
Name: Rekrut DarthTaco Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the Regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about Linebattles and Trainings: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_DarthTaco
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt DarthTaco
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in Events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the Regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a Training or Linebattle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the Regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE Training per week and ONE Linebattle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
How did you hear about the EPI? I recieved a reply from my regimental request by "HandOGod".
Steam username:sgmplumley
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes I do
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Enlistment accepted:
Name: Rekrut NUBMEISTER Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the Regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about Linebattles and Trainings: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_NUBMEISTER
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt NUBMEISTER
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in Events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the Regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a Training or Linebattle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the Regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE Training per week and ONE Linebattle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game name: Alanator
How did you hear about the EPI?: I found you guys myself
Steam username: General:Alan
Do you have TS3 Client?: Yes i do
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?: Tuesday weekday training, Friday Linebattle, maybe saturday primary training.
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Alanator Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for Enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board: Here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished, you will not be added to the Rekruten Roster until done.
Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and Trainings!
Public Steam Page (
In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Alanator
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:
Teamspeak: Our Teamspeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Alanator
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact a Admin and ask for the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, Public players, Admins, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a Professional and Mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment. We Encourage that you attend at least ONE Training per week and ONE Linebattle per week.
Also, being active on the Forums is a Must. If time is not shown upon the Forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten Roster and will be subject to Re-Enlistment.
Leutnant Hopper
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
Marcinko in game name
Marcinko steam name
Yes and yes I have a mic
All execpt the Saturday one sometimes
Also this is to apply to the cav detatchment.
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Marcinko Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for Enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board: Here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished, you will not be added to the Rekruten Roster until done.
Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and Trainings!
Public Steam Page (
In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Marcinko
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:
Teamspeak: Our Teamspeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Marcinko
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact a Admin and ask for the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, Public players, Admins, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a Professional and Mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment. We Encourage that you attend at least ONE Training per week and ONE Linebattle per week.
Also, being active on the Forums is a Must. If time is not shown upon the Forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten Roster and will be subject to Re-Enlistment.
Leutnant Hopper
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
Please keep in mind Rekrut Marcinko, that the 1st East Prussian Infantry Regiment has a singular Rekruten Zug and the Rekruts such as yourself will be dispersed as the Kompanie Kommanderie sees fit. This may result in not being in you being placed in the Lithuanian Dragoners Zug as there are other prior members still waiting for processing in.
Thank you,
Leutnant L.Hopper
In-game Name:Hildebrandt
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? Taleworlds
Steam username: wulfgaard
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
In-game Name: iisperson
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? BattleBoss referred me
Steam username: iisaperson
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yup
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Enlistments Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Hildebrandt and Rekrut iisaperson Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for Enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board: Here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished, you will not be added to the Rekruten Roster until done.
Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and Trainings!
Public Steam Page (
In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Hildebrandt or 1stEPI_Rkt_iisaperson
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:
Teamspeak: Our Teamspeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Hildebrandt or Rkt iisaperson
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact a Admin and ask for the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, Public players, Admins, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a Professional and Mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment. We Encourage that you attend at least ONE Training per week and ONE Linebattle per week.
Also, being active on the Forums is a Must. If time is not shown upon the Forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten Roster and will be subject to Re-Enlistment.
Leutnant Hopper
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game name: PodrickPayne
Reference: 1stEPIGunny
Steam Username: PodrickPayne
Teamspeak?: Yes, will have a mic soon as well
Which events can you attend?:
Tuesday Weekday Training - Yes
Tuesday Night Linebattle -Yes
Thursday Weekday Training - Yes
Friday Linebattle-Yes
Saturday Primary Training - Most of the time
Wanting to join the Lith.
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut PodrickPayne Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for Enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board: Here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished, you will not be added to the Rekruten Roster until done.
Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and Trainings!
Public Steam Page (
In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_PodrickPayne
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:
Teamspeak: Our Teamspeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt PodrickPayne
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact a Admin and ask for the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, Public players, Admins, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a Professional and Mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment. We Encourage that you attend at least ONE Training per week and ONE Linebattle per week.
Also, being active on the Forums is a Must. If time is not shown upon the Forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten Roster and will be subject to Re-Enlistment.
Leutnant Hopper
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
Please keep in mind Rekrut PodrickPayne, that the 1st East Prussian Infantry Regiment has a singular Rekruten Zug and the Rekruts such as yourself will be dispersed as the Kompanie Kommanderie sees fit. This may result in not being in you being placed in the Lithuanian Dragoners Zug as there are other prior members still waiting for processing in.
Thank you,
Leutnant L.Hopper
In-game Name: BrownMan27 OR Siegfried der Drachentöter
How did you hear about the EPI? - Searching for American regiments whose schedules would coincide with mine.
Steam Username: jam2723
Do you have teamspeak3? - I can install Teamspeak in 2 minutes.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT - Questionable, as I have yet to receive my schedule for school. Probably though.
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT - YES
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT - YES
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT - YES
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - Most likely
Thank you, come again! 8)
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Seigfried Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for Enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board: Here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished, you will not be added to the Rekruten Roster until done.
Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and Trainings!
Public Steam Page (
In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Seigfried
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:
Teamspeak: Our Teamspeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Seigfried
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact a Admin and ask for the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, Public players, Admins, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a Professional and Mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment. We Encourage that you attend at least ONE Training per week and ONE Linebattle per week.
Also, being active on the Forums is a Must. If time is not shown upon the Forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten Roster and will be subject to Re-Enlistment.
Leutnant Hopper
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name: Jorvasker
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? Found it myself.
Steam username: Jorvasker
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes, I do have it.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT Yes
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT Yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT Yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes
In-game Name:Robert
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who?pvtgunny
Steam username:killerbossman134
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? i have
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
all of them p.s would like to join cav
In-game Name: A100percentBEEF
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? Was just searching for Prussian Regiments using the magical google machine
Steam username: A100percentBEEF
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT Yes
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT Yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT Every other Thursday
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT Every other Friday
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Every other Saturday
Enlistments Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Jorvasker, Rekrut Robert, Rekrut Beef Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for Enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board: Here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished, you will not be added to the Rekruten Roster until done.
Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and Trainings!
Public Steam Page (
In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Jorvasker; 1stEPI_Rkt_Robert; 1stEPI_Rkt_Beef
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:
Teamspeak: Our Teamspeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Jorvasker; Rkt Robert; Rkt Beef
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact a Admin and ask for the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, Public players, Admins, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a Professional and Mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment. We Encourage that you attend at least ONE Training per week and ONE Linebattle per week.
Also, being active on the Forums is a Must. If time is not shown upon the Forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten Roster and will be subject to Re-Enlistment.
Leutnant Hopper
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
Please keep in mind Rekrut Robert, that the 1st East Prussian Infantry Regiment has a singular Rekruten Zug and the Rekruts such as yourself will be dispersed as the Kompanie Kommanderie sees fit. This may result in you not being placed in the Lithuanian Dragoners Zug as there are other prior members still waiting for being processed in.
Thank you,
Leutnant L.Hopper
In-game Name: Wolf
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? asked/Jorvasker replied
Steam username: Wolf Oats
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? no/yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
In game name- Horus
steam name-roids3
Referral Jorvaskr
yes I have teamspeak 3
events I can attend are Tuesday weekday training, Tuesday night LB
Friday LB and saturday Primary Training
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Jspicyy, Rekrut Horus Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for Enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board: Here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished, you will not be added to the Rekruten Roster until done.
Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and Trainings!
Public Steam Page (
In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Jspicyy. 1stEPI_Rkt_Horus
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:
Teamspeak: Our Teamspeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Jspicyy, Rkt Horus
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact a Admin and ask for the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, Public players, Admins, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a Professional and Mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment. We Encourage that you attend at least ONE Training per week and ONE Linebattle per week.
Also, being active on the Forums is a Must. If time is not shown upon the Forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten Roster and will be subject to Re-Enlistment.
Leutnant Hopper
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name:Azei
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? An old friend by the name of kilroy
Steam username:Azei
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? i do have it installed
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? all events and trainings. hopefully
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Enlistment accepted:
Name: Rekrut Azei Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the Regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about Linebattles and Trainings: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Azei
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Azei
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in Events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the Regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a Training or Linebattle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the Regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE Training per week and ONE Linebattle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer. For the sake of organization it is preferred that you choose a realistic name.
How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name: Jorvasker
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): Genoey
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Friday LB and the Saturday PT. I might make the others based on plans and school.
Enlistment accepted:
Name: Rekrut Genocide Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the Regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about Linebattles and Trainings: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Genocide
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Genocide
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI Server Tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other Regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in Events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the Regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a Training or Linebattle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the Regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE Training per week and ONE Linebattle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
1. Ostpreussiche Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name: Shuji
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? nathan1143 on the TaleWorld forums, I was also present in the public regiment for last tuesday's line battle.
Steam username: Shuji208
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? I do, but no mic.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Any and all. My job is fairly flexible.
Enlistment accepted:
Name: Rekrut Shuji Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussische Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about line battles and training events: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Shuji
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Shuji
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI server tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or line battle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE line battle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name:E30_Rep or Rep
How did you hear about the EPI? From a member reaching out to me. Did someone refer you? Yes. If so who? Jorvasker.
Steam username:E30_Rep
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes installed already
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT: Can't attend don't get home till 6pm
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT: Can attend
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT: Can attend
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT: Can Attend most.
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT: Can attend but I may be busy on weekends.
Would really enjoy some legit gaming and looking to have some fun with you all. Thanks for considering me.
Enlistment accepted:
Name: Rekrut Rep Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussische Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about line battles and training events: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Rep
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Rep
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI server tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or line battle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE line battle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name: Madbull
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who?Knew about the EPI for a long time, Jorvasker recruited me.
Steam username: Madbull ( Profile Link - (
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yep
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT Most
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT All
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT All
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT All
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Most
Enlistment accepted:
Name: Rekrut MadBull Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussische Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about line battles and training events: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_MadBull
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt MadBull
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI server tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or line battle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE line battle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name:Taco
How did you hear about the EPI? From a member reaching out to me. Did someone refer you? Yes. If so who? Jorvasker.
Steam username:Taco
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes installed already
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? I can attend all of them.
Enlistment accepted:
Name: Rekrut Taco Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussische Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about line battles and training events: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Taco
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Taco
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI server tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or line battle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE line battle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name: Rekrut Nietzsche
How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name: I believe I'm a returning player, under Nietzsche, or Gentleman Scholar, or Ghandi. I've had the honor of playing with Lt. Littlefield and then Heinrich.
Steam Username: Gottz
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes.
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST
Enlistment accepted:
Name: Rekrut Nietzsche Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussische Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about line battles and training events: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Nietzsche
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Nietzsche
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI server tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or line battle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE line battle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name: Rommel
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? [1stepi] jorvaskar
Steam username:[/b the lone samurai
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?weekends WILL BE AWHILE BEFORE I CAN DO WEEKDAY LB AND TRIANING
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
In-game Name: DoubleHarts
Steam Username: DoubleHarts
Do you have teamspeak3: Yes
Do you have a functioning microphone? (A microphone is not required to join)yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. any time I guess but I might be busy some of the time.
Enlistment accepted:
Name: Rekrut Rommel, Rekrut DoubleHarts Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussische Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about line battles and training events: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Rommel, 1stEPI_Rkt_DoubleHarts
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Rommel, Rkt DoubleHarts
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI server tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or line battle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE line battle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
Leutnant Hopper
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name: refolo
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? : Madbull
Steam username: refolo
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?: installed
I can make the Tuesday Night Line-battle and the Friday Linebattle, I wont be able to attend every week.
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Refolo Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussische Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about line battles and training events: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Refolo
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Refolo
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI server tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or line battle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE line battle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
Leutnant Hopper
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name:Laneciar
How did you hear about the EPI?Firegurl
Steam Username: sharpiner107
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? yes and a mic
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? Mostly all
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Laneciar Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussische Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about line battles and training events: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Laneciar
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Laneciar
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI server tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or line battle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE line battle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
Leutnant Hopper
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Rybu
Steam Username (If you do not have Steam, say so here, It's not a requirement):Rybu
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join.)yes
Do you have a functioning microphone? (A microphone is not required to join)yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two.)I can attend almost every event. But i'm enlisted in the U.S. army so there will be random days and such I can't attend because of Future soldier things. But that's very rare.
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Rybu Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussische Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about line battles and training events: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Rybu
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Rybu
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI server tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or line battle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE line battle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
Feldwebel Hopper
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name: TheHorica666
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? Jorvasker convinced me
Steam username: TheHorica666
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes I do have it installed
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT (maybe, but most likely no)
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut TheHorica666 Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussische Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about line battles and training events: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_TheHorica666
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt TheHorica666
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI server tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or line battle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE line battle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
Feldwebel Hopper
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name: Varaxi
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? Jorvasker nagged me in a friendly manner
Steam username: Varaxi
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? Tuesday Weekday training and Saturday Primary Training aswell as the "Upcoming" Saturday LB at 10PM GMT that Jorvasker has told me about.
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
In game name: OdinsWolf
I was recommended this reg my Jorvaskr
Steam name: OdinsWolf
Yes I have TS and a mic
I can attend the Fri line battle and the sat training
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Varaxi & Rekrut OdinsWolf Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussische Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about line battles and training events: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Varaxi & 1stEPI_Rkt_OdinsWolf
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Varaxi & Rkt OdinsWolf
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI server tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or line battle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE line battle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
Feldwebel Hopper
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name: Ulrich
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? I found you in tales forum.
Steam username: Levenhauptas
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? All of them. Most time, because i have a job.
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Ulrich Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussische Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about line battles and training events: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Ulrich
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Ulrich
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI server tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or line battle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE line battle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
Feldwebel Hopper
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):Nikolidas
Steam Username (If you do not have Steam, say so here, It's not a requirement):lunar
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join.)yes
Do you have a functioning microphone? (A microphone is not required to join)no
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two.) I do mostly everday when i can get on sometimes on those days
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Nikolidas Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussische Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about line battles and training events: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Nikolidas
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Nikolidas
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI server tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or line battle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE line battle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
Feldwebel Hopper
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name: Balta
How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name: Just found it on Steam
Steam Username: Balta
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?: I already have it
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?: Everything on the weekends
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer. For the sake of organization it is preferred that you choose a realistic name.:Balta
How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name: Jorvasker told me to sign up
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): Balta
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.): I have it
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.): Anything on Friday and Saturday
Quote from: L. Hopper on September 25, 2013, 02:55:15 AM
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Balta
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussische Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about line battles and training events: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Balta
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Balta
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI server tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or line battle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE line battle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
Unteroffiziere Reinhardt
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name (highlander
How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name:1stEPI_A100percentBEEF
Steam Username: The Highlander
Do you have teamspeak3: Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT: Sometimes
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT: Sometimes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT: Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT: Yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT: Yes
Det0n8ted (Frequently called Det) ((True to the name I have blown myself up in numerous occassions))
Searched for a Napoleonic clan with australia and new zealand, got this (
Yeah got it
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT: Yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT: Yes
Other notes, I'm kiwi. Fire team leader (control of 3 other guys every operation) for Australian Armed Forces, Arma II Realism clan.
Quote from: L. Hopper on September 25, 2013, 02:55:15 AM
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Highlander
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussische Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about line battles and training events: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Highlander
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Highlander
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI server tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or line battle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE line battle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
Unteroffiziere Reinhardt
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
Quote from: L. Hopper on September 25, 2013, 02:55:15 AM
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Det
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussische Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about line battles and training events: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Det
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Det
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI server tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or line battle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE line battle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
Unteroffiziere Reinhardt
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name: 1stEPI_inv_Henry
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? Reinhardt
Steam username: BIFF$haner#CardMaster
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? it is installed
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Saturday Primary Training
Friday linebattle
Quote from: Reinhardt on October 05, 2013, 08:06:41 PM
Quote from: L. Hopper on September 25, 2013, 02:55:15 AM
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Henry
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussische Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about line battles and training events: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Henry
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Henry
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI server tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or line battle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE line battle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
Unteroffiziere Reinhardt
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
1) Auk Rest
2) A friend who is also looking to join told me about the regiment
3)Will give in a more private setting
5) On a regular basis probably none, but I would be more likely than not to show up for the Friday Linebattle and possibly the Saturday training.
In game name) Yano Chichelin
How did you hear about the EPI?) A post on the Tale Worlds Forum
Do you have teamspeak) No, but I can download it easily
Which event can you attend regularly?) Not sure about every week, but I should be able to attend the Friday line battle and the Saturday training on most weeks.
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Auk Rest & Rekrut Yano Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussische Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about line battles and training events: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_AukRest / 1stEPI_Rkt_Yano
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Auk Rest / Rkt Yano
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI server tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or line battle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE line battle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
Unteroffiziere Reinhardt
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name:jayson
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? i was looking for brigade on the forums
Steam username:jayson840
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?i have
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Quote from: Lt. Heinrich on October 20, 2013, 05:13:56 PM
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Jayson
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussische Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about line battles and training events: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Jayson
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Jayson
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI server tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or line battle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE line battle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
Unteroffiziere Reinhardt
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game name: Mr.Platinum
Steam User: mizteh plotenum
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?: I have a mic, but not teamspeak.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? Tuesday weekly training, Friday linebattle, and Saturday primary trainings.
Quote from: Reinhardt on October 22, 2013, 11:20:13 PM
Quote from: Lt. Heinrich on October 20, 2013, 05:13:56 PM
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Platinum
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussische Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about line battles and training events: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Platinum
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Platinum
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI server tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or line battle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE line battle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
Unteroffiziere Reinhardt
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
Referred by Thunderstorm
I have team speak and Skype also a mic
I can attend all events almost every time and I'm on EST.
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Totaltryhard Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussische Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about line battles and training events: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Totaltryhard
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Totaltryhard
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI server tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or line battle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE line battle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
Unteroffiziere Reinhardt
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name: PrussianSoldier
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? FSE Forum Thread
Steam username: ThePrussian14
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes and a Mic
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? All
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut ThePrussian Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussische Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about line battles and training events: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_ThePrussian
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt ThePrussian
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI server tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or line battle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE line battle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
Unteroffiziere Reinhardt
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name: Mammouthan
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? MrSt3fan referred me to EPI.
Steam username: w33z3roid
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes, it is installed.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT Yes
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT Yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT Yes/No (available after 10-11 pm)
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes
Regjorvasker referd me
yes i have ts
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Mammouthan / Rekrut Alec
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussische Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about line battles and training events: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Mammouthan / Alec
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Mammouthan / Alec
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI server tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or line battle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE line battle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
Unteroffiziere Reinhardt
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): CYPHER
Steam Username (If you do not have Steam, say so here, It's not a requirement): cypher
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes
Do you have a functioning microphone? Yes I have one, but prefer not to use it
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Cypher
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussische Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about line battles and training events: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Cypher
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Cypher
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI server tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or line battle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE line battle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
Unteroffiziere Reinhardt
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name : Horus
How did you hear about the EPI?: taleworlds forum
Steam Username: Sorry, I do not have one
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? : I have TS and a mic.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT Not sure
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT Not sure
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT Not sure
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT Yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes
Note: By not sure I mean depending on my availability. (university student)
n-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer. For the sake of organization it is preferred that you choose a realistic name. ToxikWastE
How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name:Jorvasker
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): HavocNitE
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.)Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT YEs
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Horus, Rekrut ToxikWaste
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussische Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about line battles and training events: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Horus , 1stEPI_Rkt_ToxikWaste
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Horus, Rkt ToxikWaste
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI server tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or line battle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE line battle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
Feldwebel L.Hopper
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
hello i would like to join this regiment
my steam username is jonwoo655
my friend name is REKRUTEN he talk to me about that regiment
team speak install
i can be there allways
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Spanksauce
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussische Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about line battles and training events: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_spanksauce
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Spanksauce
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI server tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or line battle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE line battle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
Major Gunny
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion
My MaB:NW ingame name is Ducebox
I found the 1st EPI myself looking for regiments
steam username: ducebox
Yes I have teamspeak 3
I can attend:
Thursday Weekday Training
Friday Linebattle
Saturday Primary Training
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Ducebox
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussische Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about line battles and training events: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Ducebox
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Ducebox
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI server tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or line battle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE line battle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
Unteroffiziere Reinhardt
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer. For the sake of organization it is preferred that you choose a realistic name. Razar
How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name: totaltryhard
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.):Shoeless
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.)
I do have both TS3 and a microphone, though I prefer not to use it.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
All of the above
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Razar
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussische Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about line battles and training events: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Razar
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Razar
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI server tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or line battle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE line battle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
Unteroffiziere Reinhardt
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name: ComradeObama
Totaltryhard (Steam username) referred me to the 1st East Prussian Infantry
Steam Username: ComradeObama
I have Teamspeak3 Client installed. I have a functioning microphone.(it isn't very good though)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
I should be able to attend all of these most of the time
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Obama Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussische Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about line battles and training events: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Obama
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Obama
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI server tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or line battle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE line battle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
Feldwebel Hopper
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name: Doomdood
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? 1stEPI_Jorvasker
Steam username: Doomdood
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? got 'er installed.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
I work until 5 on Tuesdays. I can attend the rest with little to no problem.
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Quote from: L. Hopper on November 19, 2013, 12:06:54 AM
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Doomdood
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussische Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about line battles and training events: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Doomdood
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Doomdood
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI server tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or line battle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE line battle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
Unteroffiziere Reinhardt
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name: Noah
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? [33rd]Ragnar, he recommended me to 1stEPI_Jorvasker.
Steam username: Yodeling Yodas
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer: yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
I have school until 3:00 and i am home by 3:30-4:00 then school work till about 5:00-5:30 Monday through Friday
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Noah Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussische Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about line battles and training events: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Noah
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Noah
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI server tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or line battle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE line battle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
Feldwebel Hopper
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
Message to join regiment.
In-game Name:
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who?
Steam username:
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
In-game Name: 14maxx14 (max)
How did you hear about the EPI? no
Steam Username: 14maxx14
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon: Yes its installed
I can attend the following
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Max Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussische Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about line battles and training events: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Max
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Max
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI server tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or line battle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE line battle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
Leutnant Heinrich
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT i can attend
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT i can attend
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT i can attend
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT cannot attend
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT i can attend
Quote from: nolan on December 01, 2013, 05:20:26 PM
In-game Name:
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who?
Steam username:
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Quote from: nolan on December 01, 2013, 05:24:58 PM
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Quote from: nolan on December 01, 2013, 05:13:08 PM
Message to join regiment.
Thank you Nolan. That is enough. Please follow The directions below, and direct any questions to an NCO or the individual who recruited you. Thanks.
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Nolan Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussische Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about line battles and training events: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Nolan
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Nolan
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI server tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or line battle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE line battle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
Leutnant Heinrich
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
In-game Name: revenge12345
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? forgot
Steam username: nolan
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? no
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT yes
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT no
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT yes
Posted by: nolan
« on: December 01, 2013, 04:57:26 PM » Insert Quote
In-game Name: revenge125
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? forgot I was want to join the33rd but it was an EU server so I asked if there was a American reg. and so I found myself here :).
Steam username: Ghost_Pig
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? no
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT no
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT no
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Ravenge125 Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussische Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about line battles and training events: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Ravenge125
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Ravenge125
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI server tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or line battle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE line battle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
Leutnant Heinrich
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
In-game Name: Sir Payne or Payne
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who?I was refered by 1stEPI YodelingYoda
Steam username:Sir Payne[82nd AB Retired]
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? Most but i do work at GameStop but mostly weekends.
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
In-game Name: Sir Jones
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? Friend
Steam username: THEBLACKKID732
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? All
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Quote from: Lt. Heinrich on December 02, 2013, 04:46:12 PM
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Jones & Rekrut Payne
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussische Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about line battles and training events: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Jones & Payne
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Jones & Payne
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI server tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or line battle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE line battle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
Unteroffiziere Reinhardt
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie, Rekruten Zug
In-game Name: W. Dietrich
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? No I found it
Steam username: OberLt. W. Dietrich [29th WFA]
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? I have it but I am not too familiar with it
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
I can most likely attend these
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
and maybe Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Ingame Name: Lionel
How did you hear about the EPI?:1stEPI_Jorvasker
Steam Username: Lionel Messi
I can make it to all of the events.
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Dietrich & Rekrut Lionel Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussische Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about line battles and training events: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Dietrich & Lionel
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Dietrich & Lionel
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI server tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or line battle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE line battle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
Unteroffiziere Reinhardt
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie, Rekruten Zug
steam username
i have teamspeak 3
i can attend absoulutly every event
in game name is fife58
i was reffered from the 77y
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Fife Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussische Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about line battles and training events: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Fife
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Fife
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI server tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or line battle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE line battle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
Unteroffiziere Reinhardt
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie, Rekruten Zug
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer. For the sake of organization it is preferred that you choose a realistic name. Pvt. Kurt Weiss
How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name: A member recruited me through in game playing.
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): meatmanweiss
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) No, but I will install it
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT YES
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT YES
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT YES
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT YES
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT NO
Quote from: Reinhardt on December 07, 2013, 10:11:28 PM
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Weiss
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussische Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about line battles and training events: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Weiss
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Weiss
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI server tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or line battle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE line battle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
Unteroffiziere Reinhardt
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie, Rekruten Zug
In-game Name: Guderianator
How did you hear about the EPI? referred by 1stEPI_Jorvasker
Steam username: Guderianator
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT: No
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT: Yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT: Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT: No
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT: No
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Guderianator Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussische Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about line battles and training events: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Gudreniator
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Gudreniator
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI server tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or line battle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE line battle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
Unteroffiziere Reinhardt
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie, Rekruten Zug
In-game Name: Hospitaller
How did you hear about the EPI? referred by 1stEPI_Jorvasker
Steam username: Hospitaller
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT: Yes
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT: Yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT: No
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT: Maybe
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT: Yes
Additional Info: Have previously been a member of the 77y (Skirmisher detachment)
In game name: Logan
Recruitment: Jorvaskor recruitted me.
Steam username: bolswet
Teamspeak: Yes. Microphone as well
Events: Essentially all of them. My schedule's flexible
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Hospitaller & Logan Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussische Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about line battles and training events: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Hospitaller & Logan
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Hospitaller and Logan
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI server tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or line battle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE line battle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
Unteroffiziere Reinhardt
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie, Rekruten Zug
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer. For the sake of organization it is preferred that you choose a realistic name. Sir_R1s
How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name:MrSt3fan
Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.):
nanerz123 or try Robichaud.MichaelR
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.)yes I have ts3 but i dont have a microphone
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.) i can do the oneson wed,thursday,and some times friday sat. I will try to get on other days but my parents are divorced so it will be hard.
Enlistment Accepted:
Name: Rekrut Sir_R1s Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussische Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about line battles and training events: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_R1s
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt R1s
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI server tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or line battle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE line battle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
Unteroffiziere Reinhardt
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie, Rekruten Zug
Quote from: Royalist on December 19, 2013, 09:56:25 PM
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussische Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here. It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about line battles and training events: public Steam Group
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Hospitaller & Logan
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Hospitaller and Logan
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI server tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or line battle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE line battle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
Unteroffiziere Reinhardt
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie, Rekruten Zug
This application is
incorrect. Please, return to the 1st page of this forum thread and
read the instructions properly. Re-apply whenever. Thank you.
Uffz. Reinhardt
In-game Name:1stEPI_RKT_R1s
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who?:1stEPI_Jorvasker
Steam username:richcareyh
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?:Yes I can install it soon.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?:All Listed Below till 9:00PM on Weekdays.
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Please refrain from applying further, as you clearly cannot follow instructions and guidelines. Thank you, and good luck on your ventures.
Hi guys I recently applied to join and was accepted!
Basically what with it being Christmas and everything now is not the best time for me to start as I won't be active due to me being very busy at this time of year. So I was wondering if I could put it off until sometime during the New Year?
Cheers guys,
Of course, but this isn't the place for that! I'll post you as tentative until New Year's. But, any news pertaining to that should be done in the Rekruten Zug forum. Thank you.
Uffz. Reinhardt
In-game name - Joshalo Gott.
I found the 1stEPI on the TaleWorlds forums.
Steam Username - Joshalo Gott.
I have TeamSpeak3.
I have a mic.
I should be able to make all events.
I have been a member of the [79th] Cameron Highlanders since last June and my current rank is Corporal.
Name: Rekrut Joshalo
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussische Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about line battles and training events: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Joshalo
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Joshalo
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI server tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or line battle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE line battle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
Korporal Superfanboy
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie, Rekruten Zug
In-game name: GD889
I heard of your Regiment from 1stEPI_Jorvasker
Steam name: godofwar88467
I have Teamspeak 3
Yes, I have a Mic
All events are eligible to attend except Saturday training once every month.
Enlistment accepted:
Name: Rekrut GD889 Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussische Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about line battles and training events: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_GD889
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt GD889
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI server tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or line battle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE line battle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
Korporal Superfanboy
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
-In-Game Name- Soap
-[33rd] Ragnar sent me from the 33rd Siege Server
-Steam name: nstriker14
-I have a Mic and Teamspeak 3 both
-I would most likely attend Friday Line Battle, and Saturday Primary Training
but I will try to attend as most events as possible
Enlistment accepted: Soap
Name: Rekrut Soap Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussische Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about line battles and training events: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_*****
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt *****
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI server tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or line battle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE line battle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
Korporal Superfanboy
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In game name: Chuckles
MrSt3fan on steam told me about this program
Steam name: chucklesva27
I have a mic but i dont have teamspeak but i will try to get it soon
I am able to come to every event exept saturday primary training, but this may change because of sports
Ok so i just got teamspeak 3 and i sent an application saying i didnt, but now i do. just thought i should tell you this.
I would like my in-game name to be Primpton.
[33rd]Dasher54 refered me.
Steam name: -[FF]- Fluffles
Yes I have team speak.
I believe I can attened most events except for the Tuesday night Line battle and training.
Enlistment accepted: Chuckles
Name: Rekrut Chuckles Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussische Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about line battles and training events: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Chuckles
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Chuckles
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI server tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or line battle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE line battle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
Korporal Superfanboy
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
Enlistment accepted: Primpton
Name: Rekrut Primpton Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussische Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about line battles and training events: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Primpton
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Primpton
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI server tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or line battle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE line battle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
Korporal Superfanboy
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
Ragnar from the 33rd recommended this regiment.
I have TS3.
I can make Friday Line Battles and Saturday Training.
I could possibly make other week day events/practices but they will probably collide with
Enlistment accepted: Bolterbro
Name: Rekrut bolterbro Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussische Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about line battles and training events: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_bolterbro
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt bolterbro
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI server tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or line battle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE line battle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
Korporal Superfanboy
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
I hope you guys enjoy comic sans!
In-game Name: 1stEPI_Rkt_Grapplejacks [I attended a line battle earlier today, and was told to use this prefix for my username]
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? I initially attempted to join the 33rd, but they rejected me due to my nationality. However, the 33rd recruiter referred me to Jorvasker, who then invited me into this regiment.
Steam username: Grapplejacks
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes I do.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? I can attend any of the events regularly due to my very open schedule.
My name is Wildrice5354 or Wildrice
I got recruited by TryHard and Jorvasker in Blood and Iron.
My steam username is Wildrice5354(active one).
Yes i do have teamspeak.
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT only :(
Hey guys
In-game Name is Pharen
How did you hear about the EPI? from Jorvasker
Steam Username: Pharenn
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.): Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Enlistment accepted: Grapplejacks & Pharen
Name: Rekrut Grapplejacks & Pharen Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussische Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about line battles and training events: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Grapplejacks & Pharen
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Grapplejacks & Pharen
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI server tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or line battle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE line battle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
Unteroffiziere Reinhardt
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In Game Name: Shaggy202
How did you hear about EPI: 33rd MrSt3fan
Steam name: Shaggy202
Teamspeak and Mic: Yes
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT No
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT No
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT No
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT Yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT Yes
In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer. For the sake of organization it is preferred that you choose a realistic name. My In-game name is GlenGarryGlenRoss (or GlenGarry to shorten it) if i need to make the name shorter or change it I can.
Q How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name:
A I tried to join the 33rd reg but I am American so one of their members referred me to the EPI and their Steam Name is MrSt3fan
Q Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.):
A My name is ndmoore22 on Steam.
Q Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.)
A I do have a microphone and Teamspeak3 Client is installed on my computer.
Q Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT 5PM EST Yes
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT 5PM EST Yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT 5PM EST Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT 5PM EST Yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT 5PM EST Yes
(Although sometimes school and sports might interfere and if so I will post a message on the home page or in a way already set up.)
Enlistment accepted: Glen & Shaggy
Name: Rekrut Glen & Shaggy Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussische Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about line battles and training events: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Glen & Shaggy
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Glen & Shaggy
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI server tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or line battle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE line battle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
Unteroffiziere Reinhardt
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
1. in-game name = Cromwell
2. i heard about it from ma boy Jorvasker
3. steam name = xxthecromwellxx
4. i have teamspeak and a mic
5. i can attend these events. the onoly reason i wont is if something comes up which i will contact someone prior to event
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Enlistment accepted: Cromwell
Name: Rekrut Cromwell Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussische Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about line battles and training events: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Cromwell
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak address is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Cromwell
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI server tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or line battle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE line battle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
Unteroffiziere Reinhardt
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name: Cop
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? I've known about you guys since I first started playing NW in the NA community; but Jorvasker has answered my questions about you.
Steam username: 1thecop
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? I have it along with a mic.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Weekday Training - 5PM EST/10PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
I can attend all of them on a regular basis.
In-game Name: Dking1992
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? MrSt3fan
Steam username: Dking1992
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes
Which events can you attend on a regular basis? Yes, except on Mondays and Wednesdays
Enlistment accepted:
Name: Rekrut 1thecop and Dking1992 Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussische Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about line battles and training events: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_*****
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt *****
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI server tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or line battle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE line battle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug
In-game Name: Lilnoob
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? My irl friends Soap and bolter told me about it.
Steam username: Lilnoob
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Already have that and a mic.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Enlistment accepted:
Name: Rekrut Lilnoob Quote
1. Infanterie-Division
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Thank you for enlisting with the 1. Ostpreussische Infanterie (1st East Prussian Infantry)! Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the following:
Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten board: here (,1730.0.html). It's important that this is accomplished. You will NOT be added to the Rekruten roster until it is done.
Join the regimental Steam Group for important updates and reminders about line battles and training events: public Steam Group (
In-Game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_Lilnoob
You should select the 1st East Prussian Infantry banner in-game. This is the black Prussian eagle with a white background and can be found on the first page and looks like:
Our TeamSpeak information is:
You may change your name to: Rkt Lilnoob
There is a channel called, "1st East Prussian Infantry", that is where we will be. Contact an admin or ask one of your cadres and request the 1stEPI server tag.
Our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:
1. Be respectful to everyone! This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers and people on the forums.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.
3. Follow. Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.
4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (for example: teamkilling, insulting, etc.) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.
Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or line battle, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion and any advancement in the regiment. We encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE line battle per week.
Also, being active on the forums is a must. If time is not shown upon the forum, you will be removed from the Rekruten roster and will be subject to re-enlistment.
Unteroffiziere Reinhardt
1. Ostpreussische Infanterie
1. Batallion, A. Kompanie
Rekruten Zug