
ARMACLANS - Be sure to vote for the EPI on Armaclans and keep us up top!

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Messages - Zoller

In-game name: Zoller

How did you hear about 1st EPI? I heard about it from someone a long time ago, though I can't remember who, so let's say Werner for now.

Steam Username: _451_, which seems to make things difficult. I'm still in the 1stEPI Rekruten group

Do you have Teamspeak 3: Yes. I've already come about on the 1st EPI TS.

Which events can you attend on a regular basis?

Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT: Yes
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT: Yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT: Yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT: No

Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT: Maybe
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT: Maybe