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Messages - Benny

Accepted Applications / [ACCEPTED] Rkt. Benny
January 06, 2014, 11:42:51 PM
1.   In-Game Name: (Your In-Game Name SHOULD be the same as your Forum Name, for the sake of organization):
My in-game name is Benny.
2. Steam Name: (This will be used to invite you to the regimental steam group, and help the NCO's maintain contact with you)
3.   Our regiment prides itself in maturity, organization, and responsibility. Are you prepared to:
      a.   Attend all events that you can, and excuse yourself properly if you are unable to?
      b.   Learn our commands and rules, and follow them?
      c.   Respect our members and the members of other regiments in the Prussian Army, regardless of rank, age, sex,   race, religion, etc.?
      d.   Conduct yourself in a manner that is befit of a member in the 1stEPI and the Prussian Army?
I am prepared to attend all events I can, learn and follow the commands and rules, respect all members of this regiment and others, and conduct myself in a manner that befits the 1stEPI and the Prussian Army.
4.   Take a moment to read our rules. Do you agree with the policies the regiment runs by? You will be held accountable for knowing them and following them.
Yes I agree to the rules and policies the regiment sets for me to follow.
5.  what follows is a list of our event schedule. Please say YES or NO next to the events that you can or cannot attend. Please, no "maybes" or "I could try". A "yes" to an event means you should be able to attend 75% of the time. Also, please note, all events are based on EASTERN STANDARD TIME U.S. Please consult the web if you have questions about time-zones and what time-zone you are in. Finally, we need all recruits to attend at minimum ONE LINEBATTLE and ONE TRAINING.
     a.   Tuesday Training – 3pm   Yes
     b.   Tuesday Linebattle – 8pm  No
     c.   Thursday Training – 8pm  No
     d.   Friday Linebattle – 9pm    Yes
     e.   Saturday Training – 3pm  Yes
I usually work/study at times b. and c. but days I'm off I will gladly attend events.

These are optional, but it is encouraged that you answer them. It will help the NCO's when working with you.
1.   Age: 17

2.   Time-Zone Location (If not known, simply state your Country): EST

3.   How did you hear about the Regiment? Did someone recommend you to our regiment? If so, who?
I entered this regiment a while back, but had to leave shortly after. I don't recall if I officially left, as I'm still in the 1stEPI Steam group.

4.   What is your favorite position to play in the game? Infantry, cavalry, or artillery? Infantry

5.   How long have you played Mount and Blade: Napoleonic Wars for? Are you a new-comer or a seasoned veteran of the franchise?
I've played for a couple years, I'd say I'm very familiar with it now.

6.   Prior to the 1stEPI, have you been in other regiments or tried other "military simulation" groups, clans, or games?
I've been in a smaller NW regiment, the 89e, for quite a while, until it disbanded. I've also been in clans and groups for Arma 2, CS:S and DoD:S.
In-game Name:  Benny
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who?
Steam username:  shion366
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?  Yes

Which events can you attend on a regular basis?

Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT