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Messages - Fatality

Accepted Applications / [ACCEPTED] Rkt. Fatality1011
February 28, 2014, 06:35:27 PM
1. fatality1011

2. fatality10111

3. a. yes b. yes. c. yes. d. yes

4. yes

5. friday linebattle and saturday training


1.   Age: 14 years old

2.   Time-Zone Location (If not known, simply state your Country): PST

3.   How did you hear about the Regiment? Did someone recommend you to our regiment? If so, who? I heard from the 29th Worcestershire

4.   What is your favorite position to play in the game? Infantry, cavalry, or artillery? Infantry

5.   How long have you played Mount and Blade: Napoleonic Wars for? Are you a new-comer or a seasoned veteran of the franchise? I just got it

6.   Prior to the 1stEPI, have you been in other regiments or tried other "military simulation" groups, clans, or games?

No. but Im a huge fan of the colonial and napoleonic era, and I know a lot of commands.