In-Game Name: Homie
Steam Name: Homie
Our regiment prides itself in maturity, organization, and responsibility. Are you prepared to:
a. Attend all events that you can, and excuse yourself properly if you are unable to? Yes
b. Learn our commands and rules, and follow them? Yes
c. Respect our members and the members of other regiments in the Prussian Army, regardless of rank, age, sex, race, religion, etc.? Yes
d. Conduct yourself in a manner that is befit of a member in the 1stEPI and the Prussian Army? Yes
Take a moment to read our rules. Do you agree with the policies the regiment runs by? You will be held accountable for knowing them and following them. Yes
a. Tuesday Linebattle – 8pm Yes
b. Thursday Training – 8pm Yes
c. Friday Linebattle – 9pm Yes
d. Saturday Training – 3pm Yes
e. Saturday Linebattle - 8pm Yes
Age: 14
Time-Zone Location: EST
How did you hear about the Regiment? Did someone recommend you to our regiment? If so, who? Well i heard about this regiment from a couple of people Yusuf, Ghostpig and i have been in this regiment before so i know ur website and stuff
What is your favorite position to play in the game? Infantry, cavalry, or artillery? I love Inf but i also like CAV
How long have you played Mount and Blade: Napoleonic Wars for? Are you a new-comer or a seasoned veteran of the franchise? I have played this game for a while been in 2 regiments lead by some of ur former memebers and i have been in this regiment so i know the drill and the rules
Prior to the 1stEPI, have you been in other regiments or tried other "military simulation" groups, clans, or games? Yes 12te and 1stEPI
Steam Name: Homie
Our regiment prides itself in maturity, organization, and responsibility. Are you prepared to:
a. Attend all events that you can, and excuse yourself properly if you are unable to? Yes
b. Learn our commands and rules, and follow them? Yes
c. Respect our members and the members of other regiments in the Prussian Army, regardless of rank, age, sex, race, religion, etc.? Yes
d. Conduct yourself in a manner that is befit of a member in the 1stEPI and the Prussian Army? Yes
Take a moment to read our rules. Do you agree with the policies the regiment runs by? You will be held accountable for knowing them and following them. Yes
a. Tuesday Linebattle – 8pm Yes
b. Thursday Training – 8pm Yes
c. Friday Linebattle – 9pm Yes
d. Saturday Training – 3pm Yes
e. Saturday Linebattle - 8pm Yes
Age: 14
Time-Zone Location: EST
How did you hear about the Regiment? Did someone recommend you to our regiment? If so, who? Well i heard about this regiment from a couple of people Yusuf, Ghostpig and i have been in this regiment before so i know ur website and stuff
What is your favorite position to play in the game? Infantry, cavalry, or artillery? I love Inf but i also like CAV
How long have you played Mount and Blade: Napoleonic Wars for? Are you a new-comer or a seasoned veteran of the franchise? I have played this game for a while been in 2 regiments lead by some of ur former memebers and i have been in this regiment so i know the drill and the rules
Prior to the 1stEPI, have you been in other regiments or tried other "military simulation" groups, clans, or games? Yes 12te and 1stEPI