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Messages - Wulf

Accepted Applications / [ACCEPTED] Rkt. Wulf
December 14, 2015, 12:55:15 AM

Basic Information

Name of Rekrut:         Rkt.Wulf       

Rekrut's Steam Username:         t_wulfstan       

The Rekrut has read and understands the regimental Code of Conduct:      YES

This Rekrut can Regularly Attend:

Monday Rekrut Training - 8pm EST               No   
Tuesday Regimental Linebattle - 8pm EST     No
Thursday Regimental Training - 8pm EST      No
Friday Regimental Linebattle - 9pm EST        Yes

Additional Information

This Rekrut's Age Is:     

This Rekrut's Timezone Location:     
AEST - Melbourne, Australia

How This Rekrut Heard about the 1st East Prussian Infantry Regiment:   
1stEPI Member     

This Rekrut was suggested by:   

This Rekrut Has Prior Experience in:   
102nd, Vieille Garde, 2e Grenadiers (All Australian regiments) - About 3 years all up

Additional Comments

First and foremost, why?
There are no disciplined regiments such as the 1stEPI in the Australian community. Much of the community is 'toxic' as stated in your description of the taleworlds forum within your CoC. Even the simple prospect of a quiet TS and a stationary/still/quiet line are nigh impossible within any Australian regiments and I would relish at the chance to take part in something like this.

How did I even hear about 1stEPI in the first place?
A couple years back before the Australian community was a thing I participated in the 'pubbie' line in the Friday linebattle. A couple of times we were led by 5arge (that was his name iirc) who was one of your leaders.

Could this work, given my inability to attend events other than the Friday linebattle?
I'm not sure, I guess that is up to you guys to decide. Unfortunately these events are around 12-2PM in the middle of the day and I cannot attend the vast majority of the midweek sessions due to work commitments.
That being said I do have some time off starting next week so I could attend all events for a week or two as required to bring myself up to speed.

I can also almost guarantee I will be able to pick up just about all drills due to my past experience, and through videos/your manuals for specialised drills that the 1stEPI employ.

What about your ping?
It is a bit of an issue but more or less only in melee. I can still do reasonably well even with this disadvantage.

Feel free to hit me up on steam or via my email if you have any other questions.


P.S. I thought I might also add that the CoC link on the page immediately prior to the application form is wrong and hits the roster page instead of the CoC.