Basic Information
Name of Rekrut: Rkt.Stranger Days
Rekrut's Steam Username:
The Rekrut has read and understands the Code of Conduct of The East Prussian Infantry: YES
This Rekrut can Regularly Attend:
Thursday Unit Training - 8pm EST Yes
Saturday Platoon Operation - 5:30pm EST Yes
Additional Information
This Rekrut's Age Is:
This Rekrut's Timezone Location:
This Rekrut has a Functioning Microphone:
How This Rekrut Heard about The East Prussian Infantry:
EPI Member
This Rekrut was suggested by:
Imperatii (via discord)
This Rekrut Has Prior Experience in:
Additional Comments
Found yall through an officer of a dying unit that I only joined because it was a warhammer unit they stopped being a warhammer unit and all the good folks left mostly. Got wind that they were heading this way so I thought I'd give it a shot. I generally enjoy heavy suppressive weapons and would love to get behind an MG42/34, Or maybe be crew for a stug that would be fun. I hope yall would be willing to take me.