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Messages - Shep

Name of the Brave Rider: Shep
Name of the Valiant Steed: Horse
Name of the Great Warrior:Shep
Name of the Pointy Metallic Object on the end of the Great Musket: Bayoneat
This looks awesome Heinrich.
Name of the Brave Rider: Shep
Name of the Valiant Steed: Horseasarus

Name of the Great Warrior: Shep
Name of the Pointy Metallic Object on the end of the Great Musket: The Remnant Trio
Information & Application / Re: Screenshot Thread
December 09, 2012, 11:37:57 AM
it's actually an ancient form of martial arts, it seems as if he's laying there, but he actually hit that man at audaciously high speed, causing his area, and his head to explode violently.
You can see it's dented mark in the pants if you look closely.
Also the lack of a full cranium further proves my case.

Minecraft / Re: Reboot - Injected with 95% more fun
August 23, 2012, 08:09:28 PM
Quote from: Reinhardt on August 22, 2012, 11:44:35 PM

I may have to reinstall the damnable thing, but hopefully I can come on and share in the noobiness and lack of knowledge in Tekkit.  :D

That I believe was an issue with the server using an older version, it's fixed now though.
Minecraft / Re: Reboot - Injected with 95% more fun
August 19, 2012, 03:33:11 AM
Programming turtles is badass

Your acts of superior elitism are tearing me apart Lisa.
With the help of a certain script enhancer :D
Well, nice to see you chose to join us!
That's a nice surprise
I will be in the corner.
Tell him 5arge!

Anyway, looking forward to it
Loved it.
I think it went very well
Events & Announcements / Re: State of the Servers
January 07, 2012, 11:30:18 AM
Really? I don't believe we've mentioned that, it's a good thing too, it's not like we got much thanks for it anyway.
Who has familys?
I intend to stuff myself though
Oh god... that annoying Wefow guy.
I think we've seen that before.

These medals do not flow well, even if we were to cut them and make .Pngs from them.

I'm sure we've all googled "Prussian Army Medals" before.