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Saturday May 21st Scrimmage vs. the 51st Regiment

Started by Brookmanz, May 15, 2011, 09:59:37 AM

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I completely agree with Brennenburg.  We need to remind our guys to choose the target across from them.  For example:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7  (Enemy Line)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7  (Our Line)

In this situation, 1 should fire at 1, 2 at 2 and so on down the line.  The inaccuracy come when everybody shoots at 4 because he is in the middle and you think you have a higher chance to hit.  We must drill this into their heads.  Fire at the man that corresponds to your position in the line.  This requires focus.  You have to know where you are in your line and then pick your target accordingly when we aim.

Also keep in mind that the 51st trains to win the game, not re-enact.  We lean more towards re-enactment and doing things the way they did it in the past.  For me its more fun but it doesn't make us an uber all star invincible regiment.


We used to be a lot more strict about firing at the man across from you, after the scrim with the 51st we will be coming down and reminding Soldat to fire at the man across from them for maximum effect.

Another thing I also think we should encourage is firing by rank first then (either maintaining by rank or) firing at will. It spreads the fire out a lot more evenly (so both volley fire hit the frontage of their line) and not the same man. Our more complicated firing commands are sometimes better, I would prefer to see them employed a lot more often than firing at will.


Probably not historically accurate, or practical or even feasible, but this is a thought.

Regarding the diagram at the top of the page by Bookmanz, I think a regiment would get better results with 1 attacking 7, 6 shooting at 2 (shooting at an angle instead of across). Being at an angle like that it makes the enemies spacing useless and you will be firing at a flesh wall.


That's a good thought Uhlaf.  We'll try that in the future.


Quote from: Uhlaf on May 22, 2011, 11:34:40 AM
Probably not historically accurate, or practical or even feasible, but this is a thought.

Regarding the diagram at the top of the page by Bookmanz, I think a regiment would get better results with 1 attacking 7, 6 shooting at 2 (shooting at an angle instead of across). Being at an angle like that it makes the enemies spacing useless and you will be firing at a flesh wall.

Interesting point, we should see if that improves things.


I seem to be in the minority here, but unless we are firing point-blank, I believe this will shoot our accuracy in the foot.
Aim-before-you-aim is great in idea, but it's useless in practice. To get the best accuracy you can, aim while your reticule is not collapsed, and get as much enemy meat in the reticule as possible before releasing the trigger.
Usually the reticule will encompass the entire enemy formation if you aim at the center, and moving to the left or right will cut out a part of that formation.


I'm with Azrooh. A lot of people like to harp about how MM shooting is "random," which is partly true, but there are ways to increase your odds/minimize chance. The expanded reticule is essentially a little grid inside which the bullet can take any path so filling as much of it with the enemy's pixels is the natural thing to do. This next one goes straight into the realms of fuzzy logic, but generally I try to line up the top triangle thingie of the reticule with the target. From there I use it like a sort-of rangefinder.

This might all just be OCD stuff that actually doesn't affect anything--blame it on coming to the mod straight off Red Orchestra  :P.