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Started by Friendlyfyre, July 02, 2011, 10:32:05 PM

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Hi, I haven't been active recently but now I have more free time since I dont have school/haven't been playing native.  So I will propose something that will hopefully help you all with your manual blocking.

The idea is instead of do using warm up duels to help with your with your manual blocking we will also have little mini duel tournament events every once and a while.

Tournament rules

king of the hill style. there will be one starting duel and who ever wins will have to face off against the rest of the people that showed up if he loses a duel then the winner of that fight will face off against the next person. this will go on until three people have beat the whole rotation.

I chose these rules because it will be easier for the refs to manage. the rules can be modified if the tournament takes up to much time.


Sabre duels

also known as the butter knife. Two combatants with sabres will  fight it out until the other one dies.
short weapon that doesn't do very much damage but is probably one of the fastest weapons in this mod 3 attack directions.

Sword duels

the referees will provide both combatants with an officer sword and they will fight to the death.
medium length, medium speed medium damage and 4 attack directions.

Mounted duels

combatants will fight against each other mounted in an inclosed space trying to knock the other off there horse. there is one catch if you kill your opponents horse you are disqualified.

Other event ideas

I didn't include this because there are only 2 directions to block and these tournaments are about manual blocking

Dismounted cavalry duels
didn't include this because it isn't a normal way to fight on foot
but it is a long weapon, slow speed and high damage

First strike duels
can be fought with any 2 pairs of weapons the idea is to land the first strike on your opponent.
no blocking aloud

Other things you need to know

2 referees should be helping with the event, the will provide weapons,help out with rules and sort out the line up.

fighters should be in there 1stEPI uniform with no weapons on them except for the ones used in the events. if the event calls for an officer sword DO NOT GO OFFICER stay ranker, the referees will provide you with the swords.

the starting of a duel will be signaled with a pistol shot.

this is a daily thing it will not take up weeks to finish one tournament

events will take place on different parts of the training map

rules will change depending on attendance

Times and dates
gone till Tuesday!

Past Events




Not really, but that is a unique idea.


This actually sounds fun.


You came up with something me likes.
Interesting I be participate
Picton: Perfect.
Picton: And some weed.
Picton: And I'll do it.
Picton: Send me some weed Shep.
Picton: I'm serious





Sounds fun, I'd love to participate (if I am available at whatever date/time you choose)



OP updated with dates and past events.


Good idea and it was fun. People join this stuff, it's worth it!


First strike seems nice!


Quote from: Fritz on July 05, 2011, 04:35:35 PM
Good idea and it was fun. People join this stuff, it's worth it!
I would if only my pc wasnt dead :P new ones coming really soon so fingers crossed.


I kinda totally failed there yesterday... Got the first 4 wins in a row, then lost all the other times. Yes, this is a totally necessary post, cus FFFFF is awesome and you really should attend it.


make sure to stay after practice tomorrow! ^^