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Application to join the Regiment

Started by Rethmeier, February 25, 2011, 04:39:00 PM

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Welcome Back Hitman!

Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.

Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)

Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.

Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)

Please Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings!

Thanks and I hope to see you soon!

Leutnant Heinrich


In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Iron

How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name: I read about this regiment in taleworlds

Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised. We use steam for organization and communication. Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it. Steam is free and easy to download.): Biggardo99[55iron3]

Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) I have teamSpeak 3 already installed

Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend. If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts. Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.) I can attend tuesday night linebattle, Thursday Weekday Training, Saturday Primary Training, Sunday Linebattle and Friday Linebattle, but i can only attend tuesday weekday training sometimes.


Welcome Iron!

Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.

Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)

Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.

Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)

Please Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings!

Thanks and I hope to see you soon!

Leutnant Heinrich


In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):

How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name: It was Kommandant.

Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised.  We use steam for organization and communication.  Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it.  Steam is free and easy to download.): Kommandant Video

Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) : I have it and it is updated and I use it frequently.

Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend.  If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts.  Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.) I will miss the Tuesday Night Linebattle, and the Thursday weekday training. Beyond that, I am mostly able to make them. Occasionally, as to be expected, I will miss events.

Also I would like to note that I have about 7 months of professional play time under my belt in Napoleonic Wars.


Welcome _________!

Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.

Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)

Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.

Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)

Please Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings!

Thanks and I hope to see you soon!

Leutnant Heinrich


In-game Name:     Adam
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who?     Referred by Kommandant Video 
Steam username:     |~SF~| Adam     
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?     Currently have TS3 installed.

Which events can you attend on a regular basis?

Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT       Should make it most of the time
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT          Yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT      Yes
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT         Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT                        Yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT                     Yes

I am the former general of UFC's 10th Prussian Infantry and have about 9 months of experience in regiments from M&M and NW.


Welcome Adam!

Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.

Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)

Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.

Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)

Please Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings!

Thanks and I hope to see you soon!

Leutnant Heinrich


In-game Name:     GamerJames
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who?     Referred by Kommandant Video and Adam (We were in the same regiment) 
Steam username:     |~SF~|GamerJames926     
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?    I have the latest teamspeak installed
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?

Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT     - Yes
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT       - Will try my best to attend this event
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT   - No (Until college is over)
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT      - Yes
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT                    - No (until college is over)
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT                 - Yes

I am a former general of the UFC 10th Prussian Infantry and have 9 months of experience in regiments from M&M and NW.


Welcome GamerJames!

Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.

Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)

Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.

Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)

Please Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings!

Thanks and I hope to see you soon!

Leutnant Heinrich


In-game Name: Thunderbird

How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name: Gunny

Steam Username: thunderbird653

Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?: I don't have it, but I can install it soon.

Which events can you attend on a regular basis?

Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT     No
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST   Yes
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST  Most Likely
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT  Yes

Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST   Yes
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT  No


Welcome Thunderbird!

Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.

Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)

Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.

Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)

Please Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings!

Thanks and I hope to see you soon!

Leutnant Heinrich


In-game Name:Rubix Cubed
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? Waffletime Recruited
Steam username:RubixCubedYU
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes i have it.

Which events can you attend on a regular basis? Saturday and Sunday Or when ever really but i may be playing other games during the week.


Welcome Rubix Cubed !

Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.

Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)

Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.

Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)

Please Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings!

Thanks and I hope to see you soon!


In-game Name: BattleBoss
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? After being a Volunteer for the Lith one time, it finally convinced me. I had been considering it for a while though, because of this regiment's professionalism. Credit to a single person can be Gunny, I guess. :P
Steam username: BattleBoss (Gunny and Deo have me added already, if it means anything)
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon?
Yes, I've visited the PA TS a couple times to speak with people.
Which events can you attend on a regular basis?

Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - Most likely never able to make it. I have to take a long bus ride home.
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT - I unfortunately may not be able to attend the entire event, but I should be there for at least a whole map.
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT - Like the Tuesday LB, I may have to leave before the training is finished, if it takes over an hour.
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - I should be there, unless something irregular pops up.
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT - I should be there weekly unless something happens.
Sunday Linebattle- 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT - I should always be there unless something pops up.
"I am seventy-two and a proud soldier. This sword is seal! I am too old to break it." - Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher, Fürst von Wahlstatt
(A former Swedish Hussar)


Welcome BattleBoss!  Glad to see that you finally got around to signing up!

Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.

Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)

Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.

Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)

Please Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings!

Thanks and I hope to see you soon!