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Application to join the Regiment

Started by Rethmeier, February 25, 2011, 04:39:00 PM

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Welcome to the 1stEPI Smurfy,

Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.

Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)

Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.

Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)

Please Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings!

Thanks and I hope to see you soon!

Korporal Steiner


In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer):

How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name:
saw members in public games

Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised.  We use steam for organization and communication.  Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it.  Steam is free and easy to download.):

Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.)

Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend.  If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts.  Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.)

Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT     
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT       
Most of the time
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT   
Most of the time
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Sunday Linebattle- 3pm EST/ 8pm GMT


In-game Name: Sgt.Chaos
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? Fuzz
Steam username: christ1an81
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Teamspeak 3 installed!

Which events can you attend on a regular basis?

Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Sunday Linebattle- 3pm EST/ 8pm GMT


Welcome to the regiment, Cabbage and Chaos! Report to the Rekruten board at your earliest convenience, and sign in at the 'Report to your NCOs' thread. Joining the steam group would be beneficial as you'll get a reminder popping up every time an event is about to begin.

Enjoy your time here, and good luck.


In-game Name: Anderson
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? I saw some players on public servers. No
Steam username: Anderson290
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? Yes, I have

Which events can you attend on a regular basis?

Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT: NO
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT: NO
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT: MAYBE
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT: MAYBE
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT: YES
Sunday Linebattle- 3pm EST/ 8pm GMT: YES

credits: Uzo70 :D


Welcome to the regiment, Anderson. As I said above, make sure you poke around the Rekruten board and drop a post in the 'Report to your NCOs' thread when you get a chance.


In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): Tominator

How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name: Gunny told me on taleworld forums

Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised.  We use steam for organization and communication.  Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it.  Steam is free and easy to download.): Tominator

Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.): i have a mic and teamspeak 3

Which events can you attend on a regular basis? (These are events that we will be expecting you to attend.  If you cannot, that is fine, but you need to tell your PL before the event starts.  Please name at least two. I would suggest one training and one or both linebattles to prevent burnout, but it's up to you of course - you are able to come to events that you are not signed up for.) 

Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT(no)
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT(yes)
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AM GMT(yes)
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT(yes)
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT(yes)
Sunday Linebattle- 3pm EST/ 8pm GMT(yes)


Welcome to the Tominator,

Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.

Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)

Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.

Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)

Please Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings!

Thanks and I hope to see you soon!

Leutnant Heinrich


In-game name: Lucius.

Fuzz referred me.

Steam Username: Moe Communist (better not to ask).

Have team-speak and a mic.

I can attend all events as long as I am not sick or away from my computer which is a rare occurrence since its what I do all day everyday.


Welcome to the Regiment Lucius,  Glad you decided to join up

Please post in our Rekruten Board under the "Report to your NCOs" thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.

Please set up your name in game as 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)

Please select our banner which can be found on the first page, top row, third from the left.

Please set up your name in team speak as. Rekrut (name)

Please Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings!

Thanks and I hope to see you soon!

Leutnant Heinrich


In-game Name (name you would like to use while playing multiplayer): tsk92

How did you hear about the EPI? If someone referred you, please leave their name: On Total War, his name is  'Gunny

Steam Username (This is not required, but it is highly advised.  We use steam for organization and communication.  Consider downloading steam even if your game is not run through it.  Steam is free and easy to download.): profile name is tsk92

Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? (Teamspeak is a requirement to join, but a Microphone is not.) yes with a mic

Which events can you attend on a regular basis?

Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT
Sunday Linebattle- 3pm EST/ 8pm GMT

I live in the UK, and 1/2am is a tad late to stay up playing pc games for me. Plus I have uni lectures most mornings.



Name:    REKRUT   tsk92 

Thank you for enlisting with the 1. OSTPREUSSICHE INFANTERIE (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the Following:

Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board, Specifically  This Thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.

Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings!
Public Steam Page

In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:

Please Keep in mind our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:

1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers, and people on the forums.

2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.

3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.

4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.

Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment.  We Encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE linebattle per week.

        Leutnant Heinrich       



soldat.evers refered me

Lmdudester (Steam)

I do not have teamspeak but i can get it easily

I can make it to Tuesday night linebattles and Thursday weekday taining (at minimum) on most weeks



Name:    REKRUT   Lmdudester 

Thank you for enlisting with the 1. OSTPREUSSICHE INFANTERIE (1st East Prussian Infantry). Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete the Following:

Keeping Up-to-Date:
Post in our Rekruten Board, Specifically  This Thread. It's important that you do this as you will not be added onto the roster until you do.

Join the Regimental Steam Page for Important Updates and Reminders about Linebattles and trainings!
Public Steam Page

In-game Name and Banner:
You may change your in-game name to: 1stEPI_Rkt_(name)
You Should Select the 1st East Prussian Infantry Banner in-game Which can be found on the first page and looks like:

Please Keep in mind our Code of Conduct:
As general guidelines, members are to practice the following points:

1. Be respectful to everyone. This includes your comrades in the 1st, members of other regiments, public players, admins, officers, non-commissioned officers, and people on the forums.

2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed. This is especially important when we are in events or on a public server.

3. Follow Orders. It is paramount for the survival of the regiment that all orders given by our Offiziere and Unteroffizieren are followed to the letter and without question or argument. There is a time and place to discuss tactics and whether or not certain orders should be given or not. Directly after the order is given is not one of those times. This also applies to the Rules laid out by admins on their servers. We respect the right of admins to run their channels.

4. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Teamkill, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform an officer or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.

Attendance Policy:
While we fully understand if you have to miss a training or Linebattle/Event, your attendance is a significant factor in receiving future promotion, and any advancement in the regiment.  We Encourage that you attend at least ONE training per week and ONE linebattle per week.

        Leutnant Heinrich       


In-game Name: WilliamWCook or just Cook
How did you hear about the EPI? Did someone refer you? If so who? Well, I was told by my best friend Jonny about this unit.
Steam username: deadsoul5055
Do you have teamspeak3 Client installed on your computer, or can you install it soon? yes i have installed

Which events can you attend on a regular basis?

Tuesday Weekday Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - Can't do, still stuck in School
Tuesday Night Linebattle - 8pm EST/1AM GMT - Can do
Thursday Weekday Training - 8PM EST/1AMGMT - Can do
Friday Linebattle- 9pm EST/2AM GMT - Can do
Saturday Primary Training - 3PM EST/8PM GMT - Can't do, I have to lead my regiment in North and South LB
Sunday Linebattle- 3pm EST/ 8pm GMT - Can do

Thank you.